The Erotic Highway

Converting escorts into semi SBs - my experience
am2014 42 Reviews 402 reads

I have been seeing escorts coming up on two decades now (yes, i know the golden era of mid 2000s to mid 2010s is over)  

Used sugar dating  last 3y to upgrade my experience— had great time w about two dozen SBs, bareback w like 5 of them, 3 became steady, 5 lasted 3 mos each  

All in all a good run  

But lately, there is slim good looking pickings esp in Orange County and LA And the entitlement quotient is fucking off the charts — and once you add up costs of hotel, & good restaurants etc in this inflationary environment the value proposition has been dwindling for me, for atleast the minimum hotness bar I have for myself . The last good one I had hosted for 400 and was a dream but it was on its last legs as I knew she was getting together w her ex  

Last six months I have experimented w converting escorts into SBs and had some success. I knew a booker in LA who hooks me up w under the radar girls (most Eastern European) w regular jobs but who escort on the side v low volume.  

I have converted 2 of them over time (3rd one in progress) into seeing them direct without the booker — basically we hang out at her place in LA, get dinner after, maybe go to the beach, Museum , or do some errands together — sorta how I was doing w my SBs too.

Costs me a bit less than what I paid the booker (so for ex 600 for one hottie) but considering i am not paying for hotel, it’s effectively 450 for solid bang up chicks and not the average hacks you find on seeking nowadays who won’t settle for less than 600 ppm for just meh sex

Why does it work ?

 I look somewhat decent for my age (not boasting but I have been told so by many SBs) and treat them w respect and take care of stuff for them every now and then — like just last week i helped one move into a new apartment and brought her a TV (this was after the I had been seeing her for 3 months) — sometimes you wait to see if a new girl is feeling the ick factor from her other clients and is looking for a steady option — one girl i pay 2k a month for weekly dates at her place usually lasting about 4-6 hours incl time we spend outside  

Downsides ?  

Yes the sex is phenomenal, but I am still wearing a condom so bareback is out — and no matter what anyone says, bareback w a tight civvie just feels fucking great over everything else  

Also they are seeing other guys i know so that feeling of exclusivity isn’t there. I also don’t trust the climaxes and oohs and aaahs lol although id like to believe they enjoy it otherwise they wouldn’t be giving me all this free OTC time  

But all in all — it’s a bit more efficient, cost effective and better quality women than I am finding on seeking lately  

Just an update - ask me anything you’d like

In LA and Orange County you have so many opportunities!  I'm glad this works for you, be glad you have choices.  Here in P. Siberia there are zero acceptable escorts, lotsa scammers on SA, but still a few hot young reliable, reasonable, sweet SBs who are serious about having a nice SD. Rn I have one I'm seeing on the regular, a few others who fill in occasionally, so I'm happy.  My #1 is a slim young Latina who does everything I ask (including anal, rimming, toys, bareback, etc). All for 300ppm.  But it took months of searching on SA to find her!  So I can def understand that the efficiency of calling a booker or an agency to date pros has it's advantages.  I might do the same if I had the opportunity. And try to convert them to the sugar world as you have done.  Good work!

Yeah over time I’ve realized the cheap and good ones you need to hold onto like life lol — because  they are so hard to find  - you got a good one, keep it going man  

Everyone is aware  of sugaring now and has inflated expectations- they may not get it but you see the same tired profiles on seeking looking month after month  

I cannot do regular way Eros / p411 type escorts  as they are way too expensive — for a multi hr date you need to shell out like 2-3k lol

But y converting a part time escort into a part time SB has worked well for me so far — let’s see how long I can pull this off

am214, thanks for sharing your experience with this approach.  I had a similar experience with k-girls before I got into sugar dating. This was in the Bay Area circa 2015-2016. I became an OTC boyfriend to three k-girls.  

I spent about $2K per month on each relationship, mainly paying for entertainment on dates and occasional gifts like new iPhones. No ppm was exchanged. Condoms were mostly used, but there were a couple occasions when both parties looked at each other in the heat of the moment and said "f..k it". Luckily I didn't catch anything.

Two of the relationships lasted for several months until the girls retired and moved out of state to lead normal lives with husbands/bf who have no clue about their significant other's past. We're still connected on social media and I sometimes find it mind blowing to see how mundane and vanilla their life has become. The third relationship morphed into a platonic friendship that has lasted to this day. The interesting thing about this relationship is that we never talk about her k-girl days. We talk like a couple who's been married for 10 years and the sex spark has gone out. In fact, she would be pissed off if she knew about the SB stupidity I committed last week.

Ah man you bring back memories - that was the golden age 2015 !  

K girls were the best value — as they were hot , young w real pics and really accommodating (not like today’s!rundown older types out there)

I knew one who would give me free otc time — I took her to Costco shopping a few times and she gave me so much affection in return. Too bad she moved back  to Korea  after just 2y  

Its great you’ve kept in touch — you never know where it may lead w referrals down the road or if you happen to visit her

.., with moderate success with two types of "provider."  

Congrats on cracking the code to converting a pro to a SB, or sort-of SB relationship.  Here's a recap of how I've approached this concept:  

First, this is how I approach porn star escorts who I can't find on Seeking.  There is a lot of research required before booking her. Monitor SM to get an idea of her travel, lifestyle and most importantly, her personality.  Next, I read TER reviews (of course!), and validate the specific activities and feedback from reviewers that I want to see.  Finally, I look for an opportunity to book when I'm likely to get some additional "social" time, like when she's at an Adult Conference, a Provider M&G (oh how we need more of these!), or any other function when I can interact with her and present as a nice guy and definitely NOT a "stare at her boobs and drool" porn fanboy! If that all goes well and I've seen no red flags, then I book and near the end of our session, I will initiate some discussion about how I like to Sugar and see if she appears to be interested... I've had some success with this, perhaps 25% of the stars I've met this way end up agreeing to some level of sugar dating. And by that, I mean they will meet me again for an untimed mixed-activity date that could last several hours for an allowance that is generally half of their one-hour escort rate. Over the (perhaps?) 8 years that I have used this approach I have been successful with a total of 7 porn stars. And I still see 2 of them today.  (Sorry, no. I will not be naming them as we do not disclose the names of our SB's here.)  

Next, I have also made similar "conversions" of strippers to SB's.  In this case, I spend time in one or more strip clubs and again, talk to a few strippers who interest me about almost anything but sex. I chat them up, make sure to remember trivial and major details about them and their lives and of course, I get a moderate # of dances with them to make sure they see I am well-funded. At some point they will (may) become comfortable seeing me again, as a nice guy who sees her as person and not an "assisted-masturbation" tool in the lap dance room.  That's when I can float the idea of hanging out outside the club.  I make sure they know I will help them with bills and will appreciate their affection. And I usually start to introduce them to the idea of Sugar dating if they don't already know about it.  Again, over the past, (in this case 25 years), I have used this approach I have been successful with a few dozen strippers. Now these do not typically last long; maybe 2 to 6 dates, before they move on for a variety of reasons.  

But dating a stripper (who might want $500-$800 for an OTC one-hour date) for a multi-hour mixed-activity date for less than $400 is why I keep saying...

Life is good

The Cat

The stripper idea is really good — plus you have the benefit of multiple m&gs at the club where you can really make sure she is the one before pulling the trigger  

I knew one like that  at one of the clubs in Anaheim — tried to schedule something w her like 5y ago — just couldn’t work out given my time availability and hers

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