The Erotic Highway

When did this become the SB board?
goofball42 1 Reviews 370 reads

Of course, anyone can post anything in here, so it doesn't matter.

Just wondered why all of the sudden that's what all the posts are about.

GaGambler150 reads

Once they did that the board became the de facto SB/SD board.

I think Zangari and I kind of started things off here and it's bloomed since then. It would be a pretty easy matter to go back and look at the posts and see just when the Sugar Bowl became the major topic of conversation here. After all, it's not like any one was actually using this board for anything else before we took over. lol

though random SB/SD threads would appear from time to time

GaGambler136 reads

Z and I had been lobbying for a Sugar board for quite sometime as it didn't seem appropriate to be making Sugar posts on the other hooker boards. Once Admin unpinned the thread that had taken up the entire first page of this board it signaled the beginning of the Sugar Board.

For me when 90% of my time and money switched to SB world.

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