The Erotic Highway

My First SB Reached Out
netnoy 38 Reviews 549 reads

It's been a little over 12 years.  I had just had a long-term relationship, more than 10 years end.  Her and I met at a time I needed something fun and exciting and she needed someone friendly and stable.  It only lasted a few months but was amazing for what it was.  

We had kept in contact from time to time just to say hi.  Yesterday we met up for lunch just to catch up.  It was good to see that she had finally dragged herself up.  She had a lot of problems going on in her life.  She's got a career now, staying single so she can focus.  But was happy to see that she was not caught in the permanent need to be taken care of.

Let's be honest, a lot of girls never stop wanting to be taken care of.  That's why we see 50 year old SBs.

AsianManNOVA19 reads

I met my first SB when she was 18 and fresh out of high school in 2015.  After about six months, she became a full-time provider. Her bedroom skills belie her age. I saw her a couple more times after that. We still keep in touch over the years. We are supposed to meet for drinks and BCD tomorrow, but she has flaked out on me too many times. Since I still pay her our regular ppm, I suspected she chose to see her clients for more $. She is almost 28 now. and still does not have a marketable skill.  How long can she keep doing this?

I suppose she hasn't invested wisely.  

AsianManNOVA18 reads

Most of the SBs have no money management skills at all. They spend every penny on clothing, shoes, jewelry, etc. They are always behind on rent and car payments.  It's even harder when you are a single mom with an 8-month-old baby. She is a part-time provider. She has to watch her baby so she can only see a few clients. She told me she got an eviction notice because she's two months behind on rent.

That most girls need this as a stream of income long-term.  Was talking to a girl who was now in her mid 30s, single mom, definitely not as hot as she was at 20.  Wondered why she couldn't get $1k per date anymore.

I know a 28 year old sugar babe turned escort who's been in the biz since she was 20.  I'm always bugging her to pay down her $20k debt and start saving/investing.  

Adonis4820 reads

Netnoy, it's refreshing to hear an old flame is reaching out after such a lengthy period - wow... 12 years! Any chance of rekindling the fire? I guess it just comes to show that not all of these relationships are absolutely finished when we think they are.  

Not really sure, she said she was mostly focusing on her job.  But I'm in a good place with the current SB so I'm not even sure I'd have time for her.

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