The Erotic Highway

So I think I found my unicorn SB early in the game....
olt0910 64 Reviews 852 reads

First of all - this site is invaluable if you are going to play in this arena - thanks to all for the comments/guidance - hope my input helps. I am late 50’s SA rookie - can pass for younger, and have been playing for about a month on the site. Started with a hot looking 25 yo that wanted an arrangement and I pushed back and she immediately agreed to pay per visit, needs money to pay tuition, blah, blah, blah. Given her photo, I would say probably not a pro, but who knows. Agreed to meet for a coffee or drink, but then tells me she can only do so in the evening because she works daytime, so might be the truth. Meeting evenings and weekends is a problem for me, limited time for this game as I am attached. Will keep her in the bullpen warming up in case my other prospect doesn’t work out.  

My other SB has worked out for me in spades. I cancelled our first coffee meeting, and then she agreed to meet me the second time at Starbucks - no $ amount to meet, I would not agree to that anyway. We drove around in my car drank coffee and talked, all seemed good. She is 29 - appears very sane and is a nice woman. I would say TER 8 or 9 in looks, bod 7-8, but she is working out and the body will only get better, not fat and nice ass. No talk of $ in our initial meeting and we agreed to schedule a meeting at her place. Indicated she is looking for nsa arrangement - not in need of social time but would if I liked, she can always host and is available mornings/daytime, which is perfect for what I want.      

I cancel our first date at her place - I had to go out of town and I think she was a little putt off. Agreed to a second date and we meet, nice apartment 15 minutes from me and no sign of any significant other. We get comfortable and she makes a comment like “don’t want to deal with the money thing so you can put it over their when I leave the room or whatever”. Like others have said, these ladies don’t want to think this is what it is, so I guess your YMMV in this part of the process. Thought about it and I kind of feel the same way about the $ or maybe I like the fantasy that a 29 yo likes me as well, but I  probably know better.  

Nice time and good sex, which I think will only get better - only issue was cbj, but that may change once she gets to know me. All positions and loves dogie, “comes best that way” she says and that was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! I want to see her again for sure, so leave 2XX on the counter. Kind of expected a text saying “thx but that’s not sufficient” or whatever - but when I sent her a thank you text she returned a xoxo. Already have another date set for later in the week - so all good.  

I plan on staying with this one for a bit if it works out. I like her, she is a pretty lady and can carry on a conversation with me - I very am comfortable with her and most important she can always host - saves on hotel rooms.:) If my time and schedule permitted, I would play it like others here and have 3 or 4 working at all times. But for those of us looking for just one or maybe two, the sugar bowl can work. Just be very patience and don’t waste time with those that are not a fit for you. I am also a big believer in how these ladies communicate with you, can tell you a lot about them.  

In summary, it was kind of nice to enjoy time with a non pro lady (and I like pros), felt very much like a real date with a girlfriend. Married a long time and really never dated outside the P4P - too much baggage and just never made sense to me. This is kind of a hybrid situation I think, part date, part whatever?? and I like it. And as always, be careful if your attached

Posted By: olt0910
Agreed to a second date and we meet, nice apartment 15 minutes from me and no sign of any significant other.  
Where have i heard that recently? Oh, that's right, from Sweetman in a follow-up post: "He told me in a later email that he'd been to her place before and looked around carefully for any telltale signs of other people in the apartment and found none."

And you are married? Take heed..

LOL - yes I did read and took heed - part of the reason I kind of looked around her apartment on my first visit. I am very sure this is not that situation at all. Everything has been very straightforward and I think of myself as having pretty good intuition about people most days. Having said that, I keep my rabbit ears up at all times and that's good advice to all, especially those of us "attached".

Only you can make the final judgement about whether it's a good idea to let her host or not.  But I know for a fact that things aren't always what they seem.

GaGambler138 reads

but thinking back on my experiences over the last year or so, I can only think of  two instances where I let the girl "host" on our first date, but in all fairness both were hookers so they really don't count.  

I have been to the homes of a few of my SB's, but thinking back on it, except for the hookers, it's never been on the first date. Putting myself in the shoes of a POT SB, I don't think I would invite a guy I had only met on the internet into my home before knowing him a LOT better. Now as a guy, I don't mind at all bringing women home with me. If I am ever being set up, I am a VERY good shot and living in Texas, I only have to call the cops to pick up the bloody corpse. lol

of being in the Sugar Bowl. I know there are some real SA pros on here with much better stats, but for my needs, this has been ideal. And agree on other comments here - the back and forth communication tells a lot about the person. Less than one month invested and I have what seems like a good arrangement - so I am happy for and not sure I have time for more, unfortunately, but pretty sure I can land another SB if I need to.
But stay tuned - we all need to continue to report on our situations, the more knowledge the better, as in all things in life.

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