TER General Board

Everyone looking to make a quick buck ..
CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 5348 reads

Why ? Whats a quick buck ? 5 grand? 10 grand ? How long does that last ? Not long these days.

Im so tired of cons,fakes, bait and switchs, rip offs. Dont people realize how much money there is to be made in being honest and real !!!..

You make A LOT more money that way than any other way in this world.

It is really getting sickening lately.All the drama on boards. Each city has there own little back channel of drama going on and its disgusting how people stab one another over money. How escorts threaten gents if they no longer see them. It goes on and on and endless. Why arent any of these people being outed for what they do ? Why do people post and say " I saw a provider and this is what happened ". Why post at all !! THis is what TER is for ! Good bad or indifferent.

My rant is over
[email protected]

Thank god for that handsfree LOL

ITs always the ones complaining about the dishonesty. They get burnt once then they try CL girls then come back whining they got ripped off.. OR complain a CL girl lives in a scummy trailer in a trailer park.

Complain about eros, yet they frequent it. The writing is on the wall for dishonesty. I guess its just a little graffiti for the walls of honesty.

with the bath water!  Hey we all get burned, make mistakes, fall down, get bumped, get screwed (in not a nice way) sometimes. I know I have.  This stuff lately has got me down too.  It feels good to know that there are (mostly?) good people like you out there.  I guess we should just get up dust our collective selves off and keep on truckin!

Fortunately, most of us don't get this deep into the hobby to have to worry about these drama issues.  We're just here to ravish the pretty ladies.

sicnarf3920 reads

Not sure what got your engine running but, in the escort, companionship enterprise I have had more than my share of really good encounters - read my reviews and you will know what I mean.  I have met several intelligent ladies who are really nice.  One was even honest enough to tell me that it was easy to be nice to me, as she was going to see me for only an hour or two - and I would not want to see the "real her."  That takes self-confident honesty!

I have also had the pleasure of women in this hobby doing more for me than would be required by the confines of the expected norm of the hobby.  Does that happen frequenly - not all that frequently, but enough so that I can appreciate the fact that the ladies in this hobby, will, on occasion, repay kindness and actually respond as a human bean.

Even my worst experience with a lady of my desire, was a classic encounter and for which I would have no justification for a "refund" or "doover"!  

Dancers on the other hand are a different breed!  Somewhat more deceptive - with upselling the "Big Event" for them..   With a dancer it is always about the promise - and never the delivery.

Marriage - that is the true test of honesty and who will stab who!  

and let's not forget the world of business - I started a business - it failed - not because of our technology, marketing problems but because I had a dishonest partner - who took more than his share of salary while the rest of us worked and put sweat equity into the company - it has been 4 years since we folded the company and it still owes me hundreds of thousands!

But - ALL this is NOTHING compared to the absolute worse cons, fakes, bait and switchers, and rip offs know to modern civilization:  THE ACADEMIC WORLD.  They are ALL Tax exempt from property and corporate taxes.  They receive our Taxes to support their operation and oh yea, they charge rediculous tuition......   where did the money go?  and they refuse to be accountable.

And while we are on the subject, there are a lot of kids who go to college thinking that they will be rewarded with good counciling to help them plan a career - in a field that they love.  Only to be told at the end of the day - that their education is not what industry - or anyone else is looking for - that is they are untrained for the workforce.....  Why, cause NONE of the academics ever had to actually get a JOB!

So, while you may rant about some of the silliness on TER - I worry about the lunies who teach our kids.

Rant over!

I followed you up to THE ACADEMIC WORLD...what is it exactly that they do to the world????  The lunies that teach our kids are being pushed and tugged more than a 24 h AMP provider.  What's your beef exactly?

The teachers and professors come to see me for stress relief :)..

Its nice living in between 4 college campuses LOL..

sicnarf2368 reads

I know one academic who routinely incorrectly quotes data on research spending by the federal government (available in several FOI documents from ALL administrations, R or D).  I know another institution that, on a whim, fails to live up to contracts that it has signed.  Accounting practices in most universities are poor and would not stand a decent audit.  

In general, I find that the great mass of research data THAT THE PUBLIC PAID FOR is totally inaccessable.

I also find that since U's are tax exempt, provided with both state and federal funding - the rate of tuition inflation is totally out of line with even health care or fuel costs as comparators.

AND the product that they are supposed to provide (educated students prepared for integration into our society) is lacking and needs about 1-2 years of "training, on-the-job."

In short, they don't pull their weight and in fact, they actually bend rules to suit their needs.  Were I running for office -- that is one of the things that I would change.  They would  have to be accountable.  

I know that is an unpopular opinion, however, I have worked to bridge the academic and the business worlds for the past 25 years.  You want arrogance - talk to ANY university full professor.  It is enlightening.  You want an open mind - talk to ANY successful business person.

You want specifics - email me, sign a confidentiality agreement with me - and I'll knock your socks off with information.  So - yea -beef?  Buffalo (as in "don't try to buffalo me!") and a couple of pork barrels to boot!

We pay for this stuff!  It's OUR Friggin MONEY!

If a provider acted the way that most academics and their institutions did, they'd starve.  Period - end of story.  I'm sorry but the sob stories that they tell are for the most part fictitious.

I don't know the specifics of your issues and I am sure that this thread really doesn't need to go there.  But I can state that most academics are poorly paid in relation to their education.  Most do have an almost idealistic sense that they are providing something more than just economics.  I can't comment on university accounting but certainly we have seen more than enough evidence that the profit/private sector has done more to screw society than any academic organization (been reading the newspapers kiddo??).  It is the academics and not the companies that have provided the basis of every medical breakthrough you currently benefit from...medicines to lower cholesterol, organ transplants, how about vaccinations that you are so unaware of since we, as a society no longer live in fear of polio, chicken pox, rubella...shall I go on?  It seems to me you are simply a reactionary that despite your alledged 25 years in business, you cannot accept the contributions of the 'ivory tower'.  A pity really...and unfortunately there are many who share you opinion.  Is it baseless?  Perhaps not.  But simply dismissing academics in the way you have is more frightening.  Good luck my dear Philistine.

sicnarf2158 reads

Manufactures a drug.  Gets approval from the FDA to market a drug.  or for that matter, even provides evidence that its great inventions are safe?  

Oh, and while we are on it, no, most drugs are not products of the university research system...  AUTM statistics themselves state how poorly the universities are at developing inventions - or even recognizing inventions... (AUTM - Association of University Technology Managers).  By the way - wonder why the cost of drugs is going up?  cost of clinical trils - And who does the clinical trials ??? UNIVERSITIES!  

Your list of medical breakthroughs does not account for the fact that ALL of the development is performed within companies -

With respect to the private sector "screwing" society - for most companies  - aid to disasters comes quietly - with minimal fanfare.  Name one university that has committed major funds to cure a disease in a foreign country.    In companies, it is just done.  (how do I know, maybe cause I helped load shipments of a topical antiinfective on planes to treat victems of radiation burns.)  Want another example???

Ever hear of Mectizan?  It is a drug that cures a disease known as River Blindness...  a disease caused by a parasite in tropical areas.  Merck (the 'evil company' that also launched Vioxx to help alleviate the inflammation due to RA) provided this drug FREE to help combat the human form of River Blindness (see the link).  Instead of these humanitarian acts, what we see universities doing is investing in companies that support sweatshop & Child labor in third world countries - even companies supporting apartheid in South Africa.

And yes, I have been reading the newspapers - convicted rapist in PA, gets 3 yr. house arrest for rape; why, because he is a university professor - oh, who happened to ply his victem with a drug.  care to send your daughter to that university - since the Admin of that university won't even apologize to the community?

AND MANY - far more than is recognized - hide behind their academic bastions - doing "bad stuff" in the name of academic freedom.  

Really, it is to you that I say luck - for "the blind (and arrogant) shall lead the blind and ignorant of the facts."  As I stated, most of the business men I know are honest and kind but hold their charges to accountability.  Most academics I know, start their conversations with, "this is really too complicated for you to understand..." and are NOT accountable for their actions.  Guess what, if I cannot understand it, I do not want MY (and yes they are mine) TAX DOLLARS funding your drival.  Oh, ever notice that in Universities, cokes - are usually $0.05 cheaper in the admin building than in other buildings?  I know that is simple, but in light of everything else, what does it tell us??

I do not dismiss academics - I fear what they do to our society.

...and run to our nearest university to get our tax dollars back-or at least discounted coke.  By the way, don't look at the attached url...it may be too complicated to understand.

sicnarf2853 reads

I never said shoot anyone.  I also don't suggest taking university funding away - I do suggest making them accountable for what they do, with reasonable costs and allocation of expenditures.  

That corruption - when it occurs within corporations - is publically reported is a good thing.  When it occurs within universities, it is marginalized and moved of center stage very quickly.  Were you aware that the NIH now has an investigative group to look into fraud at the scientific level?  yea, that's correct, academic scientists "cooking or dry labbing the data."  

If that occurs within the business world - the product won't work and there will be NO sales - and the company will be out of business!  But in academia - they just say, it was due to a local anomaly.

it is not.  I guess I just have no patience for those who tell me it "may be too complicated to understand."  my credentials might be a shocker to ya! so if I cannot understand, then I think that I am being "FlimFlammed"

Oh, and while we are battling with words....   and you seem to think that bio molecules are the bees Knees, perhaps you would care to comment on nanobodies!?  

And discounted coke.... let's just say, if I want to do a buy, I would head over to the campus and not the hood.

Why aren't they outed?  This business has existed with low standards for so long.  Due to illegality and bad propaganda.    

It wasn't until the internet, when you could correspond with people nationally, that the overview you get is that there are very good people in this, clients and providers, both.

I don't think it's more or less corrupt than any industry, definitely not at the independent level.  
The high exchange of money does attract rip-offs, though.  Providers and clients deserve higher standards, and deserve to let each other know who isn't trustworthy.  

The irony is that I tip well those providers who give awesome service...as much as double the donation if she blows my mind. I'm with you Ciara; the temporary gain during a rip-off is nothing compared to the steady flow from happy hobbyists. But, if everyone was smart, I guess this business would have more great providers.

my thoughts exactly!   Honesty is STILL the best policy!  Thanks for sharing hun! Lisa of Boston :) *smile*

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