The Erotic Highway

A potential dilemma and how to navigate
chardonay 42 Reviews 1070 reads

Last week while browsing seeking a new profile showed up. Her profile and pictures were great, let's call her girl next door. In fact in her pictures she is beautiful stunning. I sent her a message and we started to chat. Everything was so great that we decided to continue off seeking. We discussed an arrangement and we agreed on everything so I was extremely happy since I believe she is amazing so far. Then the next day another new profile showed up with pictures that looked too good to be true, let's call her bikini model. I sent her a message just to see what was the scam and we started to chat, again we decided in moving outside seeking and to my surprise she shared her real name and Instagram page and she is a bikini model. I mean her Instagram is thong galore, wow. I said to myself I will offer the same arrangement as the girl next door and most likely she will decline. To my surprise she was very happy with my offer and even shared that money helps but her main focus is to date a guy since she hasn't date anyone in three years. That's probably bs since I don't see a woman like that without guys hitting on her all the time. So here comes the dilemma, both are great options, in fact I think that the girl next door is probably more beautiful but is a toss up to be honest. I can only afford one of them and don't want to ruined either one. I have meet and greets scheduled with both already and most likely after meeting in person things will start to clear up for me. Any advise on how to navigate this situation?

Pursue both.  A lot of these things peter out before you get to the naked stage.  I assume you have enough money to at least see both of them once.  If  you don't have that kind of money, you're career with either of them is going to be short lived.  
After you see one or both (naked) then you can pick one and dismiss the other.  Or rotate them that fits your budget.

Until you actually sleep w one of them it’s all up in the air

I can tell you many stories from my early days - after getting hyper excited about a 23y old model look alike and even  meeting her for a nice dinner which I thought went great, she ghosted me the week after - who knows why.  

Truly hot women are the most scarce resource in this country atleast  (since being fat and ugly is now widely acceptable w ppl) - and anyone decent looking also has multiple suitors

AsianManNOVA87 reads

If you have been in the sugar bowl for a while, you know these POTs are extremely flaky. Just because you have scheduled dates with them, it doesn't mean you will actually meet them, let alone go BCD with them. They can ghost you when you try to confirm your date. They can no-show at the M&G. They can ghost you after the M&G. They can even ghost you after you have a makeout session in your car right after the meet. I met a few girls who gave me BBBJ in my car after our M&G and then ghosted me when I tried to set up a date for BCD. These girls can change their minds anytime.

If you are lucky enough to go BCD with both of them, definitely do so. If you can't afford to see them for just once,  you can't afford to be an SD.

As Lester correctly pointed out, rotate them on  a schedule that fits your budget.  I can easily afford to date one SB per week without my budget breaking a sweat.  I have 2 regulars I've been seeing for over 2 years.  I alternate, seeing each of them every other week.  Works perfect.  And the frequency feels just right for me and for them.  We're always eager to see each other again after a 2 week hiatus.  I hope both of these new hotties actually show up and go BCD with you!  Looking forward to your further reports on the situation.

Like others said, many are flakes.  Lots of girls change their minds after a few dates.  I'd do a video chat with each of them and find time to meet.

Today I had the m&g with the girl next door. She was really beautiful and engaging. We had a great date and everything felt very natural. Her face is close to a ten, her body is thin but I will say average, personality was sweet, smart, funny and very interesting stories. We parted ways with a hug and a kiss very close to the lips but no quite. She wanted to meet again and sent me a very nice text that she really had fun and is looking forward on getting together again. Before the meeting her texts were ok but not as frequent as the bikini model. Tomorrow I am meeting with the bikini model that text frequently and a lot of pictures which I really like. At least by text she is very engaging and I have higher expectations but who knows what will happen.  
Just a little clarification on the arrangement I offered, since both were so hot I offered a monthly allowance to each of them. That is why I mentioned that long term I can afford just one. However the monthly allowance is devided into two payments at the beginning and middle of each month. I guess I can do one or two dates with each with allowance and see what happens. Tomorrow is date 2 with the bikini model, high expectations due to her constant texts and interest. I will say that if that doesn't work I have a winner with the girl next door anyway. Wish me luck!

..but I'll add one more angle to consider.... lean in.  

There's is the slightest opportunity for something truly legendary to happen. If both of them are more focused on the need/desire/experience of dating an older non-dickish guy, perhaps after you have completed both M&G's and hopefully gone BCD with each, you can explore the idea of combining your good fortune into a threesome.  Not saying there is a high likelihood of success, but if they show even the slightest inclination for allowing Daddy to expand their sexual fantasies with a trusted, experienced partner... well you get the idea.  Please, please, please remember that...

Life is good

The Cat

Adonis4879 reads

Congrats chardonay! So far so good. It's just amazing that at least you/we are in the running for mind-blowing results, because they can and do happen. The advice given about the changeability of these ladies is best heeded, but while doing so remain optimistic because it's not a pipe dream things like this can turn out very well indeed. I hope to have similar great stories to share!

So today was my m&g with the bikini model. We texted during the day and everything was going perfect. I got to the restaurant, very nice ocean view and she texted me that her car broke down on her way and needed $$ to fix it to finally get together. Then I realized it was a scam as I initially thought. After her text I told her that I can go to where she was to help her. I did that just for the 1% probability was not a scam and she ghosted.  
In summary I will say that the scams are getting more personal and sophisticated. She was talking to me for a few days saying all the right things so it was very real. At the end guys, never send money without meeting, I see a big trend asking for Uber money and small amounts like $50-$100 so it is easy to fall for that. Never ever do that, case the valet parking was $35 and the guy at the valet only charged me $10 because I left so quick. I gave him $10 as a tip so the damage was $20.  
After I left I received a text from the girl next door that she miss me already and wants to see me Friday so I am very happy because she is stunning so at the end I am happy.

Yes they are out of control.  I get at least one a day

Hope at least this one pays off.  But yeah, even if this other one was a scam, there are a ton of reasons why these fish can get away before you reel them in.  The time to winnow them is after they've demonstrated their reliability.  

Adonis4886 reads

Yikes! Well at least the damages were minimal and you had a backup, chard. Very disturbing to see how conniving some of the scamsters can be. I will move forward with an even more critical eye now. Thanks for keeping us posted and for the storm warning!  

Sorry the bikini model was a scammer, but you dodged the bullet, so good for you.  I can't even remember the number of those sophisticated scams I've received in recent years.  They get you really interested and then ask for $ at the very last minute.  Sorta like a short term, low dollar pig butchering scam.  As for your first Update, I want to repeat that the accepted wisdom on this board is to always do PPM, never a  monthly allowance.  Your situation is a perfect example of why that is so. At that time you thought you had 2 potentials.  By offering a monthly allowance  to the GND, you boxed yourself into a situation where you'd have to choose between them, for financial reasons, instead of enjoying them both.  It's not a great strategy.  I do hope it works out great for you with the GND.  But switching to a PPM arrangement will give you both more flexibility.  And the biggest advantage with PPM is that when you both show up you both know that the other person really wants to be there and is not showing up merely out of a sense of obligation (cuz she got paid in advance) or entitlement (cuz you paid her in advance).  Both those feelings are buzz kills.

Paying a chick in advance is the biggest mood killer (for her.)  She already has the money, now she has the unfullfiled obligation. A perfect storm for procrastination or even ghosting.

I had a very nice conversation with the girl next door and basically she is very happy with the arrangement offered and she wanted to make me clear that she really enjoyed our time together and that she is more than happy to meet as many times as I wanted during the month. That was mentioned without asking. Talking to her it seems that I found my unicorn, let's see what happens.

AsianManNOVA93 reads

I hate to be blunt but this has been my experience in the sugar bowl. The M&G can go well, but then she might ghost you as this has happened to me several times. This happened even after I had sampled the goods (fondling and sucking on her bare breasts and even fingering her pussy) and gotten some BJ in my car. As everyone has suggested, NEVER give her a monthly allowance. Always PPM after the date. Plus, you barely know this girl and have not even gone BCD with her once. You can't really trust her. She might just be sweet talking and telling you everything you want to hear. After you give her half of the monthly allowance, she might just ghost you. I might sound paranoid but I have experienced too many scams.

Some girls are good at playing the long con. I remember I had several dates with a beautiful Iranian woman. We made out a bit each time. Finally, she agreed to go BCD with me but wanted the money upfront. Her $ gift was expensive but it would have been worth the money had we actually gone BCD. By then, I foolishly let my guard down since we already went on several dates. We went to the hotel, I gave her the money, and I went to check in. While I was checking in, she pretended that she needed to use the bathroom. By the time I was done, she just disappeared. A hard lesson learned.

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