The Erotic Highway

Harder than quantum physics???teeth_smile
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 1249 reads

I know explaining quantum physics is hard.

But explaining how a lady can be offended by discussing  sugar expectations and her saying Im not a prostitute seem way harder.

But now I see where you are headed.

Don't ever try to be rational with a woman unless you want to chase your nuts down the street.

..the game's probably already over and you have nothing to lose.  So I say, no, you're not a prostitute.  Prostitutes sell specific sexual activities for specific amounts of money.  You don't do that.  Escorts sell blocks of time for specific amounts of money.  You don't do that either.  You're a Sugar Baby, or you wanna be one.  You have arrangements with men who give you financial gifts in exchange for your companionship.   If the exchange is mutually acceptable and beneficial, you've got a great arrangement.  If not, you don't.  But no, you are not a prostitute.

GaGambler108 reads

The goal is not to "win the argument" the goal is to get in her pants. Logic will NEVER get you laid. I think a LOT of you need to have that tattooed on your forehead.

This is the reason I NEVER bring up the topic of "allowance" first. I have fucked several POT SB's mainly because when they told me "I am not a prostitute" I simply agreed with them and further agreed that I was not looking for a prostitute. Some of these women despise the very idea of "fucking for bucks" but like to fuck and like the bucks, The trick is to indulge them in the mental gymnastics they like to play with themselves that allows them to fuck me for money, but still maintain their position that they are NOT a prostitute.

Just remember the old adage, "Treat a whore like a lady and a lady like a whore"

GaGa you're right of course.  I don't actually use the text I posted above, just thought it would be fun to spell that out in that way.  In real life with a real girl I always do prefer to get into her pants, not to win an argument.

with my SB. Asked her if she wanted us to do a threesome with a girl in the window. She said she does not like to do it with prostitutes. HAHAHA

I usually spin it along the lines of Dennis Miller's riff on why Monica was right in being Clinton's personal humidor.

Look, but the time most women are 30, they've had way too many drunken hook ups, regrettable back slides and dead end relationships with their unmotivated, unsuccessful peers.  You can spend your time trying to find true happiness with the soulful barista, man-bunned liberal arts major or other contemporary stereotype that is just going to leave you with an extensive knowledge of Netflix, too many empty take out containers and probably a pregnancy scare.

Or, you can enjoy your 20s and have some fun, experiencing some of the finer things in life that will help you on your way to having a great rest of your life.  You might learn a thing or too -- including that not all men dont like/know how to lick you till you scream -- and not spend every day stressed out about how you are going to make your loan payment or get that new outfit for your next job/grad school interview.  

Either way, a few years down the road your going to have had X amount of sex and wont have a lasting relationship out of your time and effort.  So if you can pay down a little debt and be richer for the experience, I say "Go For It!"   Besides, every woman should have at least one torrid affair she can look back on with a smile when she is elbow deep in diapers.

I would say "No, you are not a hooker. Hookers don't get to pick and choose their partners.

I have never had to say it though. If you play your cards right and sound respectful, it should never come up.

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