TER General Board

Well, well, another shot into your own foot, . . .
BG2002 3784 reads
1 / 66

Was hoping some experienced hobbyists could give me their 2 cents on a situation…

There’s a well known provider in my area who I want to see. She’s got over 200 reviews, most of them glowing. The problem is that several of her reviews mention doing BB with her, even BB Greek. Sounds like all you have to do is ask and she’s fine with it.  

I would never do BB with a provider. I wouldn’t do BB with Nina Hartley even if she got tested every week (lol). But should I be concerned that she’s done it with many others in the past?

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 55 reads
2 / 66

1- Don't do BB with her, cover up
2- Don't see her...fuck it. If what she does with other "Johns" bother you...then this is your best option.
Now wasn't that easy.....next

Steve_Trevor 29 reads
3 / 66

is that she could do BBFS with you without your knowing it and consenting to it. We know that’s possible because at least one very experienced monger has told us it’s happened to him, more than once I think he said. Perhaps the odds are low, but do you want to take that risk?

BG2002 44 reads
4 / 66

I don’t understand. How would I not know if I wasn’t  wearing a condom?

Bisous_Ciao 49 reads
5 / 66

You gotta ask yourself it it's worth the risk. If a few reviews mention BBFS, chances are there's a lot more who got it but were wise enough not to dick and tell.

If you're worried about STDs, keep in mind there's always the chance of it passing via oral fluids. Do you plan on no lfk/dfk either?  

I'd say skip it and see another safe provider.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 32 reads
6 / 66
Gus_n_MollyPugs 2 Reviews 50 reads
7 / 66

This supposedly "Super" provider with 200 glowing reviews......WHY IS SHE doing Bare back full s*x with complete strangers?   Is she unbalanced, suicidal, or just needs to do this? (See Nymphomania thread)

Or is there some testing compnonent that her "johns/clients" are required to undergo in a specified time frame prior to donating their DNA (and money) to her?

Once again.....I'm so confused....please enlighten me.

(Sidenote*:  I realize the slight hypocrisy in this questioning of this provider's behavior....as we speak, thousands of regular "Civilians" in my city alone will hook up tonight at bars/concerts/parties and NOT practice safe sex.....but still, if you know your going to a gunfight, and you have Body Armor, why the Fuck wouldn't you wear it?  It's not as uncomfortable as buying a .38 slug in the chest.

Zeel 67 Reviews 48 reads
8 / 66

Sounds like a provider I know. If it’s her, reviews are overrated. Some guys get so excited about BBFS since it is rather rare outside of the kgirl world, they review higher than they should. So unless you’re one of those guys, which you made it clear you are not, save yourself both the potential disappointment and the risk. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 32 reads
9 / 66

Huh? Is this a joke? Why would any provider do this? That is absurd. And more than once? Wow, what are the chances!!! LOL I already know exactly who you are talking about so if you would like to let him answer instead that would be spectacular.

helixir 42 Reviews 41 reads
10 / 66

As a wise man said, if there is any doubt, there is no doubt.  

Of course she's fucked more men BBFS than the ones who submitted reviews mentioning it. And of course it's an extra layer of risk.

The only question is whether you're willing to accept that risk. Only you can decide that.

Steve_Trevor 34 reads
11 / 66
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 41 reads
12 / 66

Better safe than sorry.  

If bbfs bothers you don't see her.  Like another poster stated, if she has done bbfs in a few reviews, there are many that post reviews and always a chance that she could be doing bbfs with them also.

nudetonyc 39 Reviews 48 reads
13 / 66

It's always a risk anytime you have sex with anyone, pro or civilian. Do you really think that everyone that you've ever seen has always used protection? And you can still catch things through oral albeit harder to. All you can do is be clean, use protection for your comfort level, and get tested regularly. I actually think providers are safer than civilians because they are more likely to get tested regularly.

BG2002 40 reads
14 / 66

I know - you’re prob right.

BG2002 36 reads
15 / 66

I hear you - but I’m very selective and she meets the “requirements” I’m looking for in a provider (eg, looks, service, price).

BG2002 45 reads
16 / 66

I know. And truthfully, I know what the right answer is here. It’s just temptation vs stupidity.

1980STT 53 Reviews 42 reads
17 / 66

Assume less than 10% of clients post reviews.  If she has 200 reviews she's slept with AT LEAST 500 clients.  That's being generous.  With 200 reviews I would easily assume her body count is 1,000+.  Also, if a few mention BB you can multiple that by 20 times.

The risk is on you.

BG2002 40 reads
18 / 66

200 was a typo on my part - it’s 100 reviews.  But your point is still the same. Valid.

James_Stance 48 Reviews 35 reads
19 / 66

Providers do this because they could charge extra for it and clients are willing to pay more for this service.  Also, due to medical and pharmaceutical advances, the risk of contracting a STI can be greatly reduced.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 28 reads
20 / 66

Thanks for the hypothetical, I am actually waiting for the client who apparently said this happened to him not once, but TWICE.  
I am a whore. I have had a lotta sex with a lotta guys in a lot of different positions. There is no way a condom can be removed from a penis without the penis owner knowing the condom is being removed. None. Zero. Nada.  
No provider is going to attempt to stealth a client (and risk getting their teeth knocked out) to try and extract an extra $50.  
I do honestly read the posts on this board just to laugh at the absolute delusional bull shit you guys post and actually think anyone with half a brain is going to believe.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 37 reads
21 / 66

That is - money.

By providing bbfs, providers will have more demand than they'd otherwise have.

It's not really rocket science.

As far as safety is concerned, the reward/risk ratio has increased as medical advancements have increased throughout the years.

Nowadays you can take prep to ensure you don't get House in Virginia transmitted and antibiotics for bacterial infections. (and obviously birth control)  

And don't discount the ease of getting these meds - unlike 20-25 years ago, you don't have to go to the doctor to get prescriptions. It's nearly as easy as ordering a doordash

-- Modified on 7/7/2024 7:46:24 PM

-- Modified on 7/7/2024 8:00:17 PM

Gus_n_MollyPugs 2 Reviews 48 reads
22 / 66

....for Bare Back Full Service/Sax?    I ask because of some of the points made overall

Team Rocket Qwerty says its about MONEY, that somehow this provider achieves a business advantage by allowing this to take place to/within her body.    Ok....if that's the case it implies a significant demand for this type of experience to begin with...

Yet many here express caution, reluctance or even slight aversion to such activity, despite her apparent looks.

To avoid hypocrisy, I will admit to watching my fair share of "cream pie" porn vids, and depending on who it is starring as the "receptacle" and how well the scene is done, the overall spectacle of a insanely hott porn chick getting filled up is arousing.   But it's not something I'd actually want to do in real life with someone (provider or civilian) I have JUST met for the first time....

If however, a provider I have seen many times suddenly were to offer "exclusive" access, that might be worth considering if the chemistry and relationship were strong enough with the provider;  basically both the provider and client get tested for a comprehensive range of all possible STDs and then agree to only do such a thing with each other (the provider would have to agree to go through the exact same protocol with any other client before offering the same to that client.....NO first time depositors, if you see where this is all going.)     I'm sure there would be a premium for such service....

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 46 reads
23 / 66

Wow, you sound very, very, experienced in the field of STDs!! As a provider who just uses common sense and uses condoms I have never contracted one, but if I do I will make sure to reach out to someone like you with first hand knowledge of the STD transmission experience so I know how to proceed. Thanks for the heads-up!!

Zeel 67 Reviews 45 reads
24 / 66

It’s a supply and demand issue. Kgirls offering it are plentiful. But outside of kgirls, the numbers shrink drastically. There are a small number who advertise it, often stating that it cost more and you need to bring a negative recent test. Some privately will offer it to a regular. This doesn’t tend to help the masses. Even more rare are ones who include it in their rate and do not require a test. It doesn’t matter if the demand is only 10% if the supply is under 1%. You cannot just look at demand. Supply matters. Less than one out of hundred offer bareback, included in the base price, and do not require a test.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads
25 / 66

of the provider.  I have known dozens of providers that can slip a condom into their mouth DURING a BBBJ, hide it against their inside cheek and then slowly work the cover over your dick while continuing the blowjob.  The cover is completely covered in saliva inside and out. Then they will immediately go to CG without missing a beat, and if you didn't get a chance to look first, you may think after a few minutes that there is no cover, but most of the time there is.   This is particularly a problem with the super-thin Japanese condoms that many providers use in order to enhance the "feel" and to make you cum faster.  (Buy them at a Japanese market and do NOT order them online from Japan.  If you do, the customs sticker on the package will clearly state, "Contains Condoms."  Lol).

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 39 reads
26 / 66

This is not the situation we are talking about. The OP was about a provider stealthing a client, which would be removing the condom without the client's consent. What you are describing is not stealthing.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 71 reads
27 / 66

EXPECTING a condom and then find out AFTER THE FACT that there isn't one.  What is the difference between "removing" a condom and failing to put one on in the first place when having a cover for penetration is an expected part of the session?  You need to learn more about this business before making proclamations like this.  There are many nuances that are not practiced in rural areas, so it's not surprising you have not run across this before, but then, you would be the perp and not the victim if this happened, and I doubt you would ever do this with a guy who wasn't expecting it.  

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 53 reads
28 / 66

I was answering a question about why providers do bbfs.

You don't have to interject into every post. We get it, you don't do bbfs. This discussion isn't about you, is it?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 52 reads
29 / 66
nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 54 reads
30 / 66

BBFS is the ultimate Catch-22 ..  you DONT want to do it with someone who offers,   you DO want to do it with someone who doesnt !    after 25 years in the hobby i can say for the last 6 or 7 years BBFS has become more frequent amongst the higher priced / rated ladies.    before that it was persona non grata to even discuss.  

sadly the KGirl market they even advertise in Bold capital letters online,  and check out the porn stars discussion board recent post about BBFS  

but its like masturbating ..  90% do,  the other 10% lie   LOL    now of course many of the sharper ladies here are always safe.  so please no posts about how YOU always play safe.  

nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 45 reads
31 / 66

find someone who does NOT do BBFS .. see her twice .. then if things go well,  offer see third time and to often repeat if both get tested for BB ...  a number are cool with that ...shows you also arent out there randomly going BB as well.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 49 reads
32 / 66

I think its pretty clear what it boils down to when you analyze why.

It's the combination of exclusivity, limited visibility and naiveness/bad assumptions.  

Guys like bbfs because it feels better than without a rubber.

Guys want to do bbfs with someone who doesn't offer it because they think this means exclusivity. "She's doing it with only me". Yeah only with you and hundred other clients she tells the same thing to. It's like if provider talks shit about other customers to you. If she does it with you, guess what she probably talks shit about you with other customers.  

Guys also think it limits their risk, but risk is the same. Unless you know for a fact this provider doesn't do bbfs with anyone else (which almost no customer knows)  

Again, if she does it with you (or me, this isn't personal) , chances are very low you're (or I am) special.  

So if bbfs is looked down upon in a community, what is the best biz tactic for a provider who wants to get both worlds?  

Well it would be to not advertise bbfs but be open to it in private as long as they don't tell anyone else (but guys still might). That way they still get their non-bbfs clientele and they also get guys who think they are somehow special by agreeing on bbfs privately.  

It only appears as catch-22 because clients make dumb assumptions based on nothing that they are special and other clients don't get same bb services.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 48 reads
33 / 66

Why would you announce on a public platform that you have had an STD?  
Jesus Christ dude.....

impposter 49 Reviews 49 reads
34 / 66

Maybe he was talking more generally about a socially transmitted disease, a SOCIAL disease?

Posted By: WIMissScarlet
Re: List of your reasons doesn't contain the most obvious one
Why would you announce on a public platform that you have had an STD?  
 Jesus Christ dude.....
Gee, Officer Krupke
We're down on our knees
'Cause no one wants a fella with a social disease
Gee, Officer Krupke
What are we to do?
Gee, Officer Krupke — Krup you!

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 62 reads
35 / 66

I didn't announce anything in this thread. Me saying reward/risk getting higher meant for the providers who want to make more $. The question, if you remember, was why do providers do bbfs.  


With that said, I have stated before publicly that I have caught an std before. I dont have a problem with saying that on forums that are about hobbying. Am I proud of it? No. It is what it is tho, it's the truth. And I don't run away from the truth  or accountability.

Gus_n_MollyPugs 2 Reviews 40 reads
36 / 66

....I'm curious.....suppose, just SUPPOSE for JUST a moment, that somehow....somehow....your splooge into the vagina of a provider did result in a pregnancy....?   I know, I know, you are all going to say....NEVER WOULD HAPPEN, NOT POSSIBLE, NO WAY etc etc etc....!

But stranger more bizarre things HAVE happened.....and if you did multiple pops, and then  3-4 months later you get a call from said provider that "Hey guess what?  I'm (possibly) going to have your.......!!"    "I need to have you do a paternity test ASAP, my attorney will be in touch.....bye SWEETIE!!   MUAH!!!"

Now wouldn't that ruin your morning coffee and scone....eh?

Zeel 67 Reviews 54 reads
37 / 66

As you suggest odds are very slim. And yes, it would be devastating. My guess is not only are these women protecting themseleves, but they are also likely to abort before having a clients baby. And you are right, this does not give a 100% guarantee. What also is not guaranteed? That you stay safe and do not get an STD. Thus, you know those going in BBFS are risk takers. They have decided that the small risks are ones they are willing to take. If I had to guess, getting an STD is much more likely than her having a baby that is yours.

edinathens 49 reads
38 / 66

Brace yourself for 18 years of child support payments, if she can prove you are the papa.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 39 reads
39 / 66

Maybe you should read this post from higher up on this thread.  THEN you might understand how it's possible to NOT know you are wearing a condom.  It doesn't happen often, but it DOES happen.  Since some of your reviewers have disclosed that you are weak on oral skills, I'm not surprised you have never tried this move on someone.  

holystonethedeck 88 Reviews 43 reads
40 / 66

Why is an unwanted pregnancy so out of the question???  And what about the occasional BSC provider who is looking to get pregnant? How well do you really know any of these gals? I had a session once with a very well-known NY lady (who has since unfortunately passed away) who mid-session asked me to take the condom off and get her pregnant. People are unpredictable. And if you're pretty well off and the provider knows this who's to say you wouldn't be targeted by a lady looking for a guaranteed monthly income for 21 years?

As far as testing goes, there can be a latency period where testing won't pick up an infection. So those advocating regular BBFS, how often do you propose getting tested? Plus drug-resistant bugs aren't uncommon not to mention viruses.  

This whole thing is crazy. Everyone does their own thing but for me personally BBFS is off limits. Safe play is the only option. I don't need stress in my life.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 37 reads
41 / 66

what would you do if she asked you for a paternity test, knowing that you were but one of maybe 50 guys who COULD be the father?  I would tell her to note my vasectomy scar, test everyone else first, and then ask me again if they all test negative.  Lol

Zeel 67 Reviews 37 reads
42 / 66

While anything is possible, you are shooting a longshot here. First, she has to prove it is you. If she is legit offerring BBFS, she now has to find and test a whole bunch of guys. Maybe she doesn't need to do this if she doesn't offer everyone BBFS and it's just you. Even then, other issues. She is not getting jack from you until she proves it is yours. Meanwhile, she is pregnant, uncomfortable, has bills pilling up, and business is down because less dudes have a pregnant escort fetish. She is not going to go through all of this unless she really wants to have a kid. Just for the money? Oh hell no.

Now, she has a child to raise. A child with expenses. Your payment to her is to cover childcare expenses. And, she is expected to share those expenses. She was never married to you, so just because you are rich she cannot claim that she or her child or used to a certain lifestyle. This is not a divorce. Oh, and she wants to work in clinets while raising this child. Double hell no.

Gus_n_MollyPugs 2 Reviews 39 reads
43 / 66

Interesting (for the most part) responses all.....the part about her not going after a "rich" client is wishful thinking though.   If she get's the right (or wrong lawyer depending on your perspective) and she's motivated, you're in for a lousy 3 years minimum.

But role it back...this was all a What IF for someone who just has to.....HAS TO....have BBFS.   Thankfully for all us fine upstanding gentlemen, such will never happen!  *puffs pipe*

edinathens 52 reads
44 / 66

Posted By: Gus_n_MollyPugs
Re: It's called "What if..." But role it back...this was all a What IF for someone who just has to.....HAS TO....have BBFS.   Thankfully for all us fine upstanding gentlemen, such will never happen!  *puffs pipe*
Since when are upstanding gentlemen immune from the 2% failure rate of condoms. *smirk*

RH1984 42 Reviews 39 reads
45 / 66

I had one of those intra-thin ones break on me once. I was driving for home, and it was feeling great, then it started feeling really great. I thought it was because she was clamping down on me until I pulled out. We were both horrified. I would never have kept going if I knew it was broken. I guess I should have known, but the timing of the break made it not obvious to me. Lots of showering for me. Enemas for her, and I just kind of glided out the door - ashamed and scared. Tested after about a week, and was ddf. We both dodged a bullet. Never saw her again as it was 1000% a mood killer.

inicky46 61 Reviews 43 reads
46 / 66

She blew me in the front seat of my car and expertly slipped the condom onto my dick from inside her mouth. I never knew until later.
As for broken condoms, that happened in college with a civvy girl. She had the tightest pussy I've ever experienced and after I finished and pulled out only the ring was left at the base of my dick. Fortunately, she was a nurse and knew what to do.

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 39 reads
47 / 66

Having a condom slip off accidentally is possible if the fit isnt right (too loose or too tight).   I had a different situation years ago where the condom broke at the tip, so the condom was still on my shaft, but there was my bare pink head sticking through.  Lucky I noticed it before I came.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 43 reads
48 / 66

"she could do BBFS with you without your knowing it and consenting to it. We know that’s possible because at least one very experienced monger has told us it’s happened to him, more than once I think he said."

So again, this would be that the client wanted and expected a condom to be used during sex, but the provider REMOVED the condom without the client's knowledge during sex.  

Really looking forward  to the full story from the super unlucky gent that this happened to not once, but TWICE!! WOWZA!!! CRAZY!!

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 37 reads
49 / 66

Gosh, I still don't get it! Derp! How would a provider do this? If the client is expecting a condom to be used how would a provider remove it from the penis without the penis owner knowing? And if the provider did not put a condom on the penis of the penis owner and the penis owner was expecting one to be used, is he mute? Incapacitated? Or maybe even....dead??? What would be the reason he was not able to ask for a condom to be used? I really do need to learn more about this business and you have no idea how much I appreciate your expertise in the field so I can be educated. Thank you!!

Steve_Trevor 33 reads
50 / 66

that “super unlucky” (?) gent. Also, the scenario doesn’t have to involve a cover being removed. It might never have been applied. And somehow, the “unlucky gent” never noticed (??) that it wasn’t applied.

And I think it was more than twice, if I recall.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 46 reads
51 / 66

Just because YOU haven't been to the moon doesn't mean no one else has.  There have been a lot of things said on this board by multiple posters that really happened but are not a common experience for everyone.  

FlaNoName 38 reads
52 / 66

Open mind??? What a hypocrite you are.  How many times have you called someone out on a poster's comment trumping them with your experience and superior expertise.  And no, I'm not going to provide a link.

HollyDay777 See my TER Reviews 42 reads
53 / 66

Holys not making shit up, I know him personally.

I’m keeping this short because anytime I get on here I’m chewed out, but unsure why this discussion constantly comes up. Any client OR provider playing unsafe needs to literally have their genitalia rot off.  

Medication is expensive, not even guaranteed, UGH i just fucking hate this convo completely because it puts in all of these thick dudes head we can ‘all be convinced’ to play unsafe. Fuck off.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 52 reads
54 / 66

Some of the other STD'S are incurable as well. They can bring on life long suffering ,are  irritating ,and will disrupt you social life and health for the rest of your life.

While many  providers do stay on top of their health, unfortunately some don't , so the risk  gets even greater.
Most STD's have signs and symptoms, so she might just be fine.But what about those that don't. Also sometimes, the timing of the testing is key,  as a positive test can easily  be missed.  

There is not a guy out there who don't prefer  BB ....but it comes with great risk for both parties.  
In the end the decision is yours.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 34 reads
55 / 66

The "she has to prove" response seens a bit weak to me. Few here seem to have the view they can stand disclosure in their "real" lives (I find the phase a bit humorous in that it's not like we are not actually doing this and it's all pure fantasy novel shit. So the scare quotes.)

So while it might be difficult for the woman to force you to take the paternity test I'm far from certain it would ultimately be impossible or that trying to fight it would be a better (cheaper, lower impact to the rest of someone's life) approach.

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 30 reads
56 / 66

In California it’s not difficult to force a man to take a paternity test. The woman files a Petition in the Superior Court, alleges that she had sex with the guy on a date or dates, that she’s pregnant and the projected conception date correlates to the dates of the relations, and she believes you are the father. You get served with the Petition, and the Court orders supervised testing through an authorized facility. If you’re lucky, the test shows you’re excluded and you only spend 5 or 10 grand on your lawyer. If you are the father you’re on the hook for her maternity expenses plus 18 years of child support plus her attorney’s fees.  
Full disclosure: I am a lawyer but I haven’t done any family law case since the early 80s. These were the procedures back then, and California has become far more liberal so I doubt the laws have been changed much if at all in favor of prospective fathers.

Steve_Trevor 40 reads
57 / 66

and it recognizes B.S. when it sees/hears it.

Zeel 67 Reviews 48 reads
58 / 66

You completely missed my point. Did you read it all? I said that if she is offering BBFS. I’m not talking about the challenge of getting you to take the test. I’m talking about tracking down 50-100 guys who it could be and getting them all to take the test, which would include you. You think any woman is going to go through all of this? Like I said, it’s a completely different case if she doesn’t offer BBFS to everyone and just did it with you. Tracking one guy down is hardly a task.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 34 reads
59 / 66

She really doesn't need to look for 50 to 100 guys. She can simply decide to pick on 10 or 15 who can only prove they are not the father via a paternity test. None of the random guys she might select can know they are not the father, unless they also know they are impotent or have been cut.  

So what do they do if threatened? Are they going to risk their careers, their personal lifes, family relationships? As much as people say they worry about giving out personal information in screening due to concerns about getting outted exposing themselves to potential biological proof of their activity seems a bit stupid to me.

So if the goal is simply extoring money BBFS and pregnancy, or claims thereof, seems to present much more leverage than a phone number or work badge. So I find you claim that her not actually knowing who the actual father is to collect from makes such incnetives too low for any to try seems weak. She doesn't actually need to know who the father is, just find 3-5 who are willing to pay to keep things quiet.

holystonethedeck 88 Reviews 37 reads
60 / 66

She doesn't need to deal with multiple men if YOU are the one she's targeting for whatever reason, i.e. if she's looking for YOU to get her pregnant.

The provider I mentioned told me she agreed to have a baby for a gay couple she knew in Brooklyn. I asked her if she had some type of legal agreement with them and she said no. I told her I'm pretty sure you can't just have a baby and give it away without going through a legal process.

She did not offer BBFS. She specifically wanted ME to get her pregnant. It was only after I refused that she told me she would try someone else. I had seen her a bunch of times previously and knew her well enough to know that BBFS was not something she did. She had around 500 reviews and had been in the business for almost 20 years.

-- Modified on 7/13/2024 11:09:28 PM

holystonethedeck 88 Reviews 30 reads
61 / 66

Posted By: Zeel

 Now, she has a child to raise. A child with expenses. Your payment to her is to cover childcare expenses. And, she is expected to share those expenses. She was never married to you, so just because you are rich she cannot claim that she or her child or used to a certain lifestyle.
You're being a bit naive. A good friend is a family law attorney. Child support commonly exceeds what is needed to take care of the child, plus in many states the woman would be entitled to support as well, regardless of whether she was married to the father or not.

Obviously there are many factors to consider, but you can't make blanket statements about the money involved.

Zeel 67 Reviews 33 reads
62 / 66

You realize she cannot just pick a handful of men and make them take a test? There needs to be just cause. If she’s offering BBFS to every client and there are 50-100 guys who it could be, there is no just cause to pick fifteen. Simple answer is no I will not take the test.  

Now if she really really wants tests to be taken, she would need to accuse one guy at a time. She would need to claim that one guy is definitely the one. In this case, the assumption is his refusal to take the test is confirmation he is the father. Then, he would have to take the test to prove otherwise. She can maybe pull this off 2-3 times before she loses this right due to a pattern of false accusations. For her, getting the right guy would be like picking a needle out of a haystack.

This is how it works. Look it up. Or, find a way to continue arguing. But I’m of the opinion that an escort offering any client willing to pay BBFS is not going to go through any of this.

If an escort wants to do this, she will not be your typical BBFS provider. She will target you and offer you, and you alone, BBFS so there is no question who it is. This is still not likely, but you never really know for sure what someone is capable of, so I cannot dispute it.

Zeel 67 Reviews 36 reads
63 / 66

I certainly can make those statements. These are paranoid thoughts over things likely not to happen. I’m not out here campaigning for BBFS so don’t get me wrong. Certainly there’s more concerning reasons to not do it, like STDs.

But the chances of an escort concocting a plan to have a clients baby, carey that baby 9-10 months, raise that baby, just so she can collect from said client, is well below 1% of a chance to happen. I’m not saying zero, because anything can happen. I just don’t bury by courage in favor of low odds.

holystonethedeck 88 Reviews 29 reads
64 / 66

Of course it's not likely to happen but anything is possible.

John_Laroche 48 reads
65 / 66

Actually, first she has to figure out who I am. Add it to the list of reasons not give give RLI.

Then, since women are most fertile about two weeks before their period, she needs to do the math and narrow down who creampied her during that week.  

So in conclusion, of all the reasons not to do BBFS, this rates pretty low.

Hbbyman19 28 reads
66 / 66

I'm a lucky man and I've gone BB with probably 20+ pros in my lifetime.  Sometimes things get to hot and heavy and you slip up.  Luckily I've been tested numerous times and its been years since I've gone BB with a pro.  

In the end, use a condom or oral and sex and no kissing is the safest way to hobby.   You can catch mono from kissing.

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