TER General Board

Stunned is putting it mildly..
Nikki_Greedy See my TER Reviews 1719 reads

Yesterday afternoon I got a call from a Gentleman who had found me here at TER and read my reviews.. He was very persistent about seeing me Friday evening..
So I put off what I had planned and agreed to see him..
He ran a bit late getting here.. BUT wow what hot handsome man he is..

We chatted at the door a for a short and then went to my room.. He placed his donation in a bank envelope down we chatted a bit more and got more comfortable.. Things progressed and I went down on him.. Slowed my pace as I could feel he was near release.. Stopped and gave him some soft caressing  touching and then proceeded back to the BBBJ.. As soon as I was back down and circled my tongue around - he released and I took it all..
Laid back to chat, love and hold in prep for round two..

Will he decided it was time to leave, I insisted he stay, "we have plenty of time".. He asked for the bathroom and I showed him the way..
While he was there I hastily checked the donation - a franklin in front - slide one of the 5  bills behind it up a little in back saw a zero in the corner - OK 5 twenty's.. "Thats cool"..

He returns and I ask him to stay again.. He insist he should leave and got dressed.. We walk to the door, kiss and I invite him back anytime..

So I go get the donation to put it away..
I pull the cash out of the envelope and fan it out.. There was a franklin alright - not just one - but 6 (six) - $600 - HOLY FRICKIN COW!!! $600
I dropped in the chair - shocked - stunned - I could not even think.. HOLY COW!!!
It had not even been a half hour!!!! HOLY FRICKIN COW!!!!!
I am still stunned and feel a bit guilty.. I have had $200 'cum and goes' but $600?? WOW..

He has super looks, very charming and without a doubt can have women he wants. To do this for me - this gift - is beyond an measure I can think of..  

"S" You are the Gentleman of Gentlemen.. You are welcome at my place anytime, with any notice.. Should you call and desire me anywhere, anyplace, anytime - I will come to you.. You have some serious lovin comin and I guarantee it will be beyond your wildest expectations.. I hope we can meet again soon..  

and find such a positive story.  Says a lot about you, too, that you would take the time to share it with us.  We need more smiles these days. :-)

-- Modified on 2/9/2008 5:40:00 AM

Thanks Nichole, what a pleasant surprise.

Great post!

I find myself tending to post on the negative portions of this business but as your post so woderfully described, there are some really exceptional men in the world.  It's so rewarding to have a session where you are giddy with satisfaction.

Glad you enjoyed yourself!


Great post nichole and I am sure that you deserve all that was given to you. Think of it as life's little blessings that sometimes are given...sometimes you find a diamond in the rough and is the exact reason why I try to treat everyone as I would want to be treated.

Cheyenna1111 reads

That is awesome. I have had a few similar visits. I know that feeling. Elated but sort of guilty. I actually called the guy right away the 1st time. I though he had made a mistake. He laughed and said no, it was intentional. See...  there are so many sweet, kind hearted men out there... The good does not get mentioned enough and too much focus on the bad. We need to know what to be careful not to encounter and what/who to stay away from, yes, but it is so nice to hear about the GOOD ones as well.
Thank you for the post!

There's so many good gents out there to hopefully outweigh the bad that some girls experience. I have seen some real gems who tip/leave presents/include gas money, or even if they don't, they take the time to treat you like a lady and to really be wonderful sweet guys.

It doesn't go unnoticed fellas... girls talk and when you're good or bad it gets around...


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