TER General Board

Well I am actually "ABC"
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 2786 reads
1 / 23

With a good ter record? I'm off on a 1 year adventure. Is it possible  to get lucky?

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 572 reads
2 / 23
bofia 23 Reviews 509 reads
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JakeFromStateFarm 449 reads
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He lives in a van.  Down by the river

micktoz 41 Reviews 475 reads
5 / 23

I haven't had the guts to ask for an outcall to me yet. We'll see.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 438 reads
6 / 23

Nope. Economic adjustment. Winter is coming LL.

Posted By: LisaLang

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 373 reads
7 / 23

would cause most of us some "economic adjustment."

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 295 reads
8 / 23

you would not take an outcall to an RV Park?  What if its a big enough RV that it doesn't start rocking when you get busy?  Does that help him?

bofia 23 Reviews 468 reads
9 / 23
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 292 reads
10 / 23

Just because you won't see someone in an RV doesn't mean no provider will. I posted the link to sweeetman's thread, and it seems like he is doing just fine. :)

Posted By: LisaLang
Something called 'savings' bud!  
Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
Nope. Economic adjustment. Winter is coming LL.  
Posted By: LisaLang
-- Modified on 6/26/2016 11:34:14 PM

Onlyalurker 386 reads
11 / 23
Onlyalurker 432 reads
12 / 23

Trust me it isn't. It's just that your expression "poor and unfortunate souls" got stuck in my mind. Now that I think about it,  it's actually pretty funny. There probably is no such thing as a poor hobbyist. Unfortunate maybe. Lol

GaGambler 364 reads
13 / 23

I have several of them. If you'd like, I could loan you a few while you are building your own fan club.  

Now to make you feel a bit better, can you imagine someone following me around commenting every time I insulted someone? THAT would be a full time job.lol

GaGambler 347 reads
14 / 23

but close enough. lol

and it is nice to have a fan club, the way I look at it when someone is stalking me, they are leaving everyone else alone.

Onlyalurker 388 reads
15 / 23

I was never personally offended. Just sounded to me like you were making fun of "poorer" hobbyists. Anyway, it's not important. I also don't have anything to hide. We did meet a couple of times. No biggie.

GaGambler 296 reads
16 / 23

Yes that's me, GaGambler "the Samaritan" lol

and somehow I doubt you have ever been called a UFO,

GaGambler 318 reads
17 / 23

It's not exactly something to be proud of as UFO= Ugly Fucking Oriental. lo

Onlyalurker 356 reads
18 / 23

I never tried to schedule a session with you. By the way,  these boards are for expressing opinions. I may or may not agree with you and you and others may not agree with me. That's what makes it fun and entertaining. Live and let live!

GaGambler 259 reads
19 / 23

That's good enough for me. lol

UFO is a pretty old saying, I first heard it in grade school, but it's still in the urban dictionary.

and yes I still manage to charm the pants off of a few ladies instead HAVING to pay all the time, but that doesn't mean I have anything against paying. I just like to know that I can still charm a lady into sleeping with me and I am not one of those guys who pays because it's the only way a woman will give him the time of day. BTW, what time is it in SD??? lol

GaGambler 325 reads
20 / 23

and I will most definitely take you up on that the next time I find myself in SD.

For the record, I don't suck up too often here on the boards, and I usually make fun of those that do, but they can make fun of me all they like if my "charm" is working on you:)

Onlyalurker 366 reads
21 / 23

You just can't seem to grasp this concept. On SD board I made a funny joke which everyone else except you understood as such. I guess you can't handle anyone ever disagreeing with you and immediately resort to calling them names and stalkers. Which one of us is immature here

Onlyalurker 411 reads
22 / 23

Well, I guess you have no sense of humor, because everyone else understood the joke except you. I think it's clear who I am dealing with here...

micktoz 41 Reviews 296 reads
23 / 23

I have no problems cumming to see you when I am within the same zip code.

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