The Erotic Highway

East Coast Going Rate
blugold 2 Reviews 501 reads

This is relative to location, looks, length of meet, disposable income etc. but for the east coast daddies, what do you expect to give as a direct allowance for a baby in the cities below for an evening date of a few hours? maybe a light dinner, coffee or cocktail meetup then BCD. Of course. I would incur the incidental expenses.  

I am trying to get a range and make sure I am not bidding too high or too low.

Washington, D.C.
New York

AsianManNOVA17 reads

The ones I have seen usually ask between 400 and 600. A few asked for 800 to 1K and I quickly passed. I used to have one for 300. She's hot and good in bed. Unfortunately, she moved to Virginia Beach right before COVID. The ppm has certainly gone up after COVID.

I think a lot are asking 600 or more nowadays, some can be bargained down.
While it's not essential to think long term, the idea of regular meetups (2-3x a month) might entice some to accept lower ppms

I have been giving one SB 350 PPM, but she now is asking for 500 due to anticipated school costs. I pointed out that we have only been meeting once or twice a month and that I’m happy to meet her more often to meet her financial needs. I offered to go up to 400 ppm and meet three or four times a month. She has since ghosted. We’ve had one or two dates a month since December and the BCD was good but not great. She didn’t know how to give a blowjob properly and doesn’t like DFK. On the other hand, she did like Bear sex, and me coming inside her.  I’m not willing to go up beyond 400 for lackluster performance.

The most I’ve done is 500 ppm And that was for a 9/9.5. and I refuse to go above that quite frankly.

With the limited info you provided, I'll speculate that she found a new (or maybe multiple) SD(s) who will provide her more allowance in the same amount of time she's been spending with you.  I like the "let's meet more often to get you more allowance" play. But it's really a low-percentage "Hail-Mary" tactic if she's determined to get more without investing more time.  

If you think she's open to the idea, you can gently suggest that you understand if she needs to move on, since your budget* won't accommodate her new ask, but she's always welcome to see you as well if she likes.  If she seems amenable to that, you should just discuss what, if any, new safety needs look like (i.e. tests, condom use by her new partner, etc.).  This has an even lower likelihood of success, but it's greater than zero and costs you no more than you are already investing.  After all, this is by definition, a mutually beneficial/no-strings-attached deal. So no pressure if one or both of you decide to move on.  

* Remember that negotiations are ALWAYS about YOUR budget, and never about HER "worth."  

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The Cat

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