TER General Board

Why do you say that?
Zayla See my TER Reviews 2004 reads
1 / 21

Just wondering if there are any male escorts on TER. I have never seen one posting. Not to hire but just a curiosity.

Dr Who revived 646 reads
4 / 21

But here's the link to an elite male escorts site.

No need to thank me  LOL
Posted By: Zayla
Just wondering if there are any male escorts on TER. I have never seen one posting. Not to hire but just a curiosity.

Dr Who revived 799 reads
5 / 21

Just yesterday the discussion revolved around this very topic.  

Seems that now Jack is out...and DrunkenAsian has his own website.

So...are TS guys...or girls?  Seems like a very divided group on that topic.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 615 reads
6 / 21

How do I become an Escort?!?

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 609 reads
7 / 21
Zayla See my TER Reviews 627 reads
8 / 21

Ugh! Hilarious I guess. Who even takes this guy seriously? But I guess that is all it is about.

Dr Who revived 520 reads
9 / 21

I guess the drunk types aren't what you're seeking?

Posted By: Zayla
Ugh! Hilarious I guess. Who even takes this guy seriously? But I guess that is all it is about.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 557 reads
10 / 21

But that made me laugh outloud. That's awesome.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 756 reads
11 / 21

His "About Me" and those photos won me over. And of course he's more flexible with his rate structure the drunker he gets.

He's scheduled for his first professional photo shoot and a video of him actually showing his blowing chunks prowess. I'm strongly considering 'managing him' as drunks need someone to help them not blow all of their easily earned profits. And because of his drinking he can entertain the OTHFBCs with no problem.

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!

Steph xoxo

mojojo 1 Reviews 723 reads
12 / 21

I believe his fake escort name is Fred Garvin

Blowing Chunks 592 reads
13 / 21

DA's been working out lately.  

I hear he even got a new set of dentures, got rid of the pocket protectors and the .5 inch thick glasses, dyed his curly gray hair back to black, and even got a penis extender / pump, all so that he can accommodate the growing demand from TER ladies with his mind blowing "BFE" experience. :D

Zayla See my TER Reviews 617 reads
14 / 21

Ha ha ha. I think I threw up in my mouth a little. ;)

Blowing Chunks 563 reads
15 / 21

Posted By: Zayla
Ha ha ha. I think I threw up in my mouth a little. ;)

Skinny_Minnie:-) 563 reads
16 / 21

I have a feeling the experience would be one I could NEVER forget- no matter how hard I tried.

He would be The Gold Standard of "once in a lifetime" (:()

Skinny_Minnie:-) 504 reads
17 / 21
skarphedin 662 reads
19 / 21
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 698 reads
20 / 21

Tips are never expected but always appreciated. If he blows chunks more than 5xs in 12 hrs though, I personally think he deserves some extra compensation and I of course won't be talking a cut of anything extra.

I do have to work hard to sober him up a bit afterwards so he can get ready for his next big adventure. He's low volume with the ladies but high volume with his drinking and chunk blowing.

Book now so you can be grandfathered in at the newbie rate, I have a feeling his career as a booze for pay male escort is about to take off with my slick marketing background.


pimptress supreme Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 12/10/2014 3:04:45 PM

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 516 reads
21 / 21

If you name the movie, and actor. I will give you nothing.  
You will be cool though.

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