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If anyone is interested in intelligent erotic cinema...
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 5091 reads

go see the movie "Eros".  It is a compilation of three shorts, one by Michelangelo Antonioni (who guided the project), one by Steven Soderbergh, and one by Wong Kar Wai.  Wai's pice, "The Hand", is the most erotic movie I have ever seen in my life, and is also one of the most bittersweet...it had me in tears.  Wai must have had a window into my soul.  The other two shorts have their points of worth, but "The Hand" is fucking cinematic genius (marred only by a one time poor choice of music), and should be seen by any serious film fan.  It is worth the price of admission alone, and I am still feeling it.

Unfortunately, you will only be able to see "Eros" if you live near a major metropolitan area...most of the country is too busy watching "Sahara".  Thank God for the Landmark Theatres.

(Flash is needed for the link)

-- Modified on 4/11/2005 7:41:47 PM

ashleelala2923 reads

The Hand by far the best of the three......
however, I'm curious to know what point of worth did you think the third one had? It was so forgettable, I've even forgotten the title. You are right that The Hand was definitely worth the price of admission. As a civvie, I'm also very curious how it will touch the hobbyists out there...will it ring true for them??

The third one was Antonioni's, and the younger directors were determined to work with him.  The poor guy's 92 yrs. old, stroked out, and apparently just sits there drooling while his assistants interpret for him and tell the actors and crew what to do.

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