The Erotic Highway

The $50 scam
Scaramouche 203 Reviews 448 reads

I matched with a gal and had a pleasant video chat, after which we agreed to meet for lunch in her neighborhood. She followed up asking for $50 to show I was "invested" and "had skin in the game." I offered to give this to her on meeting but she declined and said that I needed to prove I was serious.
I politely declined. Thinking about it... it's clear she was never interested in me or an arrangement, and that she must play this game with a bunch of guys Figure 50x10 per week and it's not a bad gig.. Of course I could have afforded it, but this is the kind of petty crap that pollutes the whole sugar environment.

Right now the bowl it's a mess, a lot of women asking for $50 for hair, nails, Uber, etc to be ready for the m & g. They have no intention on meeting, just collect those $50. No matter what you say they will never meet in person. I guess it's tiktok or something like that.

AsianManNOVA35 reads

They know most of us think 50 is just chump change so they can get away with this. You would not believe the lengths they will go to just to scam 50 from you. They pretend they are interested in your personal life, your work, and your interests. After at least half an hour of texting back and forth, they say they would love to meet but want 50 upfront to prove you are "for real". At this point, you think she is probably legit and 50 is such a low risk so you send her the money. What follows depends on how "evil" she is. Scenario 1: she stops replying to your text which is actually the most mercyful on her part. You only lose 50. Scenario 2: She pretends she will be there to meet but never shows and ghosts you so you have also wasted your time driving back and forth. Scenario 3: She says she needs money for gas after you text her that you are waiting at the bar/restaurant. Most of us will never throw good money after bad money it doesn't hurt to try.

Not only is this  "Good Idea", it's also against the rules on Seeking.  I have pointed that out to several of the "$50 scammers" saying: Asking or offering to send $ to someone you have not met is grounds for being banned from the site.  I won't be mean and report you for asking, but you really should change your approach."  Of course, this results in them disappearing, never leads to anything good.  But I sorta enjoy calling them on it!

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