The Erotic Highway

Dinner, Dates, Travel -- Is that what they really want?
minddomma 5 Reviews 479 reads

My interests in SB are basically transactional.  

I see a lot of interesting POTs, but a lot of them mention the desire for meals, dates, travel, and the like. Do you think that they are really looking to being taken on a date or travel with someone who could be twice their age, or are they just not willing to admit that they are primarily in it for the money?

Your thoughts?

They're women and they want what all women want, a good looking rich guy to entertain them. What they will settle for is open to negotiation.

Euro-Guy19 reads

You have totally encapsulated it perfectly.  Sure I could bull shit with any number of 'old guy' responses.  The reality it's about money, the girls who think Seeking is a dating site either find that 0.1% who, because they have unlimited funds will drop their big boob ass for the next big boob ass...on an on.  

This is one of those 'What do women want?' questions that can be debated forever and have no clear answer.

We do know, based on what we see here and elsewhere, that there are a certain number of women who enjoy the company of (and sex with) older guys. The reasons have been outlined on this forum and ots of other places.

In terms of the sugar world... while there are some "pros" who treat this as an extension of the escort world, a large number of the women will tell you, "I'm not a hooker, but.. I'll fuck if I like you and you treat me well..." This can mean a lot of things -- cash is the big one, but being taken out and treated like a girlfriend (or princess) is another. Some women want a taste of the lux world that they wouldn't get with a guy their own age and enjoy the idea of being the gf of a rich guy without the commitment (though you may find some who do wnat that). Rich guys know this and can take gals out on their boats and not even pay them. Normal guys may have to try harder, but you don't necessarily need a yacht or plane.

Sugar dating is really more about dating and not transactions. There may be some, but it's not generally a low-cost alternative since you have to put in more time and enegy and a lot of women want some sustainable relationship.

When you create a profile you get lots of options of your interests.  They may be talking travel, but not with you.  I had a AB that loved to travel but would never go with a SD, just her friends.  

Just be straight up with what you want.  Looking for something casual, NSA, can move on long term if you really like each other.  Then don't stress if it never goes more than 1-2 dates.

I like having someone to go out and travel with.  If she's not comfortable being on a date with someone more than twice her age we are not a fit.  Current SB and I are planning a weekend at a winery.

I've had every variation!  Some of my best arrangements have been with girls who enjoyed lots of extracurricular activities aside from the bedroom.  Movies, dinners, long conversations, motorcycle rides, etc.  And others have been only interested in two things: getting laid and getting paid.  Either style works for me!  There does seem to be a general opinion among SBs that a transactional arrangement makes them a prostitute and should be avoided.  So a lot of profiles state they don't want anything transactional.  Even when they wind up being perfectly happy getting laid and getting paid, they are shy about admitting that to you or to themselves.  As a businessman, I have a very positive attitude about transactions.  When you give good value for the $ you receive, a transaction can feel honorable and worthy to both parties.  But some women would rather not have their noses rubbed in that fact!

Minddomma, my experience says few actually will insist on fancy meals, dates, travel, etc. But they want to know you're not a broke slob who could never afford such things.

Every LT SB I've had started as a fancy dinner out, and usually with BCD the same night. For subsequent dates I am happy to continue in that vein, but some SBs require only that first fancy date. They just want to validate your financial capacity and once you do that, they can be ambivalent about the fancy dates. After they validate you, they are happy to just meet BCD.

I have offered travel at the beginning of every LT arrangement. No girl has ever taken me up on it even though I travel all the time. (Exceptions: a Chinese midwesterner who flew to meet in at east coast city, and an AA lovely from Memphis who met me in LA. I reimbursed both. I won't try to categorize the Asian flight attendant who was able to meet me almost whenever, wherever, with planning.)

The younger they are the more they appreciate a fancy date, simply because their male peers aren't capable of providing a $400 meal for two. Expect lots of pics of food on those dates so she can show and post them to her friends.

I don't aim for 10s. Maybe the rules there are different. I get better experiences from the 8-9 pool.

If I were you, I would zero in on a POT you like and offer her something you think her peers won't. Remember she has written her profile to be aspirational -- for her! Suggest a high end place along with your other expectations, and see how she responds.


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