The Erotic Highway

Is this the one?...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 2277 reads

I figured this is the one but I want to make sure.

There are quite a few Red Queens listed on Amazon.

Hi LG:

I haven't had any particular pressing problem except for the usual ones that puzzle most men, such as:

Why do men feel and act the way that they do?

Why do women feel and act the way that they do?

Why does there seem to be such a large gap between what men want and need and what women want and need?

Why is communication between men and women so difficult with so much misunderstanding?

The book that you recommended, "The Red Queen" made 40 years of experience, education and mulling over these questions finally make sense.

I have never read any book on any subject that has helped me as much as this book did.

I an one of those people who have to know "Why". I got some answers that put the pieces of a very large puzzle into place.

Reading and understanding the concepts in this book was like a key that opened a door to a new world for me and drastically changed my life for the better.

So..... Thank You, Thank You, Thank You


I figured this is the one but I want to make sure.

There are quite a few Red Queens listed on Amazon.

Mathesar2526 reads

There is another book you might find to be of interest: Sex at Dawn. I am currently reading it. Insofar as I have read, the authors' thesis seems to be that well-documented human mating behavior is not so much innate (as argued by the evolutionary psychologists) as it is an adaption to the Agricultural Revolution.

The book is a bit repitious, and more like a lawyer building a case than a balanced scientific presentation, but I am finding it to be interesting.

Thanks for the recommendation.  I just ordered "Sex at Dawn" and look forward to reading it.

and also find it pretty interesting.

I guess the flimsy psychology must come later.

It is an excellent primary so far on the field of genetics, evolution, etc.

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