The Erotic Highway

Question...Young lady sends you a message on SB
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 976 reads

She looks pretty dam good. You read her profile and you like how it reads. Then as part of my homework, I checkout the escort sites to see if she's listed anywhere. You then see she has an ad. She's a 600 hour escort. So you kinda got her deal. So you make contact, and then what do you offer her? You know she's a 600 hour escort....Do you skip all M&G pleasantries and make an offer, of say 400 and hit the BCD activities? You know, skip the coffee, diner the "I want to get to know you"
And what would you offer her. 400?? And how much time would you expect?
And of course you wouldn't mention that you know that she's an escort, right??
I came across just said young lady

My normal move is to get the monetary issue dealt with ASAP (off line, of course, never with money discussions using the forum DMs).  Whether she is a pro or not is something I don't even consider.  I bid from my budget, not from trying to guess her demands.  She'll either agree, negotiate, or tell me to get lost.
So in essence I treat them all like they are pros.  If you don't, then yes, knowing she is a pro, you can use this knowledge to be more direct.  But I don't think it should alter your monetary limits.

If you don't want to reveal that you are aware she's an escort, you might hesitate to suggest skipping the M&G pleasantries.  But here's the thing; there are def some legit SBs out there who are not pros, but are truly eager to get busy with you right away.  So here's what I do.  When our messaging has reached the point where I'm ready to ask her to meetup, I always say, how about meeting me for coffee/lunch in a nice restaurant, or if you prefer we could meet in a private venue.  Sometimes she will pleasantly surprise me by suggesting a private venue right off the bat!

I see a couple of possibilities…
She may want something more like a relationship but is not ready to go full vanilla and wants to keep her escort gig going.
You didn’t say, and sometimes it’s not clear if she works for an agency. In that case she may want to cut out the middleman but it’s a dangerous game.
I think the important thing is what you want.. is it a slightly enhanced or lower cost escort or something else? A lot of us are here for something else,  closer to a relationship where you can share experiences without a commitment. If that’s the case, and even in other situations, the M&G helps protect you and gives both of you an exit if the chemistry isn’t there

We met, and dam she's gorgeous. Her pictures on SB are nice but in person, she was much better looking.
Sp my offer to her was 500 for a dinner and "BCD date" of 2-3 hours. So the whole date would have lasted 4-5 hours. She accepted my offer.
But a last minute change, on my part came up so we settled for a drink at the bar before playtime, still at 500.
We spent 30 minutes at the bar, and about 2.5 hours engaged in our pillow fight.  
At the end, I gave her an extra 200 for the Uber fare, coming and going.
Damage, 700 for 3 hours with one of the hottest girl I've ever met...on she's in Vegas...jus sayin
And I never let on that I knew of her ad....Just played my usual self, dumb as shit.

Adonis4827 reads

Nice outcome Hpygolky! I'd say this was a resounding success, though this sounds like more of an escort experience than sugar. If you are in the area, will this be a regular thing with you/her? Perhaps you can develop more of a relationship which to me would be much more satisfying, though knowing she is an escort would be a deal breaker for me. Perhaps she wants to leave escorting which would be better but how do you know she's not going to continue banging every Joe who steps up to her plate with enough Benjamins to breach the gate? I'd rather have a plain to nice looking gal with less mileage than a hottie who's being driven hard daily. And Vegas? Mileage city! Still, for a one-off experience it sounded like fun.

And it's not because she an's my deal
I use to be on SA years ago when it was more open and you can tell them what you were looking for and what you're willing to do.
But then the laws changed and you can't solicit the girls. I never got the memo and then I got kicked know, for asking too many questions like how much for and fuck fest...kidding but it was something like that.
Then I recently was farting around with SB and I came across this young lady. She seem genuine and not fake like some of the others. So she can be a regular, just not sure.
But I have to say that many girls from that site have messaged me and now I feel like a kid at Toys R us.
And I don't think she'll drop the escort scene. But that's ok...won't be the first escort I've
By the way, I have another young lady lined up to meet in Vegas..and for the same deal as the last see the dilemma I'm in?? SUCKS TO BE ME...LOL

-- Modified on 4/7/2024 12:58:33 PM

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