The Erotic Highway

going down
Q4U 14488 reads

Love Goddess, I love this discussion provide such a great service.  Her's my question...I'm noticing a sour taste when I'm going down on the SO.  I know she's clean, just showered.  What is it, its not always this way.  Would flavored lubes be a good idea?  What's a good source for erotic toys and goodies?

Love Goddess9998 reads

Thank you, dear Q4U,
Always nice to hear a vote of confidence!

As to your SO, her delicate vaginal acidity may be off balance. A quick fix would be going to the gynecologist to get a special wash or even vaginal suppositories to restore her bacterial flora so that she'll be smelling all nice and sweet again. A more long-term solution would be for her to change her diet and introduce probiotics such as acidophilus products in her daily regimen -plain, unsweetened yogurt, plain kefir [excellent!] and sauerkraut [weird but it works] to keep her flora in the correct PH zone. Many times, it's a dietary issue: foods high in uric acid such as red meats, or definitely sugar [very, very bad] will tweak a woman's balance down there very quickly. Alcohol is no good either. Smoking, coffed drinking and of course hard drugs will do their damage to the bacterial flora as well.

After her monthly ovulation, a woman's bacterial flora will change. Women can become very sensitive to overgrowth of yeast, post-ovulation. It may very well be what you're smelling or sensing, since it's not happening on a daily basis. In this case, antifungal remedies such as vaginal Tea Tree Oil suppositories are highly recommended. They are available in any well-stocked health food store, and THEY WORK.

I would caution against "masking" the odor with flavored lubes. And I wouldn't go into erotic toys and goodies until her condition has cleared up. You can spread the yeast around and make it worse with the insertion of various toys. Best go into the Tea Tree suppositories and see if they work. They do have a really good "pine tree" smell and you can screw until your heart's content with them inside. Make sure the condom doesn't break though, since the base is some kind of oily material. And finally - a visit with the gynecologist is always a recommendation. A little painless sample of vaginal fluids, and the answer is usually available at a moment's notice.

Hope it helps,
the Love Goddess

Quick fix: Sweet Secrets a daily herb pill found on the web under that name. Have a formula for women to make them taste/smell "sweet" AND a formula for men -- takes that "bleach smell" away and makes the cum taste yummy to the gals.

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