The Erotic Highway

Curveballs will tell you alot
Dg1975 2 Reviews 841 reads

When curveballs arise in Sugar Dating they will reveal alot about the people involved.
Was visiting a major metro area for work and messaged several girls and one stood out who checked all my boxes.
When working on the arrangements kept Herbcat in mind with the advice on my budget vs her worth.
She stated she only does 1k.
I said my budget is 500 plus meals theater sports hotel etc each time we meet. Plus I prefer extended multi hour dates bc I value connection and that isn't easy in one hour quickies.
She said she would do 750 for an evening but we didnt have to do dinner or theater etc.
I agreed. My budget allows for this and again she was smoking hot, had good communication skills and her socials checked out.
So far so good.

The day of the date I am at a store shopping for some lingerie for her a brand she likes as a thank you to present in a cute gift bag at the beginning of our date. She texts me
Hey. I had someone else message who can give me 950 tonight. I really like you but I have bills due.

I always choose the gracious route. Always.

I reply Makes total sense to me. Sugar dating is no strings. I hope you have an amazing date and that in addition to the cash, that he gives you the same amazing fun pleasurable adventure that I will!  I am at the La Perla store now shopping for you for a little thank you (i send her a photo of me there so she knows it's no BS).
She says wow. Thats so sweet. Now we have to meet!
I say yes we do. Have an amazing date tonight. Be in touch and we will meet soon.
So. Around 9pm the inevitable text comes.
Hey. My date is over. Wanna meet?  
By now I am out at a restaurant with clients.  
I reply Wow. Was it a bad date?  
She says it just wasn't very long. Meet me in twenty minutes at your hotel restaurant for a drink at the bar?  
I say Ok i am out on a work function half an hour away but it might be more like an hour but let me make a graceful exit. (she did not understand that phrase🤷‍♂️)  
So I hop in a car, battle traffic, get to my nice hotel.  
I text and say I am back. The restaurant/bar (super swanky) closes at 10. See you soon!  
I dash up there to get a table and the dedicated elevator is broken. Using the residential one instead. I get up fifty floors abd and there is a line 80 people long to get down out of the restaurant. I look at my text and she says oh meet me at the sports bar. Gives address. It is a mile away.  
I explain elevator situation. Send her a discreet selfie of me at the back of eighty people and say its gonna be an hour. The elevator is broken.  

This is where the curveballs shoe true character.

She flips out. I guess you're not invested! The bar is like 7 minutes from you (sends uber screenshot of route)  

I reply. Yes. I know. But like I said. There is a problem here at the swanky restaurant fifty stories up. (send a photo of the line and her cute gjft bag)  

She again flips out. Take the stairs. Its like not that far from you. You're wasting my time. And clearly are not invested.  

Ahem. Let's see. I adjusted my budget. Graciously and positively reacted to her canceling our date literally while I was shopping for her. I broke away from clients a half hour away on a dime. I dashed to a super trendy restaurant to get us a table with gift in hand and cash gift in a sweet greeting card.  

The elevator was a huge curve ball out of my control.  
Her changing the location was out of my control.  
I stood in that crowded hallway in my suit. It was hot. I was sweating balls thru my clothes as she accused me of not being invested.  

At this point I say. Look. I like you. I shopped for you. I have your cash gjft ready. I am soaked in sweat. It will be an hour at least. I am not showing up drenched in sweat.  

She says. Whatever. You're a time waster.  

All I can say now is.... Whew. I dodged one.  
Her socials were convincing. Super sweet. Sunny. Cheery videos. Stylish photos. All texts up to the evening were rational, engaging, flirty. No signs if trouble.  

But. Curveballs happen. You can handle them with grace and understanding.  
Turn into an angry upset person.  

I chose the former.  
She chose the latter.  

It's possible there was no "better date" and she was trying to leverage me eventually into her original 1k at the meetup..  
That's partly why i bought the gift though. I arrive with something sweet and thoughtful in hand to present at hello.  
It becomes either a sweet gesture she appreciates in addition to the cash gift (and only 50-75$ out of pocket for me)  or.... It serves as good luck godspeed gift if she baits and switches on the gift amount.  
If she was trying to leverage then she failed.  
It cost me some energy, stress and sweat! But all in all learned her true colors. A rational person would have never have used the term Not Invested if she was listening to what was happening. She was not focused on me. Just the gift.  

Dodged one here.

I fucked some other dude earlier, you can pay me for sex now?

I don't know why you aren't here now?  Because I want to see guy #3+ after I rush my time with you?

Let's change venue all of a sudden?  Meaning I know you have a lot of cash and maybe I should rob you outside?

BdrmFun4831 reads

In light of some of the wonky behavior I've experienced with POTS, this experience is not surprising. The true test comes when people feel they've been 'inconvenienced' - a really good POT should be understanding of lateness  within reason and be flexible when plans go awry when out of your control. It comes to show that you are truly a good SD and did all the right stuff but ran into yet another entitled golddigger just out for the cash. All part of the screening game and when you find a good one it will be worth the headaches.  

Euro-Guy30 reads

So as I understand it, by following the advice of having your budget trump a girl's feeling of worth:
Someone one got fucked, but it wasn't you?
Seems you won the argument and got what generally results.
Yes, the girl seems rather flakey, but again, aren't most of them?

Puh-leeeeeze! There is more than one way to get down quickly from the 50th floor.
(Just kidding. She sounds bonkers.)

Stressful Situations do bring out the best, or worst, in people, and show their true colors.  I've had quite a few experiences with SBs who profess to want to see me, we negotiate terms and times, and then she hits me up for some $ in advance.  On rare occasions she say ok I understand, and we proceed to get together and have a good time.  But more often she gets mean and nasty accusing me of being a time waster, not a real SD, etc, etc. thereby just proving her own status as a scammer.  These encounters leave a bad taste in your mouth, but keep me motivated to keep searching for the real gems among all the dirt out there.  The gems do exist and imo, are worth searching for!

As others has suggested, you came out ok, if a bit annoyed.  Glad to hear my advice helped a bit.  

For me, when she told me she just finished fucking one guy and wanted to tee up my dick, I would have declined, citing some excuse about being stuck with work colleagues and my boss.

I am not so naive to think SB's don't have a lot of sex with a lot of guys, but I am DATING SB's specifically because I don't want to be John #2, or 3, or 4! for the day.    

I might have suggested that we meet for a dinner date (and I'd use some form of that term) tomorrow if my schedule allowed it. But as soon as she told you she was bailing on you for a bigger wallet, you already know she was not really going to be a good "date" - though she may still absolutely be a good fuck.  

Life is good

The Cat

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