The Erotic Highway

I'm that 30-something asshole that's stealing all your SB's
justsauce16 4 Reviews 388 reads

Gents, I'm 2 months into SA. I've read this board for pointers, and I gotta say, I'm running out of libido before I'm running out of girls who will end up in the sack after a coffee date. You guys have turned me into a monster, this is my experience.

My profile picture is normal. No abs, no flash, but I'm obviously 30-ish. We'll come back to this.

I had no real trouble on tinder, but it to so-much-fucking-time to find a girl who wanted to meet.

My engagement strategy is always to make sure sex is on the table for the first meeting and if you want to just meet me without BCD time, that's free. I'm 3/4 for girls who wanted to just meet me going right back to my hotel room afterwards, because they wanted the money.

On the topic of money, I'm not paying anyone more than 300 a visit, and that's only one girl. The rest are 250 or lower. My lowest is a 26yo bartender who started at 150 a visit, and lately has taken to not even asking and just having/making dinner with me (this one might be trouble later, we'll see).  

There are proper escorts on this site. If you don't treat them like escorts you'll likely be able to get in cheaper than what they're advertising for. I wouldn't dream of doing this while contacting a pro as a pro, but the SB game is different and flexible.

Additionally, there are definitely girls who just want to bang and won't talk about money at-all. Basically like normal dating, but they want to think you're loaded before you meet. Probably gold diggers, but hey, whatever.


My blocklist is full of girls who are there just to date, and girls that seemed familiar to me that I blocked because I don't want to accidentally try to bang someone I know's family member, particularly their 19yo hot cousin or something. (do you guys do this too?)

I've also found it trivial to ad them on snapchat and snap them back and forth a few times before setting up a meeting. This is meeting them on their level and probably deserves it's own post. In short, do it, it's worth the investment.  


Allll that ramble to say, if you're older in this game, don't worry, if you can muster any game at all, you'll break your dick before you run out of SB's. For a number of reasons.

1. Some girls are *actually* into older guys. Guys who are 40+ or whatever. They aren't interested because I'm not old enough.
2. I'm not interested in anyone over 26 or so. Too much trouble and they seem to want to date me and not understand the arrangement.
3. I'm in OC/LA/SD, so it's target rich, there's plenty of babies to go around.


Special thanks to Gaga, Sympathy, SCB, and others for posting how this game works.

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