The Erotic Highway

Lost Four-Nil Yesterday
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Yesterday was not a good day in the sugar bowl.  Lost 4-0.

1) Morning BCD date with extremely hot, 22 year old Ivy League grad student She no showed - sent a text an hour beforehand to say she had a family emergency. Then discovered she blocked me on SA. Had met her earlier in the week for what I thought was a very successful meet and greet.  For context, she is by far and away the cutest, smartest, most on top of things woman I have met either in either the hobby or the sugar bowl!
She offered to arrange a hotel for us, which I agreed to - and prepaid. Looks like she just ran with my money. Should I name and shame her here, or what to do?

2) Lunch and afternoon meet and greet date with 6', 38DDD Latina, UC student. A bit too beefy for me in general, but I wanted the experience! She wanted me to invest in a $5k Brazilian butt lift for her. I was tempted to say that I was perfectly capable of lifting her bum for her by myself, but restrained myself, and declined.  

3) Extremely fit, well-read grad student prospect. We spent the day before exchanging long texts, comparing notes on Marcus Aurelius, French philosophers, and the sexual attractiveness of dancing.  As she confided she was "in the mood" and available, I was expecting to set up an appointment. Instead, radio silence, and not a peep out of her since.  

4) Desperation time! What of SO at home? No, "not feeling well." What a surprise.

Here endeth the Reading form the Book of Calamities, Chapter VI, Verse XIV.

GaGambler129 reads

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give a POT SB money in advance. Do you really believe a 22 year old is more capable of booking a room than you are?

No need to name her here, I would suggest you report her to SA for running a scam and they will delist her, but of course she most likely will be back under a new name by tomorrow.  Why do you guys insist of breaking the cardinal rule of the Sugar Bowl? Personally until I have been BCD with an SB, I don't even guarantee the room with a credit card until she actually shows up unless I was planning on using the room even if she flakes on me.

Come on guys, every time one of you falls for one of these cheap scams you make it tougher for the rest of us. As long as these girls know they can get at least a few of you suckers to fall for these scams, they will keep running them as you have proven to them that they work. I know it takes balls to "just say no" but if you can't do it for yourself, do it for the rest of us.

PussyPump161 reads

GaG -  
Of course you are correct. But I am still in shock - I can't believe that such a class act would actually be a scammer! It is astonishing to me - she seemed to be everything that she claimed.

As to why this happened, she volunteered that she could book a hotel for us, which would avoid CC and hotel records in my name - which I was concerned about. She also volunteered that she was very good at getting a good place at a cheap price via Priceline, etc. She was wonderful in person, so it seemed like a great idea.  I gave her $150.  That seems like a meager reward for her time and effort in reeling me in, as opposed to what she could have obtained from an on-going arrangement. But the fact that she has blocked me on SA, while I can see that she is still active, indicates to me that it was indeed a scam.

Finally, I do wish to report her to SA, but as she has blocked me, the "report member" option is unavailable. Is there a way around that?

-- Modified on 7/1/2017 8:32:48 PM

AsianManNOVA153 reads

You said 150 is meager compared to what she could get for an on-going arrangement. Sorry to be blunt, but many of these scammers have no intention of sleeping with somebody who's old enough to be their father. They are happy to scam 50 here, 100 there, and if they can "hook" three of four in a week, that's equivalent to a 300 date. All they have to exchange a few texts and maybe meet and greet once. And you really believe she is ivy league educated?

It's the same thing on WhatsYourPrice. There are a lot of girls who just want to go out to eat and get paid. They have no intention of going BCD. Of course, they will pretend they are open to an arrangement.

After being in the Sugar Bowl for over 2 years now, I have come to understand the mindset of these girls. I am sorry to say most of them are just plain lazy and have no work ethics at all. They just want everything easy. A lot of them never finished college. Even the ones that finished college have a useless degree like sociology, history, communications, government studies, etc. Why? Because it is easy to get these degrees as opposed to engineering, science, business, accounting, nursing. Therefore, they have a hard time finding a decent-paying job and have to resort to being an SB. I know one who has a Master's degree in International Relations. She is now looking for a job. She actually received two offers, but one didn't offer enough money and the other is not quite in her field of interest so she turned both down. I suggested she take the second job and look for a better job while working, but she didn't want to. She'd rather sleep with strangers for easy money. On top of that, she spent 250 on a front-row Mariah Carey ticket in Vegas a while back. Now some idiot is offering 1300 to buy a front-row seat, but she refused to sell her ticket. At least she is not a scammer as we did go BCD a couple times.

PussyPump121 reads

Posted By: AsianManNOVA
Re: The good scammers never ask for too much money. And that's why it works...
......  And you really believe she is ivy league educated?  
I have avoided a lot of obvious scammers online. I thought the ones who would try it in person would be desperate in some way. This girl was not desperate - supposedly just graduated from a good private university in Pol. Sci/Int. Relations, and about to start as a PhD student at an Ivy League institution (in NYC) in the fall. Back home for the summer. Very well written profile - avoiding all the pitfalls discussed in the separate thread.  

Of course I can't be certain of any of her claims, but I spent 1.5 hours talking to her in person, and everything seemed consistent. She was certainly very smart and very well educated, no doubt in my mind about that.  In fact, I thought she was the smartest cookie I have encountered in either the hobby or the SB world.

-- Modified on 7/1/2017 11:13:09 PM

The "Meet & Greet" didn't go as swimmingly from her perspective...

I know this won't be an extremely popular opinion with you but it is a possibility - She met you and thought "this is barely ok but if I hold my breath I can get through it", set it up and then got to thinking about it and decided she just can't go that low on her scale and bailed - then kept your buck fifty for the 3 sleepless nights...

AsianManNOVA104 reads

I have had a few M&G's that I thought were successful. One even gave me a BBBJ, let me suck on her tits and finger her in her car after our M&G. I had to go home to my live-in GF that evening, otherwise I would have asked her to go to a hotel right then. She asked me to text her to set up a second date for BCD. Radio silence after that. Sometimes, they just get cold feet and can't bring themselves to sleep with a stranger old enough to be their father. I also think alcohol plays a big part in it; they become less inhibited after a few drinks, and after they get home and sober up, they have second thoughts. It is just human nature.

Sometimes during a date, when I am receiving a BBBJ with excellent eye contact, I think "She is just perfect! Holy Shit imagine how hideous this is from her perspective - she's looking at me square in the eyes - Ugggg - she should get paid more!!!"

PussyPump92 reads

Posted By: tankbinding
Re: Maybe...
The "Meet & Greet" didn't go as swimmingly from her perspective...  
- She met you and thought "this is barely ok but if I hold my breath I can get through it", set it up and then got to thinking about it and decided she just can't go that low on her scale and bailed - then kept your buck fifty for the 3 sleepless nights...
Reasonable possibility to put forward. But unfortunately for this theory I look younger than my age, have full set of hair and teeth, BMI is on normal/overweight boundary, very well educated, and have a lot of social polish from many years laboring in elite  circles.  Far from prospects running away screaming, I am routinely complimented on my looks and shape.

MissedOpportunity131 reads

This is exactly why email spam still exists.  There is always someone that will fall for it so they will keep sending that shit out.  While I totally understand it happening once as you enter into the SD world (happened to me too when I first started, gave out money preBCD), you fucking learn from that shit and never ever hand out dolla bills y'all until fun happens.  

8pointbuck134 reads

GAG knows what he taking about.      Every time I fall for a sob story I get scammed.     SB have gotten me 3 times.   No more.      I had given a Walmart bum some gas money in the past and low and behold I caught him scamming again and sent him running with his tail between his legs.    Boy did that feel good.       I turn one SB crooks in and reported on SA .       Never seen her again advertised.          Met one SB that had been scammed by a SD on a trip to PCB.  Didn't even get fed or gas money.        She stopped by my house on her way back and we helped each other out with a 1 time arrangement.      Got a reg. GF SB now going on 6 months.  

How very fortunate any man is, to bed an attractive, young, whip-smart uninhibited hottie, and a particularly rare opportunity for a man (over) twice her age....So on balance we are most blessed by the young lovelies who submit to our advances...I remain grateful for these ongoing opportunities every day!

GaGambler121 reads

I am very happy to be seeing women half, or in some cases a third of my age, but that doesn't mean I am going to put up with a lot of crap from them either. If you want to be a BSU, that's your own business, but I plan on keeping my ball sack intact.

One thing about women, or people in general, the moment they find they have the upper hand with you they start acting accordingly.

Though I completely agree with your premise, I never suggested relinquishing the upper hand to these young women...Just that I remain appreciative of their attentions!
Any mature man with the resources to play in the Bowl must surely have acquired the sociopolitical skills to retain the upper hand in negotiations, business and otherwise?

....On reflection.....I *do* know a couple Titans of Industry who are reduced to babbling schoolboys in the presence of a fine pair of tits, so I retract the question.

Damn, six chapters and fourteen verses into the record book, and you're still swinging  the willow wood? Bravo!

gotducks79 reads

The ones that are upfront on their profile about wanting gifts/money before intimacy I don't mess with because they're honest.

 But the ones that try to scam me by Giving me a sad story or asking for a $3500 purse as an act of good faith I re-verse social engineer them. Basically I hustle them back. I'll pretend to give them what they want via their PayPal or bank account. Then I ask for their name, bank account, and PayPal information, and a number if something fails.  That information is enough to get their address, real name, and Facebook. Then I'll send them a screenshot of their information that I'll post on Reddit or something to teach them a lesson. Which is don't hustle a hustler... they need to know that there'll be that one IT security guy that could fuck them up so they need to stop scamming people.  

So my advice is reverse social engineer them and see what these greedy bitches will give up. It's mind boggling the information they're so willing to give up lol.

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