TER General Board

Sexual Stimulants for Women
SingleGuy246 12 Reviews 3378 reads

Ladies, is there an herb, ointment, prescription or whatever that you have tried which supposedly functions as an aphrodisiac (improving sexual arousal/stimulation) AND which actually works?  Many are advertised, but I'm not sure which (if any) are effective.

I have a lady friend (not a provider) who describes herself as having a low sex drive.  She would love to find something that works.

Thanks in advance.

Cadillac Margarita2032 reads

-- Modified on 11/10/2005 2:02:06 AM

MsColdHeartedBitch2212 reads

the only thing that works for me is large quantities of cash. especially when rubbed on my thighs, crinkled by my ear, or held up to my nose so I can smell it. oh but only when it's in my possession. go figure. where does your friend live ?

Queen Sheba1991 reads

Amaretto and coca-cola!

I would suggest she get checked out by a physician.  If she has something hormonal or glandular going on, it may need to be treated directly verses trying to treat something symptomatically.

And the Hitachi Magic Wand never fails to get me going...and off!!

Also, let me add that weight training will raise female testosterone levels, thus increasing sex drive. Most women who weight train do so at weights too low to have the necessary effect. The lessened testosterone in the human female does not generally allow the body to bulk as in the male when weight training. Women must lift heavy enough weights to fatigue the muscle after no more than 12 repetitions to acheive benefit.

There are also herbal supplements on the market. I've never had an issue with low sex drive, but I have tried a supplement claiming to have a two-fold effect, increasing libido and causing a higher orgasmic potential. I was interested in the latter, tho again I don't have problems acheiving orgasm. I did find the supplement to do both of the things it claimed to do. It is "Steel Libido for women" by Irwin Naturals. Best of luck to your friend.

Just saw your post.

its true its true

Shower her with  gifts and money and watch her sex drive hit faster than a jag.

ErynSunshine2065 reads

hmmm... sexy men...kissing...kissing the soft spot on the back of my neck... wonderful red wine, a little chocolate.. a nice fire... taking your time...

for me, and lots and lots of other women in the world wonderful sex starts with our heads, not a special cream etc... although toys help and can be fun, but absolutely not nescessary!!

-- Modified on 11/10/2005 8:58:25 PM

...Mrs. Luethor seems to get all horny every time we watch a movie in which the protagonist becomes a widow.

Give it a try.

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