The Erotic Highway

Here is a big difference...pros vs SB
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 856 reads

This really hot Asian wanted 1500 up front. I  let  her stew on that for  a month with nothing from me. Texted her today. 2 hours for 400. If I don't like what I see i walk. Have already established  that all 3 holes are in play.

Meanwhile I told another that I need a body pic and my favorite is all set for 2 nights ib a local casino. What can possibly gi wrong.

Oh. I sent an email to a nicely reviewed new pro. No response.

Edit. She that wanted 1500 wanted 400 to just meet. Then switched to 600 for all. We have now agreed to 400 for 2 hours. My spydy senses aren't happy. Fuck it. Going for it in the morning. Gonna try for greek lol. Story  to follow. Lol.

-- Modified on 9/12/2016 9:55:52 PM

Since you use the same handle for posting as mongering on TER, I'm sure that you've been talked about among the hookers through their back channels although this newbie hooker must just be wallowing in the afterglow of the new review and the number of ensuing new interest! I know that you handle was different on the now defunct local board, ah well!

You'll be alright yer ol' dog. Even what of it if you have to pay 600 for a couple of hours. Enjoy yourself SftD and have a blast (inside her covered of course!).

I knew something was off with one. I had no doubt she was a hooker. Got there. Room was dark. She told me to get naked and hop on the massage table. She is giving me a massage and I decide to actually see what she looks like. Not the lady in the SA post. In fact. Not a lady at all. That was a first for me. Didnt know i could move that fast. Now THAT'S a bad day on sugarland.

-- Modified on 9/13/2016 11:59:53 AM

Oops, I guess TS don't declare it always on SA like they are required to on TER. I feel so sorry for you but it's so funny ;)

Actually they have rules against misrepresentation. I'd say failing to mention that she/he had a cock is a misrepresentation.

Luckily I was on edge so I was able to figure it out quickly. The jaw line, hands and hair were my first clues. And if it happened to someone else I'd be laughing out loud.

Posted By: averagejoe38
Oops, I guess TS don't declare it always on SA like they are required to on TER. I feel so sorry for you but it's so funny ;)

Go back and take one for the team and then report back in the same salacious and fantastical style that Zangari writes about his own adventures! LOL!

Well I figured that some people questioned my fun tales I may as well tell the dark side. The way I  look at it is when Im on my death bed it will be one more memory to look back and laugh about.

It helps that this 58 yo bald fat fuck has 3 days and 2 nights with a muy Caliente hot latina in a local casino at the end of the week. And she wants to bring her bi friend. BWAHAHA.

Im glad I could bring some laughter to this ship of fools. Cause thats what life is all about.

GaGambler242 reads

Ok, I am lying, yes I am literally laughing out fucking loud, That is SO FUCKING FUNNY, especially since it isn't me it happened to. Thanks for sharing, at least my bad day only involved a would be scammer and a fat broad. lol

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