The Erotic Highway

especialist 36 Reviews 349 reads

I'm back on SA but find myself getting bombarded with messages like this one:  

"I basically had a really great job and was able to move out. I’ve been living on my own for a while now and after a year of the job, my boss locked me in the car and tried to ask for sex. I had to run away and cut everything off, so that way he couldn’t end up getting what he wanted without me having a choice. so at the same time, I was working jobs on and off, but was never able to go to college because I was really sick for a bunch of years. and finally now I moved to a new town thinking I could get another serving job to keep me afloat, but absolutely nowhere is hiring and I’ve had no luck. obviously, it’s the first day of the month and this is the first time in my life where I don’t have any money to pay rent. my mom‘s been helping me with groceries, but this is nothing that she can help me with. I’m finally supposed to start full-time at a fine dining restaurant but opening kept getting delayed and apparently he finally said next week Thursday I’ll start and it will open. but right now I need to be able to pay rent and then pay to get out of my lease. I’ll stay with my mom for a few weeks and then find a roommate somewhere once I start the job. It’s just really difficult and at least I’m in good health now but clearly I’ve been through a lot of hard things just like everyone else. I don’t typically go on sites like this, but I’m hopeless. I just need to get out of my mess and I know I’ll be OK but right now I feel like it’s the end of the world. I know that isn’t but I can’t even tell you that I like to be putting myself on the silver platter because I’m not that type of person. I just need a guardian angel and if you can’t be that person I get it and I don’t wanna waste your time Essentially, that’s all. I just wanna be able to clean up my mess, pay my dues, and start over in reality."

Do you all get these messages or am I the lucky one 😁?

If so, what's your response?

I get those all the time.  More than legit SBs.  I just ignore them

Extensive sob stories are the bread and butter of scammers. They want to trigger your "Captain Save A Ho" response and the bad luck story is designed to be your super-hero cape.  

If you respond with even the slightest inclination that you want to help, "she" (probably a guy outside the US using a VPN) will next ask you to send funds asap to prevent eviction and will promise to make it good with you later.   But if you send money, it's gone and so is the scammer, unless they think they can rinse even more cash from you.  Be warned: You will never see a return on your money, and you will never get laid by this SB.  

But if you want to continue just to see what happens (I do not recommend this), here are some suggestions:  
1. Do not reply, but do not block. (I recommend we all stay under the radar from Seeking admin)
2. Do a reverse image check on all photos. (Use Google, TinEye, Yandex, etc.)  
3. If you really want to pursue this, do NOT send any funds in advance! Instead, ask her for a video chat asap so you can talk about "how to help her."  If "she" agrees, pay attention to how you connect (WhatsApp, Line, or other non-US apps are a red flag), and pay attention to the background of the person who talking to you.  Do you see non-US power outlets on the wall? Does the place look like a 3rd world shack or an urban-city apartment? Do the behaviors and speech patterns of the person on the chat match the message you received?  

Finally keep your critical-thinking skills and Spidey Sinses at maximum sensitivity. Question everything you see and hear - does this make sense given the circumstances?  

Life is good

The Cat

even if she is the one in a million whose plea for help is totally legit, walk away.  She's a loser who will always be in trouble, always asking more and more from you.  You don't need that!  Keep searching until you find a wonderful basic SB.  One who loves to get laid and get paid every now and then.

Great advice as always. I'll stay under the radar and ignore.

The last thing I want in my life is a financial trainwreck.  Pass

On both the pc/laptop and mobile versions of the site, there is an x usually to the right of those messages. A simple click on the x will get rid of those messages. You don't have to even read them.

If you really want to make an impact and make a difference, next time make a contribution to your local humane association/animal shelter or slip a $50 - $100 bill for the wait staff at your favorite dining spot. It isn't much but you will be remembered for it.

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