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craziest thing said ...
nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 539 reads

a while back i had this wild latina GF .. . she would SCREAM   OH PAPI  while we fucked ..  and i mean SCREAM ..  i had to get vegas suites where the bedroom was not adjacent to another !  

20 years ago i had a french GF . she was even a runner up inthe Ms. France .. i would ask her to moan in French .. of course i had no idea what she was saying ..  could have been, i wish this idiot would cum already !  LOL  

but what is the wildest thing a partner said or yelled out during the heat of passion.   asking both boys and girls.  

A once well-known provider in the Hudson Valley, NY told me (in the middle of some hot action) "I wanna be your cum bucket, take off the condom and get me pregnant".  

Needless to say that didn't happen. She later explained that she had agreed to have a baby for a gay couple she was friends with.  

I found out a few months ago that she passed away recently in her early 40s. RIP Natalie.

What a wild child she was. We had some epic times. I used to help her screen in return for a free session a month. My ATF for sure. RIP ditto.

Unfortunately I only saw her 4 or 5 times before she moved to Florida. She was something else. Wild is a good way to describe her.

BTW, do you know the cause of her passing? I know she struggled at times with MS and it would knock her off her feet for days at a time. Just curious if anyone knows.

Rafl5 reads

I had a lady say she loved me. It was fucking awkward. Then after I seen her a few more times I learned she was a very good manipulator. 😂

I've shared this before here but....I was fucking this great gal from behind and she started, "Marry me, BABY!" over and over. It was hilarious.

say she loved me, I said, "Are you serious, or is this part of your job?"

I just spontaneously laughed out loud.
Anyway, here's another favorite of mine: I was in a cathouse on the UES of NYC. We're in doggy and she yelled, "Your balls are slapping my clit!" This was meant as a good thing.

I had one who kept asking me, "What are you thinking?"

Lol, was she roleplaying the nagging girl friend for you.

Posted By: gameami
Re: What did she expect me to say?
I had one who kept asking me, "What are you thinking?"

I hate questions of any form during sex. You have think about the answer rather than the sex.  

People don’t include dirty talk in their reviews. I have done race play by request, and gangbang pimp out your naught slut ass to all my friends it’s fun to role play. I play without judgement.

When she whispered in my ear while we were going at it was very sexy and sultry. But I’ve heard the “I love you” ,”Fuck me papi” and some other bits.
But one that struck out to me was one young lady whispering in my ear, “Let’s make a baby”. I was covered up so I found it strange but yet a total turn on.
But I’m the one  who will say some the dumb ass shit at the spur of the moment.  I said this one time. I like candles, always have. During an outcall visit as we’re leaving I told the young lady to “blow out the candles like you just blew me”. She laugh and told me to fuck off. But she knew me and figured it’s Hpy being Hpy.
But I’ve said some really off the wall shit
There’s the girl with a history of 10/10’s..,what I said was…, interesting 😂😂
Again she told me to fuck off…. Funny, I got a lot of those😂

…who had a bad habit of crying in the middle of sex. One time we’re going at it and she starts crying and says, “do you really love me?” I tell her of course I do. She cries more and says, “I don’t believe you.” A few weeks later I broke up with her and started seeing hookers for the first time. lol. She ended up stalking me for 6 months. A few months go by and I come home from work it must have been 10-11 o’clock at night. I go into my bedroom and she’s naked in my bed. She begs me to go out with her again. I tell her the only way I’d agree to it is if we do Greek. She bends over the bed and starts crying. I spank her and kick her out and tell her we’re done. I go to bed. 2am I’m awakened by a tapping at my window. It’s her. She asks to come in and just spend the night. We have sex and I kick her out in the morning and tell her I never want to see her again. Two weeks later she knocks on my door and proposes to me. This went on for months and the only way I ever got away from her was by moving and not telling her where I went. Borderline chicks are wild.

Rafl0 reads

Was she hot?

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Once had a civvie GF…
…who had a bad habit of crying in the middle of sex. One time we’re going at it and she starts crying and says, “do you really love me?” I tell her of course I do. She cries more and says, “I don’t believe you.” A few weeks later I broke up with her and started seeing hookers for the first time. lol. She ended up stalking me for 6 months. A few months go by and I come home from work it must have been 10-11 o’clock at night. I go into my bedroom and she’s naked in my bed. She begs me to go out with her again. I tell her the only way I’d agree to it is if we do Greek. She bends over the bed and starts crying. I spank her and kick her out and tell her we’re done. I go to bed. 2am I’m awakened by a tapping at my window. It’s her. She asks to come in and just spend the night. We have sex and I kick her out in the morning and tell her I never want to see her again. Two weeks later she knocks on my door and proposes to me. This went on for months and the only way I ever got away from her was by moving and not telling her where I went. Borderline chicks are wild.

She was pretty hot. Not a 9-10, but pretty close. The sex was fantastic when she wasn’t crying. In all fairness to her, her dad abandoned his family when she was in middle school, and it permanently screwed her up. She had a never ending fear of abandonment. But she was a nightmare. We habe some mutual friends I kept in touch with and I had been friends with the guy she dated after I was out of the picture. She messed him up pretty good emotionally. I talked to him one night about our mutual experiences with her. A few weeks later I found out he went into his back yard and hung himself. I guess I was lucky.

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