The Erotic Highway

Sweetman mentioned his last two SBs were fifty years younger than him
GaGambler 1690 reads

I too tend to go for women MUCH younger than myself, of course 50 years younger than me would be both a crime and a crime against nature considering I have yet to turn 60.  

This does lead to another question though. What is the OLDEST sugar baby you have ever been with?

I'll go first, my oldest was 38, but being Asian she could have easily passed for late twenties. I am seriously considering a woman of 40, but she is exceptionally hot, at least judging by her pics that is. My favorite so far just turned 28, she has a little more baggage than I would like, an ex husband and a 9 year old daughter, but she has me almost convinced that she'd be with me with or without the money, note the key word "almost" convinced. lol That said, the vast majority of the SB's I have seen have been no older than about 21-22, with several of them being around 18-19.

I know a LOT of johns in the hooker world prefer the OTHFBs, How about you SD's, do you have higher standards than the typical monger?

Zangari575 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
This does lead to another question though. What is the OLDEST sugar baby you have ever been with?

 Oldest SB for me = 28.  She was highly educated (MFA), a traveling nanny, and into some minor S&M play. She tried to persuade me into a threesome with her BF, who was Bisexual.  No-Fucking-Way.  But I appreciated her honesty, and she was terrific in bed.  

 My SBs are usually in the 18-24 age range.  I think that's when women are in their prime, as far as beauty.  We all know some late bloomers, but they're the exceptions, not the rule.

She also had some baggage, an ex, a child, and was quite uncertain whether she was comfortable with the Sugar Dating scene.  But she wanted to give it a try.  When we finally got into bed she turned out to be very, very sensuous and a great little fuck.  You never know.  Sometimes the quiet reluctant ones surprise you! Sadly, after just a few dates she decided to return to civilian life so I never saw her again.

My 2 most recent SBs were both just 19 and I'm 69, so yeah, 50 year age difference.  The sweet spot for me is 18-24.  They are most likely to be unencumbered by baggage, not yet too cynical about life, and still really wide eyed and eager about expanding their sexual experiences.  Gotta love em!

GaGambler587 reads

She was in a basically sexless marriage for 9 years and hadn't been touched at all for many months, or at least that is what she told me. I know you hear a lot of bullshit from women in this regard, but I actually believe this girl. She most definitely acted like she hadn't been touched for years, or at least touched properly as she was the most responsive woman to my touch that I can remember being with for decades.

Most of my SB's are like yours though, 18-21 seems to be the most common age for me, which I kind of like. I know I am not going to get overly attached to someone not even old enough to drink, but at a very young 57 I can actually be comfortable being in a serious relationship with a woman in her late twenties, well at least I can pull it off for another couple of years I hope. lol

I feel the same way.  I really am seriously affectionate with the young SBs I've played with so far.  They seem to appreciate sincerity and a good attitude with little regard for chronological age.  I predict you'll keep on playing in the shallow end of the age group for many years to cum!  And get this: recent scientific studies show that there's a fresh crop of 18 year olds coming out every year!  Who knew?

GaGambler493 reads

Who is going to grow up and fuck me in about 18-20 years. lol

Pretty soon the next crop of young ladies turning legal will have some members that were conceived on Y2K. I can imagine having a conversation about me being drunk in a casino at the very moment she was being conceived

batshit crazy.  I was going to meet her but my schedule changed and I had to cancel the day before we were to meet.  She went fucking ballistic on me, blowing up my phone with mean weird nasty demanding texts that were quite disturbing.  I'm so glad I never actually met her, think I dodged a bullet there.  So now I'm even more inclined than ever to pass on the older SBs.

It lasted almost a year

-- Modified on 6/4/2016 1:50:19 PM

...but I also find a lot of them to be a little too flaky.  So it's a crapshoot.  My most consistent SB is 28.

Zangari570 reads

We might want to mention the unmentionable on this thread: is it moral to bed an 18 year old SB (or provider).  A few years ago, when I first started posting sugar threads on the GD board, this issue popped up.   I wrote about bedding a 19 year old College SB, and was immediately accused of being a pedophile by some of the TER idiots.  A flame fest erupted.  

 A lot of the fake outrage was due to sheer jealousy.  Let's face it--some of the guys on TER couldn't bed a beautiful college SB if their life depended on it.  And they would gladly fuck an 18 year old provider.   But there's a valid moral issue here, and maybe I should've started a separate thread (sorry gambler).  

 My take: in the U.S., that same 18 year old College SB can go down to a recruiting station, join the military, and be sent to Afghanistan.  She's much safer in bed with me or you.  There has to be a minimum age, and there will always be controversy about what the minimum age should be.  In my state, the age of consent a couple of years below 18.  But morally/ethically, 18 years old is my minimum age.  --z

GaGambler534 reads

I agree that even 18 is a very arbitrary number. I know a twenty six year old hottie that I met many years ago, probably at least six years ago who has a 13 year old son. Yes, I can do the math, can you imagine being charged with statutory rape of a woman who already has a 3-4 year old child, NOT conceived by rape or incest I might add.

Personally, I too go no lower than 18, but I have ZERO ethical dilemmas about being with a young woman in her late teens. When I was 18, I wore the uniform. I put it on well before turning 18 as well.

Speaking of 18 year olds. I met my very first SB a couple of months after she turned 18, actually she was a hooker at the time, but our relationship morphed into a SD/SB relationship before turning into one of us actually being BF/GF with the "L" word being used to finally settling on being a FWB relationship until she finally got married to some guy a few months ago. (sound familiar?) Our relationship, such as it was lasted damn near a decade. Even her father, who is about ten years younger than me finally came to grips with it after a few years.

The ethical issue is something I think about constantly.  When there's a big age difference between lovers it's the older, more experienced, presumably wiser party's responsibility to make sure the younger one is treated kindly.  I like columnist Dan Savage's way of putting it:  Always practice the Campground Rule.  Leave your lover in better condition than she was in when you found her.

As for age, that's not easy to pin down. 18 is arbitrary.  Some 16 year olds are mature beyond their years and perfectly capable of making good decisions.  And other people manage to get old and never do learn how!  I recently met a 19yo SB who grew up in a state in which the full legal age of consent was 16.  She's been on her own since she was 17 and is a really delightful young human and seems to really have her act together.  But for my own safety I would not go below 18.

Sorry, an alias513 reads

Of course I checked her ID!

She claimed that she was a virgin, and wanted an older man to help her over the hump (!).  (She had given head to a couple of guys and had encounters with women, so she was not a complete initiate.)  I have no reason to disbelieve her, and in fact we really had to take our time when we did it, because of her tightness and fear of pain.  In a way (probably a very self-serving way) I was glad it was me and not some impatient teenage boy.

Anyway she is very mature in some ways and we get along great.  She's now a dynamo in bed, multiple-orgasmic, I can hardly keep up.  Who knows how long it will last but for now it's fantastic.  I have no regrets, no guilt, and I don't think it's in any way immoral, for the reasons Zangari articulates.

I'm loving the SB world!

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