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Wrinkle cream success stories
Sswede 76 Reviews 3325 reads

Does anyone have any good reports on anti-wrinkle creams? I read a report in the Wall Street Journal a short time ago that indicated that the cost and ingredients seem to have little to do with results and that it varies widely by indiviual. Since these products are all over the lot as to both content and cost,(boy are they ever)some info from some happy consumers could be a big help.

Ci Ci2784 reads

trying StriVectin-SD.  It was originally made for stretch marks but, by accident, was discovered to help with wrinkles. I've only been using it for 30 days but see a little difference. Some people claim it has completely driven away their wrinkles. Anyway, it's not cheap, about $130 a tube, but it lasts for a long time. I'll keep you posted as to its effect on me.


Instead go directly to your dermatologist. Retin-A is absolutely amazing. It's been used for many, many years to combat the effects of aging on skin. I would also recommend anything from tne Neo-Strata line which I discovered at my cosmetic surgeon's office, however you can find Neo-Strata significantly less expensive if you google it. I would highly recommend their non foaming glycolic face cleanser and all of their the gylcolic acid creams. You will see noticable differences with both of the aforementioned products.

Do not use you facial cleansers that foam or feel soapy. Soap is a drying agent. It will do naughty things to your beautiful face. ALWAYS wear sunscreen of an SPF 30 or greater on your face.  I mean each and everyday. ALWAYS wear sunglasses. If you tan AT ALL, stop immediately. Tanning is so, so, so unhealthy. Regardless of what anyone says, there's no such thing as a healthy tan. The entire activity of laying in an electric bed exposing yourself to great doses of cancerous agents perplexes me. I know some people enjoy being outside all the time. The least you can do for your health is wear sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and wear a hat.

Wear mosturizer everyday and every night. It doesn't matter if you're 20 or 40. Your skin will love you when you're 80.  Quit smoking if you smoke. According to the Lancet, scientists have estimated that 20-a-day smokers age fourteen years for every ten years that they smoke. Is a dose of nicotene really worth looking shitty when you're 50?

While I'm at it, I might as well remind everyone to visit their dermatologist on at least a yearly basis in order to have a full body check. My grandmother died in her 30's of a melanoma related cancer, and I had cancerous moles removed at the age of 23. I know you didn't ask for *all* of this information. Most of all, I hope you heed the advice to STAY OUT OF THE SUN. :-)

Inquiring Mind3212 reads

The dermatologist looked me over a year ago and told me I was OK, but needed to wear hats (I'm in my 50's and bald on top).  I told him I wore high SPF sunblock on my head and he said even that wasn't good enough.  As he put it, there's not enough flesh up there to be cutting things out.  And the same advice applies to a lot of other parts of the body.

I knew a guy who died of from melanoma at age 53.  He was always working on his tan.  I'm guessing he's rather pale now.

Tans look great, and I like them as much as anybody, but they are very hazardous to your health.  Consider alternatives to a sun or tanning bed tan.  There's no way to make either of them safe.

~-_.:~2294 reads

A-hydroxy Night Creme.  Both do a different but effective job of tightening up the skin.  A few side effects, that's why I alternate-

-- Modified on 7/17/2004 7:23:32 AM

ClaudeBalls2166 reads

recommend for your flatulence? Your skin does look very nice.

sailed7seas2452 reads

A warm wet toung and a pair of soft lips to get the wrinkles out of you dick.......sorry can't ya for the other parts of the body.

all the time on my face (skin). Yes, certain products DO work, but diligence and good habits work best of all.

The following is second hand info I came across....

"For those of you freaking out about wrinkles, Estee Lauder makes this stuff called Idealist that makes your face smooth like a baby's ass. You put it on, and you can't believe that you're touching your own skin.

 It's very expensive stuff, but seriuosly well worth it. (ps - when it squirts out of the bottle, it looks dauntingly like semen)"

...maybe it is semen...Idealist??? How bout cumcream?
oil of a lay?  splendor splooge lotion?


-- Modified on 7/16/2004 2:07:19 PM

male chauvinist humor.
Just kidding, of course! If this ain't the place, where is!

most scientific studies agree that over-the-counter creams and lotions can do no more than temporarily moisturize the outer layers of skin. the molecules of the product are much too large to be absorbed beyond the outer epidermis.

some medicated products, like retin-a, have received good reviews, but there is still much discussion of the pros and cons - here's a link to a good example:

here's an article about $200 an ounce, designer skin creams, supposedly "programmed to your genetic code" to help prevent or soften the signs of aging on your skin... if you don't feel like reading the article, just read this quote:
"But will the DNA cream really work?

No way, according to several geneticists and dermatologists interviewed by CNN. Some even called it snake oil, misleading to consumers"

one thing you WILL get scientific observers to agree on: protect your skin from harsh external elements like sun and wind, and harsh internal elements like tobacco and alcohol .

There is nothing that will remove deep wrinkles except laser resurfacing and/or a facelift but to remove surface lines, improve pigmentation and just generally make you skin look more youthful try products with AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids).  A good brand, recommended by dermatologists, is Neo Strata.  You can buy a range of cleansers and moisturisers and good old 15% gel 'paint stripper' for skin.  This stuff is so strong that it will remove fake tan disasters and is great for smoothing the skin on your elbows feet and knees.  It also turns back the clock on your face, but always apply at night, wear a moisturiser with 30+ sunscreen during the day and don't use it for more than 6 weeks straight.  I go 6 weeks on, then 6 off and my skin is in great shape. Doesn't matter what moisturiser you use with it.  Neo Strata have their own but I just use any good supermarket brand with a built in sunscreen - Oil of Olay, Loreal, whatever.

Oh and did I mention it's about USD20 for a 6 week supply?

Tygrlily3063 reads

I'v been use their oil free line (cleanser, moisterizer and toner) for 4 yrs now.  I've never used Retin-A, fade creams, eye creams or any other creams on my face except for those mentioned above.  It' all made from vegetable and herbal product and I truly believe as a health advocate, natural has always been the best way to go.

Always remember most of these products are mass production made and you never know what really in them by the time they hit the stores.  Natural is always better.


Ci Ci4986 reads

There is no conclusive evidence for anything right now, except maybe Retin-A.  I guess it's botox (which doesn't work on me so gave that up) or a facelift for the lady. Gees, anyone got $12,000 to fork over and I'll be your love slave?  Heck, that would work out to 30 visits at one hour a piece or 15 visits for two hours each session. Wink!


I've read some amazing things about strivectin-D. I am not sure I spelled it right, but if you walk through a mall's cosmetic area and ask someone (if there's not a huge display), you should be able to find it.

thinkagain2527 reads

     nothing beats a good botox doctor, mine does all around my face - top forehead, brow, sides, undereyes, laughlines and chin area. it really takes that stress look away. i started before i got wrinkles, so now i don't have any.
     if you want a dewy glow you must drink lots of water, not smoking [the worst thing, next to hanging out in pollutation and doing drugs, you can do to your skin]  and being in humid places is a big difference.  i take lots of skin supplements too [ Murad, has a youth builder and cell hydrate supplement]. i also love N.V. Perricone, MD products, especially the night cream, it's the best, Sephora's give samples.
     i think people can usually tell when someone gets a brow lift or eye work and makes you look older, because it's not a twenty-something look.

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