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what's up with these teachers?
denverdon2757 49 Reviews 4328 reads

they sure didn't act this way when I was in school.

skisandboots2141 reads

Unbelievable.  The sad thing is, the more crap like this that occurs will cause our government to continue to make it increasingly more difficult to become a teacher in the first place and/or require the good teachers to continually jump through hoops they didn't have to years ago.  All while we have a serious shortage of good teachers in the first place.  So who suffers?  Everyone.  The only way to rid ourselves of these sickos is to put them away for life, which is the LEAST AMOUNT OF PUNISHMENT any RAPIST should ever receive.  The world all saw how short Mary Kay Letourneau's stay behind bars was.  Those who think she & Villi will "make it" are only kidding themselves.  I pity their kids, they don't have a chance.  If she were still behind bars not only would Villi & the kids have a chance, it might've made a difference here.

What's the problem? They were acting responsibly. HAd the kid belted in, right?  LOL

come on, who thinks that this just started happening in the last ten years.  never happened when i was kid, but u know something, it was happening somewhere/someplace.  and no matter how much u raise the quote bar to become a teacher, these isolated incidents will occur.  Bad news sells, and bad news sells fast so w/our new electronic media we spread all the bad news.  my local weather is 5 minutes of some god awful bad weather that is affecting someone else 1/2 the world away and 3 minutes on the actual local weather.

ode3584 reads

What was the crime? If the two-year old kid had not been there would it have been ok?

skisandboots3272 reads

The crime was "unlawful sexual intercourse", essentially statutory rape.  I don't doubt that the 16 year old boy was consenting to his 30 year old teacher, but that doesn't mean that it's still not a crime.  The fact that the teacher couldn't even wait to get out of the SCHOOL parking lot, and had her 2 year old buckled in the backseat just makes it all the more disturbing.

WebTerrorist2815 reads

Quote:  " What was the crime?"

Since this took place in the state of California, where the age of consent is 18, that would be the first law that was broken, since the teenager was only 16.

In addition to that, in many states, even if the age of consent has been reached there are still laws against sexual contact based on positions of authority.

Teachers as well as police officers, judges, clergy, psychologists, doctors, etc. fall under this law, where due to the influence or authority in a given relationship, in this case teacher/student, there can be a coercion of consentor compelled consent.
Where one person has a clear and delinetaed authority over another, laws tend to err on the side of caution, leaning towards the idea that because of the authority, and any perceived supperiority or advantage that comes with said authority then the lesser, in this case the student, no longer has the ability to freely give consent.

When I was a college student, I did some part time teaching, it was amazing the number of female students (generally the more "mature" ones who were physically mature beyond the boys their age) who would come on to me.  I had one girl enter a storeroom after me once, come up behind me and reach around  me from behind and begin massaging my crotch, telling me she wanted me and I was hers anytime I wanted, another caught me in the classroom after classes ended one day and hugged me and immediately gave me a deep toungue thrust kiss, asked me to give her a ride home because her parents were out of town; the school had a pool with a rec swim period, on occasion I would try to swim laps, severla occassions student  came up and hugged/wrapped their legs around me whenthe pool was not crowded..and so on, I was to young and scared to take advantage of any, but the opportunities were quite plentiful.  That was 30 years ago, I suspect students are even more agressive these days.

Isn't it so true.  Same happened to me as well but also have had teachers come on to me although later in life (end of high school and university).  Too scared to take advantage of it too so long ago.  Youth is wasted on the young I dare say!

In the '70s, just out of high school myself, I knew two guys who were student-teaching at the same all-female Catholic high school.  These were both guys in their early 20s.  One of them had exactly the same types of stories that you do.  

The other one only had one story, and he didn't have to tell it: he married one of his former students after she graduated.  BTW, she was about the hottest looking girl at that school, and just as you say, mature looking beyond the boys at her age.  The marriage last I saw, was lasting more than 20 years with three children.  Things have really changed.  If this had happened today, he'd probably end up behind bars.

In hindsight, it seems so naive that a Catholic school had early-twenties guys teach late-teen girls, an indication of just the kind of judgment that has got that church into trouble now.    

Girls at that age are most concerned with status, and unfortunately, a good way of gaining status is to show that you can distract the authority figure, which would be a male teacher, or to even seduce him.  But I think it's always bad judgment on the girl's part to do that, and the adult teacher knows it if she doesn't.  

I don't think this would apply to a female teacher poaching one of her students.  I think a woman with that charge would have a different motivation to going young than a man.    

Gorgeous Stud2038 reads

I consent!  I consent!  Where do ya find one of these school places?

-- Modified on 3/2/2005 9:53:22 AM

The only difference is, we're prosecuting them now, and treating it as big news, and generally ruining their lives.  Whereas before it was just a shameful and hushed up, and wasn't prosecuted as a sex crime when a woman had sex with a teenaged boy.  It was disdained, but it was not something you called the sheriff for.  

And the hot female teacher banging one of her students had got to be one of the most commonly reoccuring themes in porn-- both hard and soft core.  It wouldn't be told so often if there wasn't appeal to fantasy-- for both sexes.

But I think when women go after teenagers, they generally do it for far different reasons than men do, and the psychological dynamic is very different.  However,  I do think it has to be prosecuted.  Age of consent is the cornerstone of the notion of consensual sex.  

"And the hot female teacher banging one of her students had got to be one of the most commonly reoccuring themes in porn-- both hard and soft core.  It wouldn't be told so often if there wasn't appeal to fantasy-- for both sexes."

In fact, there was a very good early 80s (late "Golden Age") porn film starring one of my faves, Jessie St. James, called "Vista Valley PTA," that featured a student-teacher sex theme.


-- Modified on 3/2/2005 4:31:16 PM

Hedonist:)2745 reads

As the world turns!
Back in 1957 I had an English teacher that made it clear to all boys if you wanted to pass you had to be "home schooled" after school at her home.

Early sex ed and was she ever good, I would go whenever I could and yup I passed with an A.  

Wonder what she looks like now!  

that is, assuming it was made as a porn movie take-off of the song "Harper Valley, P.T.A.".  I never saw "Vista Valley P.T.A.", so I don't know if that was the case, but "Humper Valley, P.T.A." obviously sounds like porn.

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