The Erotic Highway

A bullet dodgedteeth_smile
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 347 reads

Saw  POT with some great pics but 2 made me wonder about her build.  Her profile said full figured. So before we got too far along I told her my concerns  about her body type. She responded back with "I'm really thick right now".  Then sent a current Pic. She was really thick. I thanked her for being honest and told her it's much better to find that out now than in person. Later I got to thinking.  What do these ladies  think is the benefit of misleading pics?  Do they think they're gonna win the guy over with their personality? I don't get it.

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil

Do they think they're gonna win the guy over with their personality?
I suspect that is exactly what they think.  I've had my share of these as well. I won't go so far as to call them catfishes. But it's definitely an attempt to mislead.  You did well to question early, and I assume you were as gentle as possible about it.  

I posted a story a week or so back about a POT who showed pics at 24 in a Twisted Kilt waitress uniform - super hot.  Those were real pics of her, but they were taken 10 years ago, before serious baby damage ruined her body.

Pics that only show her from the neck up, especially from odd, overhead angles, are now a yellow flag for me. If there are no full-figure, or at least waist up pics in the profile, I know I need to do more vetting. If I decide to go on to texting, I will send a "recent pic" and request one in return.  

Finally, there are certainly SD's out there who go for the "thicc" POT's. Not my thing at all. But every SD gets to decide where his "investment" will be made.  

Life is good

The Cat

I hate when they show up and they can see in your expression that you're not happy. You can give them some token amount to leave but THEY lied. So they are getting rewarded for bad behavior.

They count on buyer momentum.  You show up with money in your pocket and there is a quick fuck.  Yeah, disappointing but what else do you have to do today.  
This works enough to get some extra money now and then.  So they keep doing it.

Had several meet and greets with them.  I'll be honest though, I've been horny enough to hit a whale once or twice.  Not sure if that's what they were counting on.

When i first started , i got fooled a couple of times in between the truly hot ones by such deceptive type women, but whenever it happened, I  was a bit I too horny and polite to decline and went through w it. They also seemed a bit cheaper and more available  

Then I realized I would be ok w a free fuck w such women every now and then but when I am paying, I want exactly what I want.  

Since that early phase, now I totally don’t bother w only face or angled / slanted pics coupled w body type “average” — just pass and move on  

Unless it specifically says “slim” on the profile and I like the face pics, I then proceed to get more body pics before even  wasting time at m&g

Pictures are all you have to go on before meeting so you really need to see some good ones.  I've had a few disappointing encounters myself.  I realize I did not do enough vetting beforehand, so it's on me.  If they don't offer some good full length shots that clearly show their figure, I ask them to send some.  Then if they don't look like their pics, at least you know you did your due diligence and the disappointment is on them.

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