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Squirting..........Titties..........and Adult Friend Finder..........Part Two
WymenLover 36 Reviews 3567 reads

Second Preface:  In the 1930's and 40's, children wanted to be at the movie theater every Saturday in order to not miss that week’s episode of the “serials”: Captain Midnight, Flash Gordon, The Lone Ranger....  The anticipation of “what happens next” lasted seven days.
   I did not make you readers wait seven days for Part Two, however, apologies to those who expected this to be posted the same day as Part One (which appeared on 7/14).  Part Two has been delayed in part, by my own self-produced serial: “Exploring Chi Chi’s in Tijuana, Up Close and Personal”, now awaiting Episode 11.
   (Writer’s Note: While the appellation “The Will Rogers of Breasts” accurately conveys my appreciation of those most obvious aspects of the female form, since I am only a hop, a skip, one Border Patrol check-point, and a few traffic jams from Hollywood, revisions seem called for....
   “While disguised as a mild-mannered AARP member in a large metropolitan city .... tongue faster than a speeding hummingbird .... able to handle mammoth mammaries with a single hand .... LOOK...Up on the mattress....IT’S MAMMARY MAN!!”  But, that name for another story.
Now, continuing with the theme of this post, the name is .... DR. MAMMARY.)

   Continuing to Part Two:

   “When we last saw Dr. Mammary he was in his laboratory with his trusted assistants Pocket Rocket and Mr. Rabbit along with his well-trained little friend, Tongue Terrific....”
   Chapter Four: Dr. Mammary has been pondering into the wee hours, by candle light, attempting to Create Life. (Igor is on vacation in Transylvania.)  Does the Take-It-Or-Leave-It Lady have any nerves remaining to be stimulated?  Can her breasts be brought back to life?
   Flashback: Dr. Mammary in his library, a book held up to his Ben Franklin spectacles, its title “Use It or Lose It”.  Next .... Reading a New York Times article, “Science discovers even brain cells can be regenerated”.  “Ah Hah....Eureka” he screams....
   Chapter Five: Dr. Mammary after writing several algebraic formulas on his laboratory blackboard, writes

mammaries + massage + tongue + Rabbit + Rocket = LIFE

   After a few weeks using the above formula, SUCCESS!!  LIFE!!  The Take-It-Or-Leave-It Lady turns into the Alright-Lady.  Her nipples, which previously showed no signs of being awakened, now can come to attention within 10 seconds of being licked or flicked three times.
   Part Three will follow.....

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