TER General Board

Why so few touring thePacific NW?
500Roses4u 28 Reviews 971 reads

May be moving to the PNW from DC so naturally I'm checking out providers in the area. Seems DC has spoiled me. TER is barren for Portland & Seattle and I've only located a few k-agencies (not my preference). A few locals look decent but choices aren't great. Seattle seems better off than PDX, but not by much.

I've heard ladies say they don't like to tour the PNW  but I can't figure out why. Rates are on par w/ DC & there's a decent amount of $ around. Not many good locals so it seems like a hot touring girl could clean up.  

So, why does the scene in PNW appear to suck so bad? Am I missing something, like a regional ad site?  Curious about provider & client perspective.

I think you fellas assume this way too much.  If you’re not booking solid dates that supply a deposit the provider is supplying all out of pocket expenses. The rates to travel, hotels, transportation are at an all time high. I don’t tour. I only cater to fly me to you because touring is lots of work, and could be a hit, or miss.  

I am just curious what your idea of a hot girl cleaning up entails? Lol 😂 smile for me!  Honestly, how many guys would she have to cater to in order to clean up? Lots of traffic at a hotel with a hot touring girl. I think some of you understand how difficult it is to tour & make a huge profit without putting in lots of work.

-- Modified on 5/10/2024 11:41:53 PM

There are tons of ladies who tour in my area and deposit requirements are rare. I think it's a combination of advertising, rate, and reputation.

It is a LOT of work, you are correct. I start advertising about a month I go anywhere and yes, can be hit or miss. Unless I get several guys that want to book with me, or if it is a place that I really want to go to (like to DC to visit the sites) I am probably not going to go.  
So yeah, saying someone would "clean up" there is not really how it works. lol If you have never been there before a new gal would be going in cold. There are different groups of guys and not all of them are going to just book with a "hot girl" just because she is new and attractive in town. I have guys that have been chatting with me for months or even YEARS before they feel comfortable booking, either at my incall or my usual touring locations.  
And last but not least I have had a guy who said they would be very interested in seeing me at a certain location. I put out some feelers and get....crickets. Guy in question wants to book one hour only, so that would be a no go and had to cancel the trip. Unless I have 3 or 4 solid pre books (which I did for DC) it is just not going to be worth it, like Bia said above.  
At my price point for me to pay my expenses and make a decent profit for a 3 day trip I need to book 8 to 10 gents, some multiple hours or dinner dates, otherwise not worth it.

I think most men greatly underestimate the work involved in setting up a tour, especially if it's a first-time visit to a particular area.

"Cleaning up" is relative & not really the question. Not interested in overall touring, I'm asking about a specific area. I've seen touring discussions where it's mentioned, specifically, that PDX is "bad." No one says what that means - Slow? Boring? Guys are jerks?

RespectfulRobert18 reads

And again, don't downplay the distance from other big cities and Portland's lack of exceptionally fun and exciting things to do, comparatively speaking. Many well might consider it "boring" as you put it.

RespectfulRobert27 reads

First of all, it's far geographically. As opposed to a provider who can tour DC, Philly, NYC, Boston, etc where all the cities are relatively close, the PNW isn't close to any major city.
Second, the number of men in that area is going to be much smaller than in a larger east coast city so the math may not work for a touring girl.
Third, the weather there can be bad. Cold winters and often wet, dreary and rainy at other times.  
Lastly, what is there to do there when the girl has free time? As opposed to NYC, DC, LA, etc there really isn't any major tourist things to see and do there and that can affect a woman's choice, albeit to a lesser degree I would suppose.  
If women are already "cleaning up" in their hometown, and nearby touring cities, why would they need the hassle and uncertainty of going to a region far away where all/some of the above may disincentivize them from doing so?

First of all, since when are Seattle and Portland not "major cities?" There are lots of "things to see and do" in both cities. And the food is great.
Also, while it's true the weather isn't great in the winter, that's also true of the Northeast. And, like the Northeast, the weather during the warmer months in the PNW can be quite nice.

RespectfulRobert29 reads

But his OP is from the providers POV of why they don't tour there. There may be lots of things to do there, but the PNW isn't known for their "touristy things", as compared to the other cities I mentioned, nor is the food anywhere close in terms of its numbers of options or diversity of choices, again, compared to the other cities. IOW, I don't think any provider is touring Seattle or Portland bc of the food.  
I do think you vastly understate the weather differences. Yes, both have bad winters but the PNW has many, many more bad days outside of the winter, as Hpygolky's point would attest with how dismal the weather is there. It rains almost 50% of the days and is a major source of clinical depression in that area.  
I think you would agree in the northeast, from April through October, it is better, weather wise, taken as a whole, than the PNW. I think that would be the overwhelming consensus of Americans, who know both areas well.  
I must concede though that I probably overstated the downside but was just trying to offer up some plausible suggestions as to the lack of providers touring there. Thanks for your take.

I'm sure perception is an issue, even if it isn't true.  Seattle/Portland are #17 & 24 by population. A flight to SF, Denver, LV is a few hours, then it's on to LA.  

No question the East Coast is more dense. You could drive that route if you want. But if we're talking distance for touring, why would anyone not from TX tour Dallas? Denver? Chicago? Minneapolis? KC?

Weather & tourist attractions? C'mon.  I'm not asking why someone wouldn't want to move there.  Baltimore weather sucks if it's not spring or fall. No provider ever told me they were hanging out in a BWI hotel for the hour drive to the Smithsonian in 100 percent humidity.

RespectfulRobert18 reads

I can most assure you they do. Are they the MOST important? No probably not but let me give you an example. King of Prussia PA (western suburb of Philly) is a huge touring area for providers. Why? It has the biggest shopping mall anywhere on the east coast and is only second to the Mall of America in Minnie.  You dont that is the main reason women tour there? I know for a fact it is bc I play there and that is what they tell me first hand.  
Women often combine cities they want to sightsee in with their p4p tour city choices. Why do you think NYC, LA, LV, DC and Florida are so popular? Some are for the weather/beach, some are for incredible nightlife, fantastic restaurants and the arts while some are all of the above.  
Doesn't seem like a mystery to me as to why the PNW would be at a distinct disadvantage attracting providers. That area just cant compete with those other towns for many, many reasons.

I used to go there , Seattle …yearly to catch the Mariners Yankee games. And it was always cloudy and reek of gloom. Crossing the bridge over the lake to go to UW was gawd awful, grey skies and the water looked murky and just look like a good spot to dump a body.
Seattle is such a depressing city. I love the Metropolitan Grill though.
Girl would have to book 4-6 clients a day just to avoid committing suicide  
Man, I feel for you 😂😂

What I didn't mention in my post is that I'm from there, so it's a return after a long time. Started seeing providers in DC. I'm used to the weather but agree it can get dreary. No reason not to tour for a week though.

I've always wondered why any provider would tour to an unknown town.  Besides the basic math not working, a mid range hotel in NYC is over $350.00/night, flights are expensive AF, breakfast/lunch minimum of 25.00, etc.  Then there is the risk of only having 1 maybe 2 clients prebook, pay deposit so the costs are covered, but what happens if that's it.  The opportunity cost of leaving your town where business is somewhat known is to high.  
I'm a business owner and I appreciate what providers have to do to get business. (Advertising, cc fee's, constant e-mail/texts, scheduling, insurance, etc) I don't care what business anyone is in, it's fucking hard to be a business person.    
Good for those the FMTY, it's the best way to make sure you maintain your margins.

I recall Vancouver had a lot of nice ladies at one time. Maybe its still the place to go. Also, from I recall, Seattle use to be a hub for KGirls. And my best guess is that the guys would rather hit a KGirl. And some girls won't go to the PNW because of the competition from across the boarder.
Oh..and the weather still sucks up there

Thx. Yeah, Girls must still be a thing there since those are the only agencies I can find in PNW.  Vancouver, Can is still good from what I can tell but I'm sure that's because of loose law, not their even worse weather or shopping.  Vancouver, WA (PDX suburb)? Don't see anything but maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot.  

Considering the distance to the border, I can't see that as a big reason. It's the rough equivalent of me flying to NYC out of DC. Not doing that on a lunch break. ;). I could be wrong though.

All guesses on what's up w/ PNW are appreciated but I think I'm asking the wrong question. So...

Anyone familiar with Portland or Seattle have insight on where to look?  I've found the K-agencies. Not interested. Any non K agencies agencies? What's the best ad site for indys?  

As mentioned, Ter is a digital ghost town there. Tryst is ok but Eros & Models World are useless for that area.  

I'm hopeful that I might learn something new but I might just be stuck, with slim pickings , like if I were in the Dakotas or something.

I like to wrap up threads I start. So... After a few PMs and more digging, it's not quite as bad as I thought.  This area just requires more research than I'm used to in DC.  Common ad sites & boards are just different. Will have to use a combination of ter, p411, X, ads, & other sources.  Hope I can help revive the PNW boards & reviews when I get there, assuming I survive the weather. ;)

Thanks, all, for input.

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