The Erotic Highway

Of the last 20 SBs I've dated
sweetman 93 Reviews 93 reads

(some of them multiple times) they were:
13 Caucasian
5 Latina
1 Asian
1 Eastern European
0 African American

Many of these were one or two time things, but some became ongoing arrangements and I dated them many times.  These 20 SBs represent about 75 dates total.  The demographic spread is quite representative of what's available in my area.  And all are in the 18-25 range, my preferred place to date.  I've dated a few pros during this time frame also, but did not include them in the tally.

So as I have previously posted, I almost never message a POT SB first.  The rare exceptions are when am travelling to another city for at least 3 days and want to set up a one-time, and when I see a local porn star that I want to talk to.  

Otherwise the most proactive I will get is to view & favorite while my account is configured to notify her of being favorited.  

My empiric (i.e.: not scientific) observations, and thereby implied question, about who contacts me first:  

By Distance:  

1. 15% are within 15 miles of me (In Los Angeles, that means a 30-minute or shorter drive). This is my sweet spot for distance
2. 60% are between 15 and 35 miles of mem but generally still in LA County (which at 502 sq. miles is HUGE!).  
3. 20% are at least 35 miles away, including various states across the US.
4. 5% are from other countries, especially the Philippines.  

By Age:  

1. 10% are 18 to 21 (My sweet spot as it were)  
2. 75% are 22 to 28 (My other sweet spot)  
3. 15% are 29 or older, up to mid-fifties (Nope! Not gonna happen)

By Race:  
1. Black 35%  
2. Mixed 30% (My impression is that "mixed" in LA is about 90% black, possibly mixed with white, Asian or Latina.  I think many black women on the site use "mixed" because they fear getting filtered out of searches if they use "black".  Although my current #1 in my rotation is black, and my current #1 POT SB is black, I too, filter out black in my search as too many of the POT SB's I see in LA are in south central and are usually pro's being pimped by gangs. )
3. Latina 25% (I have had many 1st meets with local Latina's and a fair number of these have converted to BCD. But again many of the Latina's who live closer to the gangland areas are also being pimped by gangs. Hint, more than 3 tats is a bad sign.)  
4. 10% Asian and Persians  and others.  Given my physical attractions to young, thin Asians (hey I'm 55, raised Jewish in the Valley - what do you expect? :p, I wish this was the majority category for local POT's.  

Note: so that means that Black + Mixed are about 65% of the messages I get. Not sure what about me "attracts" mostly black women, or if that is purely a function of the racial distribution of SB's on the site, or somewhere in between.  


This is really a simple function of time spent on the site. They more I am on, the more I get. If I log on at least 2 hours a day for a week, I will typically get 5 to 15 messages sent to me.  Of these, maybe 1 or 2 convert into a 1st meet and maybe half of those convert to BCD.  

When I stay off the site, or go into stealth mode. The  number drops to less than 3 messages a month.  

So, anyone else want to share their demographic data?

-- Modified on 7/30/2017 6:52:12 PM

(some of them multiple times) they were:
13 Caucasian
5 Latina
1 Asian
1 Eastern European
0 African American

Many of these were one or two time things, but some became ongoing arrangements and I dated them many times.  These 20 SBs represent about 75 dates total.  The demographic spread is quite representative of what's available in my area.  And all are in the 18-25 range, my preferred place to date.  I've dated a few pros during this time frame also, but did not include them in the tally.

Oddly enough, the Caucasian's are in the 10% "Others" group.  

I don't have a public photo and keep my account hidden for the most part, so my contacts are all initiated by me.

With that, I generally get more than a 60% response rate from black +mixed woman. Around 15% from latins/Hispanic women. Causians are in the 10-15% range and usually the most difficult to responses from after the initial response. Guess I have no game with white women. Lol

AA/black woman have been the most responsive and open to meeting.

I haven't really tracked age, but I am generally find I am getting dates with 23-27 yo. Younger ones (less than 23) are more elusive, but I keep trying.

GaGambler102 reads

I found that I saw  

60% White
30% Black
10% Latina.
ZERO Asians

75%  18-22
15%   23-30
10%   30+

This is really at odds with my demographics in the hooker world where it's always 100% my choice.  I find in the hooker world my breakdown by race is more like  

35% Asian
35% Latina
20% White
10% Black.

As far as age goes in the hooker world I would estimate

40%  18-22
50%   23-30
10%   30+

I do seem to be getting a rather high percentage of "hits" with black girls, since my area is 75% white and only 12% black, and of course the reason none of my last 20 SB's have been Asian can be chalked up to the fact there are virtually no Asian POT SB's within a hundred miles of me. I just checked and there have only been 24 total Asians that have been active within a hundred miles from me that have even checked their profile in the last year plus.

I am pretty much color blind where it comes to SB's, and my "preferred" age range is actually the 23-30 range, but once again I am limited to what's available here and since my small city does have a college here, a huge percentage of the POT SBs are college students, and I guess very few of them are Latina or Asian.

very very few and far between.  Almost always by POT SBs that I viewed their profile but did not send a message.  Almost all are black/mixed.

This is obviously clearly a supply and demand issue.  

Un-PC version: Asian/Persian/White SBs don't need to message first. They are the most desired racially. Black and mixed (let's face it, most SBs who say mixed are basically black) are the least desired and attractive to SDs on average across the board. So they don't get as much attention and need to reach out first.

I primarily look for White, Latina or Asian.  The largest number who contact me first before I message them is primarily AA or Mixed (AA w something else).  Which is not a bad thing.  I have had many a wonderful date with AA or mixed ladies, and I am sure I will again, but they have never been my favorites generally.
My percentages are probably around
70% white
15% latina/hispanic
9% mixed and/or AA
1% mixed (not w AA)  ie. Asian/white or white/Pacific islander

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