The Erotic Highway

Gotta love these stupid statements
bassrat51 4 Reviews 82 reads

So POT SB responds with she's open to pay per meet, first date is nothing more than meet and greet., BUT she wants $200 on the first date. "Her time is valuable and she doesn't want to waste it on anything pointless and unimportant". Ouch!

I said no way, I'd lose my man card over that. Lol

Told her I'd still take her out on a date but didn't want to spend $200 on something that was pointless and unimportant.

I know the LA crowd and GaGa are generally around 200-300 per visit, but I'm curious as to what others are experiencing and what markets they are in.bviously NYC is higher but I'm curious hear what others are paying.

There are no fixed regional prices as the hot girls will always demand more, even if they are hot just in their own head ;)
DMV or DC Metro area has 250-500 per meet range as per my experience, there are exceptions where a girl may agree for less than 250 once you have met her a few times and there will be girls asking for 600-700 or even a 5K monthly allowance for meeting 6-8 times a month, but most will agree for a 400 per meet.

In D.C., I've gotten quotes in the past month of $500, $700, $1,000, $1,000, and $1,200.  I considered only the first one, but we haven't met.  She looks hot, though she seems like a semi-pro.  I'm talking to some others, but haven't discussed price yet.  I sense that $400 or so will work and am hoping for $300.  My buddies are doing mostly $400 and $500, though occasionally $300.  Going a little farther out--Frederick, Baltimore, Fredericksburg--helps keep the requests down to $500 and less.  

Many SBs seem organized and well informed (or mis-informed), and many have read blogs--not necessarily true stories--that average-looking girls have gotten $3,000 per month for hanging out platonically with older guys or maybe doing one BCD date per week.  Most of those girls are best avoided.  If they agree to $500 per meet or less, they think they will look like a cheap whore.  It's difficult to get them to agree to any reasonable allowance.

200-300 for average "negotiable"  
300-500 for "moderate" but very hot  
I dont even look at anything above that rate, I will look for a pro with her own incall if I'm going to pay that much.
I do this for "cheaper than pro" prices. Not higher to "just hang out"  gtfo!

200-300 for average "negotiable"  
300-500 for "moderate" but very hot  
I dont even look at anything above that rate, I will look for a pro with her own incall if I'm going to pay that much.
I do this for "cheaper than pro" prices. Not higher to "just hang out"  gtfo!

-- Modified on 8/1/2017 1:02:46 PM

Lots ask north of 500 and settle for 300 to 400

I found 2 others in D.C. who asked $500.  I declined both.  One said no kissing, no DATY, but she wanted to be spanked.  The other was someone from Eastern Europe or Latin America (I forget but do remember her English was poor).  She offered exclusivity and unlimited dates for $4,000 per month, then $1,000 per date, then $500 per date.  

I received a request for $1500 per meet from an average asian.

I replied that I pay $25,000 per meet generally...

She hit me back saying "Great!" and she wanted to make sure I was STD free...

I said Oh no, I just want to talk (I am a virgin)... [lots of you guys already know that]

She said GREAT! "Would I be paying cash?"

I told her that I would be paying with 2 $10,000 bills and 5 $1,000 bills... SMDH

My mileage has varied recently. 350 ppm seemed to be working well and then I hit a wall.  

Recently agreed to a 400 ppm with a nice looking Latina, but the others have been hard to pin down.

Most have been aggressive on asking my offering very directly. I've tried sidestepping to try and get to other things. However, when I try to get to nailing down the m&g they want to know how much sugar is on the table. I've felt trapped a couple of times and used the line of "my previous arrangements have been $300" expecting a counter. Unfortunately I either got crickets or a statement saying that's not enough with no counter offer.

Well for me regardless of her looks. 200 p.p.m is my top allowance.  I had a 31yr old as fuck. Whom I did fuck bbbj, no daty, just lay there in mish. Pounder and dfk..that's it. Both meets 300.00. She would spend a total of 1.5 hrs with me and treated it like a escort session. Enough is, tried to renegotiate down to 200.00. What ensued was her blowing my phone up for 2 days trying to explain to me why she's worth 300..smfh!  She's BSC..ghosted/ blocked her..

I just had a SB approach me saying she would do anything I asked but she wanted $100 to meet for coffee and then $1000 to meet in private for some adult fun.  I politely declined and told her I would pay zero for a coffee date and $200 for a BCD date.  She said OK!

Keep hearing this over, and over again - I think we need to carve this into stone somewhere :)

I have two regions.

CT - 200-300 ppm.
Baltimore - 300-350+ ppm.

Baltimore gets tons of hits at 300.

I actually never ask for them to produce a number first, since probably they are not going to shoot out a low number like 100 or 150.  I usually give a range before the M&G to see if they are on the same page, 200-300 for average/above average and 300-400 for super hot (I also agree Fridays117, after 400 I should just get a pro with an incall, I don't think a lot of SBs realize this at all).  You can tell a lot about them on how they respond too.  Some latch onto the high number right away, this might be off-putting but whatever.  I found this disconcerting at first with the range because I just figured they would always want the high number, but you can use the range to negotiate more or less time and this really depends on the person and how awesome they are.

Depending on negotiation and how the M&G goes, you can say on a range of 200-300, well 200 for 3-4 hour dates and 250 for overnight, and 300 for overnight on a weekend day where we are together for lunch and dinner, etc with lots of BCD.  Make the higher numbers almost impossible for them, who knows what you might get (also for the little extra this kind of shows how much they might like you).  But hey if you don't want them to walk away if they are a unicorn, go straight for the high number, otherwise be willing to walk away.

Any data to share from Boston?  I've gotten numbers like 300-400 per meet (which seem to be 2-3 hours minimum) to 600 to 1000.  Also the super crazy ones with High expectations and no intimacy (and not exactly stunning or literate).  Haven't tried to counter, still early days yet.

Hotels seem to be a big factor, a downtown hotel can cost more than the sugar!

I go to Boston for work a few times per year, I met SBs on CL. $300-350 average for a dinner date and hotel night cap. Boston and NYC CL are good, they gave me the best SBs. I have developed friendships with many. Other cities (Baltimore, Philadelphia) I had better luck with commercial SB websites.

I'm running into anywhere from 200-500 ppm.  I'm in Flagstaff and will get talent traveling up from phx for 500 all night.  Local college SB At 300-400 for a couple hours to all night.  

So POT SB responds with she's open to pay per meet, first date is nothing more than meet and greet., BUT she wants $200 on the first date. "Her time is valuable and she doesn't want to waste it on anything pointless and unimportant". Ouch!

I said no way, I'd lose my man card over that. Lol

Told her I'd still take her out on a date but didn't want to spend $200 on something that was pointless and unimportant.

Thanks for the read!

Because most SDs and hobbyists have a wealth of price, time, and performance information and history, it puts them in a strong position to make a good offer based on lots of factors.  Usually SBs first offers are fantasy or by former SDs that have literally no information or are too rich for their own good.

I live in a small town near a "city" of a couple hundred thousand. Here's all the data:

My small town, my first SB, columbian, 32, $300/meet. I clearly went over but I was learning.
City, 22 year-old stripper, $400. Little head got me.
City, 23 year-old who really did need rent money. Drove 80 miles to me, $200.
City, 19 year-old college student, who opened at $700, instantly took my $350 counter.
City, 24 year-old bartender who took my offer of $300.

There have been a few who initially won't, just will NOT, go under $500 or so, but even those erode over time.

I think $200 is often possible, $300 will get you more girls than you have time for. Of course, I have to point out, that with dinner, a hotel, etc, you're into the $400-500 range, and there are a couple of VERY good pros here for that price, but, that's an hourly rate.

Whom I was messaging with and when it came down to $. I asked her straight out what kind of cash or prizes would make her happy.  She responded that she didnt know, make an offer...  20 yrs old and on the site for 3 years?  Asked her age again, she said 20.  "So you are telling me you have been doing this since you were 17? Thats not legal.  You sure you are legal?"  She came back with "I wasn't legal before but I am now"  oh yeah?  "Hows 150 for all day Friday from 9am thru 3pm, we hang out behind closed doors and see where it leads, I'll even order room service for lunch.?"  She came back 2 seconds later: "Done".
Is she legal, clueless or desperate?  Hmmm almost too good to be true.

Hope you checked (or will check) her ID! Before anyone gets naked or drinks anything alcoholic, please.  

If you can, either covertly or overtly, take a pic of it with your phone.  Then email the pic to your self as a backup.  

You don't want your $150 offer for a day of fun to turn into a $200k legal bill and 18-36 months in the county lock up.  

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.  This is not legal advice. It's just the voice of experience.

You don't spend 18-36 months in county lock up, you spend that kind of time in the state pen. lol

Actually if it shows she has been on the site for three years, unless she got on the site at age 14, she is almost certainly over 18 by now.

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