The Erotic Highway

Fellow mongers, advise please
hobby48 18 Reviews 1532 reads

I live in a small town ( about 65,000 ppl)  but it has a good size university so we do have a supply of college talent.  
I met a POT SB for my meet and greet coffee, and I ask her to put out the ppm number.   250, I'm thinking perfect.  We set a date for later in the week.  
Two days later I text and ask to move up the date and was told it's not going to work she found another SD.  I hate rejection, I want to be the rejector not the rejectee.  So after a few texts I ask what's it going to take.  She doubles it and says 500, crap..... I say ok.  She negotiated me up easy, I really wanted this one very hot little spinner blond.  
So our date comes, during the week she tells me she's excited, etc I'm almost waiting for the other shoe to drop and she breaks it off.
That doesn't happen and we get together.    
She immediately starts kissing me, getting naked rubbing and then takes me in her mouth.  So good she could go pro.  We do it all multiple bj's, get into her tight little Vijayjay, then she offers up get butt and  begs me to pound it.  Who am I to say no?
So multiple hours and multiple "O"s for both of us and an added bonus she takes selfies to send to her bf across the country it was amazing.  
So the advise I need, did I pay too much or have I found my unicorn??  Your responses are welcome.

I believe the definition for a unicorn is up to the SD (you). If your ok with what you're getting for what you're paying, and it lasts more than one or two dates you may very well have found your unicorn. Personally, I would hold off declaring her a unicorn until you've established a regular meeting routine. Yes, I think you got played on price, but that was your decision to go up that much. Hope she works out to be your unicorn. I've been seeing my regular SB now for 10 months and I think she is my unicorn. I've been sampling others and they just don't have what she has.

GaGambler111 reads

If you can afford it, you enjoyed yourself, and felt you got your money's worth, then who are the rest of us to tell you "you spent too much"

That said, yes "you paid too much" but who gives a fuck? lol

To give you some context, I also live in a small town, barely 100,000, but also with a decent sized college. Over the last 18 months or so I have seen several dozen young ladies, most of them young cute college girls like the one you were just with. The MOST I have paid out of about the 50 or so different SB's I have been with has been $500, I have paid that much maybe a half a dozen different times, but every one of those times was for an overnight date. The most I have paid for a non overnight date was $400 and that was for a date that lasted about 5 hours. Most of my dates have been around half those rates, with my "average" overnight date running about $300 and my "average" multi hour date running about $200.  

Yesterday, I too had a "first date" with a POT SB. 25 years old, non college student, really cute, about 5' 1" and maybe 100 lbs, We were going to meet for drinks, but she came right over to my house instead, we had a couple of shots of tequila, had a regular drink and chatted for a bit, then I leaned over for a kiss and it was off to the races. Money was NEVER discussed. She had to go after a couple of hours to meet her mother and sister for a late lunch early dinner (yes we were drinking tequila in the middle of the afternoon. lol) so I gave her a hundred bucks to be able to pick up the check and she was thrilled to death.

My point is that I think some of you guys are doing yourselves a disservice by doing all this "negotiation" about allowance prior to hopping in bed with your POT SB's. Yes, you are going to have to pay 99% of the time, Ok more like 90% of the time for me as I have had a few SB's who NEVER asked to be paid and a couple who I am sure would have been insulted if I even offered an exchange of "money for sex", but those are the exceptions, not the rule.

My advice is that if you believe you really did give her "O's" is that you renegotiate your deal with her in exchange for seeing her regularly, If she really is a "non pro" and she really does like you even a little bit, there is no other way she is going to pick up an extra grand a month for a few hours of "work" each week. At $12.50 hr, she'd have to work five hours a day, four days a week to make that much, even more when you consider taxes.

BTW, I don't believe in "Unicorns" I do believe there are countless thousands of young women who would love the chance to double or triple their income by spending a few hours of "quality time" with an older guy with a few bucks to spare. To call them unicorns makes it seem like they are few and far between, and I simply don't believe that is true. Once again to put things in context, for the same $500, I can probably get laid every day for a week in an environment similar to yours. Now if I were in a big city, especially one like LA or NYC, my expectations would be completely unrealistic and you probably are paying right at "market rates", but in a small college town your money can go a long ways if you aren't too repulsive to be around. lol

Ok I'm trying your way today.  I had a POT hit me up and thru text we were all over sex, she asked what I could offer, I told her sex.  I'm sneaking to her place this afternoon.  No mention of money.  We will see how this goes.  
She wouldn't send me naked pics at first, then I got one of her big tits.  She didn't want to talk to much. We moved to a phone convo, then I got her to masterbate while I was tsliking to her on the phone.  I think she might just pay me!! 😂   Stay tuned for eyewitness news!!

I'm serious GaGambler.  You have described this possibility often enough and I have no reason at all to disbelieve you.  But I've never had a SB show up without first asking something along the lines of "what can you do for me?"  I have recently decided to try arranging a date without bringing up the ppm subject first.  No luck so far.  And the times when I had not negotiated an agreed on amount in advance ALWAYS led to unpleasant surprises when it turned out they wanted much more than I wanted to spend.  After a few of those I decided I would always make sure we were on the same page before meeting.  But you seem to have some magical way of getting them into bed without any talk about money.  How the hell do you do that?  

GaGambler122 reads

Just like a politician, when asked a direct question, I simply answer with platitudes.

POT SB "What can you do for me?"

Me, "Without getting into specifics, I assure you I can be quite generous if we "click", let's get together tomorrow night, have a couple of drinks and see how we hit it off?  Is seven ok, or would you rather make it a bit later at lets say 9 instead?"

Yes, I do have a sales backround. lol but getting them to show up without a pre negotiated "allowance" is easy. What is not so common is getting them into bed without a discussion of money, but even that is not as hard as it sounds if you just "allow it to happen"  

I don't know how much civvie dating any of you guys have done, or if you have much experience "picking up" women, but unlike  in P4P I NEVER ask a woman "would you like to have sex?" That is the surest way to crash and burn, Just like in sales you have to know when to "go for the close" and with sex it's usually some time after you have gotten her to kiss you, if she responds to your kiss it's not much of a leap to move things to the bedroom, if she is not responsive you have to bide your time until she does respond to you, just like with a civvie, except of course you can always fall back to "negotiating a price" is she is not responding to you without doing so. lol

You would be surprised just how many women will get "swept up in the moment" if you allow her to and don't say anything stupid like asking her "how much?" lol If you treat an SB like a hooker, that's what you are going to get. If you allow a POT SB to make you "prove yourself to her" you have set a bad tone. But if you frame the date where she gets to prove to you how happy she can make you, you can consider it sort of a "job interview" where it's incumbent on her to impress you, not the other way around. After all, you are the one who is going to be paying her, right? In every "job interview" it's the job candidate that has to do the impressing, not the employer who has to impress the prospective employee.

-- Modified on 9/10/2017 10:31:19 AM

Ok. Short story.  Set up a date with a POT SB wrntbto het place. She fucked and sucked.   Ter looks probably a 6, performance a 9. She wanted to be tied up and fucked and wanted to suck my dick.  When done I left no cash exchanged.  Yes I untied her.

Hope she validated your parking.  :P

Haha, very good!!  I noticed my spelling was off in my post, I must have been tired. No need to validate parking, but she did text me today asking for when we get together again.

AsianManNOVA92 reads

Before we met, 90% asked me what kind of "gift" I was willing to give her or what kind of budget I was on. A few would give me a number. They were usually way too high so I passed. About 10% never mentioned $ and we just met to gauge our chemistry. I think I went BCD with three of them. The rest either wanted too much money or we just didn't click.

-- Modified on 9/10/2017 1:29:12 AM

Sounds like you got a pretty good experience for the money compared to some clock watcher pro who would have asked 1000 for a few hours.  See if she'll see you for less as you get more comfortable with each other. I always get SBs for cheaper after I've met them. Had one recently who started at 800 overnight and then offered to do it for 600 cause her car was broken down. I played along and even sent her home early cause I had work to do. Now, after making her come a ridiculous number of times in a few hours,  I got her to agree to three days of fucking on a mini vacation for no cash at all. Plane tickets are covered by miles and I'll probably end up spending just a hair more on food for her tiny body and that's it. Total bargain, and probably cheaper than taking my spoiled wife on the same vacation.  

As GaGambler says, if the sex is so good she'd basically sleep with you anyways, any money at all should be fine.

First -- nice night!!! I think a lot of us would take what you got for $500.

Now, as an ongoing thing -- I think it all depends on the other costs, the other opportunities and the risks.  You can obviously afford this as you made the offer, so I will assume that you play in that range.

I live in a town of half-million, but it is a hobby desert.  I am married and known in town, so SD is absolutely out for me.  I used to travel often and see mid-high range ladies twice a month, but now I don't travel at all and my local 8,8s charge $350 and get it.  

So I would analyze your situation like this -- what are your alternatives?  How far do you have to drive to get a lady worth $500 -- even for multiple hours?  What are your other costs -- hotel, dinner, jewelry, shopping trips?  If you can host, and she's all about playtime, then that's an experience us non-SDs would kill for.  Is she hot?  Is she sweet?  Is she intelligent enough to keep your attention while Little  Hobby48 recovers between rounds?

In short, Bud, those of us who can't even dream of multiple hours with a 25-year-old with great BBBJ skills that wants Greek and is "so good she could go pro" would at least stick it out for a few more dates to see if she gives us a reason to leave, LOL.

BTW, it sounds like just going with the flow for a couple more dates would fall in the category of a "great idea"!

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