The Erotic Highway

Are opening offers always aspirational?
carguy111 33 Reviews 917 reads

Had drinks with a POT, had a great time and she seemed to equally enjoy the company.   She mentioned her last long term agreement was $1 k ppm  turned into 4k monthly allowance.  Too rich for me, but is that likely her wish, rather than reality?  Do they always swing for the fences to start and expect lower ( in this case $600 ppm).  

I didn’t commit to anything and She actually wanted to go out to dinner again,  I figure I’ll counter when I meet her next.  Wanted to get ppl advice/ opinion on offing less and not seaming cheap.

To offer something you can afford specially if you want something longer term. If she doesn't agree, then keep searching. On the other hand if you are looking for a one time experience then you may like to go higher.

If I heard a suggestion of 1K I'd immediately counter with a low ball.  To me, you're setting up expectations by not knocking that down as soon as it comes up.  Plus you're just wasting each other's time if that's her floor and you don't have any intention of paying that rate.
But that's just me.  I'm probably a poor negotiator, because I just walk away most of the time.

I've replied with, I don't start over $500 per week/date.  If it goes up from there because we really connect sure, but rarely has a girl not shown up and put out on the first date.

I've seen this hot Asian for a bitbover 2 years off and on. She's not on any baby sight that I know of. Basically an UTR provider IMO. Started out at 500. Due to my own performance issues I told her it wasn't worth continuing and she said how about 400.  Saw her several times. Introduced some toy play and she got much wilder. Last time we did anal and she took it in suspiciously easy. But before generation she said that's an extra $100. Hooker alert! Lol. So she messages me yesterday and says we are back to 500 because for 400 she wanted weekly. Sorry. Not spending  $20k a year on 1 gal.  She doesn't seem to understand the law if diminishing returns. Lol

thx all for your views. i broached the topic in a text so as to make sure we are on the same page with revised amount.  was a good discussion and we can move on at a more comfortable level.  approaching it from perspective of not wasting any one time and making sure she was ok with new levels was well received.  thx again

Some SBs are inflexible on their requested amounts, some are  not.  You won't know until you ask, negotiate, and find out.  Sometimes the results are worthwhile.  And if not, you've only lost a bit of time in the process.  I'm reminded of a duo of AA SBs I met in LA several years back.  Their original ask was $750 apiece, i.e., $1500 for a threesome.  I countered with $500 total which they could share however they pleased.  They accepted eagerly and a good time was had by all.

Is that everyone has had “prior long term arrangement that gave her 1k ppm or 4-5k allowance but they broke up when he had to move away or whatever “ lol  

Point is they  just make shit up — because maybe it worked on some in the past or their friend or TikTok told them to aim high  

Realistically if you are decent looking for your age and have a decent personality, 500-600 will get you most of the civilian SBs out there.  

The very good looking ex model types pros and semi pros  in large metros maybe not — but you don’t really need those types plenty of hot girl next door types that aren’t even used to getting that from their broke BFs — a lot depends on where you live though

Yep.  I just had a POT email me her last 2 SDs were $3.5k and $4k per month with 1 - 2 meetings per month (plus gifts).  I have not responded yet.

500-600 will also get you most pros too (outside of major metros).  

Yeah. Around here 600 to 800 it seems.  So 600 for an evening via arrangement seem fair.  That’s kind of how I’m looking at it.  

Unfortunately not here in SoCal though  

600 for 1h is the bare minimum (a young non k girl type)   , w SBs you can take your time and spend like 3-5 h depending on what you do for that same amount plus hotel expenses  

But the good escorts - the ones really worth it, start at 800 and up  — here is where if you land a really good SB, it can be worth it  but rarely does 800 get you a great experience date after date so you are better off sticking w the 500-600 range SBs

Euro-Guy35 reads

I was out drinking with one of my Seeking buddies last night and he relayed to me that a girl had asked "how much"
For fun I suggested: 1K per meeting
About 15 mins later the girl comes back with: "would you consider 1300?"  
He apologized that the 1K would be the best he could do
The girl never responded.

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