TER General Board

would you believe a lady sent out a "bad boy" email but had the wrong TER name?
ChrissyStone 2295 reads

A provider sent out a valley-wide email about a guy who was verbally abusive to another provider in a session. She didn't get her facts straight and disclosed the wrong TER username.

About a week later she sent out another email explaining her mistake.

I certainly hope every provider who saw the first email also read the second one...otherwise an innocent guy is on a lot of ladies' blacklists.  :(  

catcat6455 reads

Ok this is what I have to say.
Being stood up? Yes me too.
The last 2 days I have been stood up by
about 10 different providers. I come to find out,
somewhere I am thinking it is here , has been writing on a  
forum where the providers can review the customers etc.
I dont know who or why , but someone posted something about me that is bad and now no one wants anything to do with me.
It is totally insane. I am such a nice guy & always on time.
Any appointments missed were by total accident.
I wish this person would of actually called me and talked
to me about it. But it just all seems so made up since I didnt do a thing that I am aware of. Each time for me it has been hell since I am waiting for people so long. Then they never call.  Finally I called one provider back and they said how I was on the bunk list and how I was never going to get a girl ever again. And granted however irritating all that is ,
it isnt even as disturbing as what the next provider I talked to
told me was being decribed that I was maybe beating people up
or something absurd. SO if anyone has a clue about any of this, please help me out and paste the link of these accusations so I know more. I am a totally kind person and wouldnt hurt a soul , so there must be some confusion. So if your listening and are the person
that is causing this thing, please fix it. I have no idea what you think I did wrong, so talk it over with me via email or whatever please. All the providers that have seen me
have always felt pretty good with me, and if needed I can ask them to post here on there own... ITs all lame and childish though folks...

There is no such review forum of clients.  The clients' identities are kept confidential by professional providers. I highly doubt you're on any bunk list, unless your name is BILL O'Reilly!

For gent's the reviews allow you to avoid bad experiences.  For us providers, it's helps us avoid abusers of our time and/or bodies.  

You'll never hear of them unless you're a bad boy.

wow really? yall providers actually review us?  I hope I got a "10-Once In a Lifetime" rating for something! No, seriously, this is interesting info and I'm sure quite helpful for the ladies in this business.  I highly doubt the AMPs use this information cus they seem so out of it sometimes...

Blacklists exist for a reason.  A person can be unlucky enough to get blacklisted by ripoff agencies or provider.  But those agencies and providers are known to good agencies or providers, so banishment of the magnitude that was described probaly will not happen.
    It seems that there is something real happening to cause the situations that were described.

catcat2459 reads

right on , I just want to make it clear if anyone is listening that is involved, you couldnt be more wrong about me.
I am totally a great nice person. And I wasnt a bad boy.
And oh yea that is what I was going to say is that ,
I am totally an advocate for both client & provider privacy etc
especially when it comes to a providers safety. Again though back on the topic , I did nothing wrong... (for the implicit record...) Take care

Sharpdresser2604 reads

Totally insane. I mean judging someone on a date they had with you!! When the girls turn the tables on the guys it then becomes insane.

All kidding aside, some girls here have posted bad reviews of guys here because they wrote bad reviews of them, or they anger them in the chat rooms. Lately the board bashing between the sites is getting out of control too I have noticed.

Just try to remember a few things that could have put you on "the list". Shower, brush your teeth and don't drool all over the girl when kissing.

P.S. What city are you in???


ElleWoods2744 reads

something stinks, 1 maybe 2 is excusable, but _only_ if you call in advance- if you are a no show more than 1-2 times you deserve to be blacklisted!

SO maybe you are the guy who doesnt get it and and drop out last minute, what comes around goes around

There is a mechanism where the ladies do review the guys.  It is not through TER.  

As the guys do, the ladies also talk to each other.  

I don't have any ideas as to why you are in the situation you currently find yourself.  I would keep trying elsewhere.

I wouldn't say we review as in the terms men are thinking. Blacklist yes... and just the menial of reasons you can get on a providers shit list..

There are many ( if Not more) sites, forums, groups for us providers to keep safe...to socialize with other girls.. or just merely rant and rave.. ( we are all human. we all need too)

And yes from all mentioned above, There is generally a black list.

My very recent visit to Long Island a man went to the front desk asking for Ciara.. This is an established hobbyist on many review sites. At this hotel, there is not even a need to go to the front desk nor does staff bother anyone.

Just a hint :   We dont check in under our "stage names" Hotel staff doesnt know whom Ciara is.. Our name here.. Is not our name in real life. BTW.. There isn't a Santa Claus either :)

Point being.. something simple as that, You got it! He is black listed.

However.. Upside is.. those reviews you give a 6 or 7 ? and others a 9-10 ? Same on our part, One provider may tell the other you are the best there is, where is one will say, you were rude and didnt shower that day. Not every experience is the same . Some providers may ignore it.. Just give the man fair warning and tell them " Please wash your jigger before you get here." or " Please Dont ask for PrettyPussyLips@yahoo when arriving at the front desk."    :)

SirPrize2247 reads

A simple "it's a nickname" covers it.

Instead, you decide to blacklist this guy for a mistake. Hope no one does that to you if you ever make one.

ChrissyStone2296 reads

A provider sent out a valley-wide email about a guy who was verbally abusive to another provider in a session. She didn't get her facts straight and disclosed the wrong TER username.

About a week later she sent out another email explaining her mistake.

I certainly hope every provider who saw the first email also read the second one...otherwise an innocent guy is on a lot of ladies' blacklists.  :(  

Well put Ciera.  Treat others as you would want to be treated is so easy to do.  It is called, shower, brush teeth, understand "no", etc.

messstat3588 reads

join the club dude...I ONCE said something about a provider that just happened to be the administrator of TBD's main squeeze...Now I'm blackballed from the site

Not to add more salt to the wound, but  your denial as to what could be wrong doesn't sound legit. It takes some effort to put out the word, and if Miss X went ahead and did it, then, she must have had a reason.

... or "redflagged."  It's not just a matter of forgetting to floss you teeth.  

Now, my skepticism notwithstanding, errors happen, like mistaken identity, and malicious people (and there are plenty of those in either sex)  who pull strings against you unjustly. But the latter would take a lot of effort, and more than one participating against you.  Why?  When it's you who has the money, and they who have decided to turn you down?  This takes more than a "bad review"; I'd call it a warning to other providers.    

If you have the money, there's a provider somewhere who will earn it from you.  You'll just have work harder to find her, and perhaps, settle for less than the prime choice.  Meanwhile, you might just want to rebuild your shattered reputation with the ones who will see you.  Find ones who are working up, not down.

You could also hire a private eye, find out why you're getting this "bum rap" (assuming that you have) take out ads online or in some adult magazines (you'd probably have to hire a freelance copywriter) and plea you case that way.    

I'm not at all surprised providers have this back-channel about clients.  It was only a matter of time that this hobby underground developed that, and it's one thing that a provider community needs to make to keep itself healthy.


catcat3920 reads

l0l ...
thanks for the info etc.
And to be clear this isnt resulting in a bad review.
ANd to be further clear , I did nothing wrong, and if it was something yea it was a flossing thing or brushing teeth thing... etc... I did nothing inappropriate with any lady I have been with , this is obviously a case of a young provider
that makes excuses for when they cant show up.
I am in the san francisco area too tank since you asked...

No one on these boards knows what happened with the possible exception of you and the lady who wrote a review of you.  

In this situation your guilt or innocence is totally irrelevant.  Unlike TER you do have access to the ladies board and therefore you can't contest the ladies review or even post a rebuttal on a related discussion board.  Unlike TER on some of the review boards the ladies can make these posts without identifying themselves so there is no accountability for what is posted. Some of the boards such as TBD require or did require that a lady make at least one post a month in order to maintain access to that board which means that each lady who uses that board is going to write something about someone in order to maintain that access.

I am basically telling you that you are screwed and there is not much you can do about it.  All that you can do is to seek out ladies who do not use the ladies review boards and try to erase the negative reputation by building a positive reputation with those ladies.  

BILL183563039 reads

Its possible you might be mistaken for someone else but thta seems a bit unlikely. If it were just one or two providers that would be bad enough but ten different providers tells me something is very wrong.

If this is some kind of strange mistake why not give the provider you're going to see some past references that you know are reliable sources and can verify you're not what someone os portraying you to be

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