TER General Board

Strip Club Incident
spearson 37 Reviews 4922 reads

Paranoid again.  I recently went to a strip club and the girl started riding me really hard to the point where she got my shorts wet from her enthusiam.  Do you think I need to worry about STD exposure from this experience.  I was not wearing boxers....

-- Modified on 1/24/2005 9:39:13 AM

-- Modified on 1/24/2005 9:55:37 AM

Lex Luethor3149 reads

All I ever seem to get is a pat on the head. :(

Lex Luethor2335 reads

..."the small one", but in my case that wouldn't narrow it down, what with my pinhead and all.

Is that why they call you sharp ?

SweetTina2220 reads

I would never pat your head. I would love to see your head. I learned this great technique I would love to administer to you. I wanna  lick your head and smother it in kisses. I take really long licks back and forth and suck on it a bit. Can I?

Lex Luethor3580 reads

Oh great -- now I'm sitting her at my desk at work with a monster woody. :S If it doesn't go away soon, I won't be able to go lunch without a whole lot of stares.

Serves me right for reading these boards at work.

-- Modified on 1/25/2005 9:12:25 AM

SweetTina3930 reads

Holy Batman! There is something very arousing about that phrase. Monster woody. Um where are you at again Lex? (whistling)

ashleelala3932 reads

WORK?  LUNCH?  STARES?  Lex, aren't you sitting on your throne in the lair? Shouldn't you have Miss Teschmacher fetching your food?  The only stares you will be receiving are from me, Sweet Tina and the like.....maybe she'll show me that technique???

Lex Luethor4415 reads

...the city is Washington, DC (of course!). When you get here, use the Lex Signalâ„¢ located in your escort utility belts. Ms. Teschmacher will contact you with instructions.

Ashlee, the Luethor Lair was sold -- I have my eye on a new place, but I won't be able to get in until 2008.

For a guy who has reviews that go back a couple years your recent paranoia is hard to figure out.  Your reviews say you do BBBJCIM and DFK.  Assuming you are really concerned and not just looking for attention, you have more chance of getting a black eye when your SO gives a sniff test to the wet spot than you do of getting an STD.  You should probably consider giving up all forms of this hobby.

Oh, and watch out for those toilet seats!

And don't forget to stay out of the pool!  I heard a girl got pregnant from swimming in one.

Given your scenario, I think you have a pretty low likelihood of catching anything.

I'm not a doctor so I can't answer your question but you reminded me of something I always wanted to ask the boards about.

Every show or written piece I have ever read about exotic dancers plainly states that they are there for the money, nothing more. In fact many of them are downright internally hostile towards their customers. This disgust or disdain is what differentiates them from the lovely providers we see. The girls we see generally want us to have a good time, they generally realize they are providing a valuable service to society and are keeping many of us out of trouble.  

Maybe I'm just reading all the wrong stuff and watching all the wrong shows BUT if this is true why do so many of them get excited? Can they really get wet just thinking about the money if they hate me?  Why are they always getting juice on my shirts if I am so horrid? Why when I touch them do I find them wet and pliable?  How can they concentrate on whatever it is all night long while moving from lap to lap? Granted this doesn't happen with ALL of them but quite a few.

Pinochio2401 reads

I hate to bust your bubble but I'd be willing to bet quite a few of these wondeful provider's, (maybe not the one's who participate here), don't particularly think highly of us guy's either. Some probably have good reason's not to.

Lex Luethor2835 reads

I can tell by the special way they say, "Your hour is up, pal. Get out."

carpevinum3035 reads

I stripped for eight years so I know the feeling. It's power, the power that comes when you are grinding away on some guy, groping him while he sits there helplessly, unable to touch you, quivering and popping a boner. It's a heady feeling.

It's not that you are disgusting, or that you are attractive. That had nothing to do with it. It was the feeling that turned me on, not the guy.

Kind of like fucking my wife with the big red dildo. I don't have much to do with it but I love the fact that she gets pleasure - so I'm still happy even if "little scampr" is left out.  My submission is a small way of participating (along with my 20s) so that's all right.  So anytime you wanna grind away and make me sit there helplessly I'm there - as long as you get all wet and leave yummy little tracks on my shirt!

Reverend Mudbutt3704 reads

I know from experience that you can get a good case of the cacadookie from this.

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