TER General Board

We need to give this provider a medal...
zinaval 7 Reviews 6547 reads

...and give this guy a dunce cap, two circumcisions, and 20 years in the slammer.  

-- Modified on 1/8/2005 12:20:53 AM

Amen, Zin;

However, I was a bit pissed at the early reports that said she was a "PROSTITUTE"  like that was as bad as being a pedophile.

The later reports softened it a bit but some still made it seem that she was as bad as he was.

It's to bad some people just don't get it.

Just my opinion...

Just remember, in real life, no good deed goes unpunished. Unless she figured out some way to give him up on the sly, in a week or so, after this has died down a bit, some zealous LE officer will take it upon themself to bust her.  Hope otherwise, but time will tell. She did the right thing, but it may cost her dear.

I wish I had a way to reward her for it.  Thank her, anything.

Below Rick2 posed the question how bad does the client have to be?
For me I would expand that to be for one of us ladies to risk our job, freedom and maybe even life to report such skum to the police.
For me, and I am sure a rather large percentage of the other ladies out there, the client could be the dream client we always want to see.
Inteligent, respectful, on time, generous, (good in the sack) and what the heck why not toss in drop dead georgous and hung just right. Always on time, always have a gift, always very generous with tips etc. We girls all have our likes and dislikes.
Yet, I would get myself out of there as quickly as I safely could and immediatly call the police. (let them lock me up if they wish) I would further be sure to make myself available to testify etc. no matter what it takes to be sure this skum is locked up for as long as legaly possible.  For not only are those whom would victimize children in this, or any other way for that matter, the skum of the earth, but so are those whom support and condone such be it through purchasing or in any other way going with the child pornography resulting from the horendous acts against our most innocent and valuable assets society has (children) or just ignoring that such exhists even when it is staring you in the face.
Not only that but there is no telling how many children she may have saved from abuse by her "client"
So in answer to Rick's question, he could be the perfect client but once such at that is known of him he is ammongst the worse ever.
I know I do not normaly let my emmotions get ahold of me here and hope my strong stance and distaste for ths skum (frankly I do not think he deserves to be called a man) and I hope it does not offend anyone but this is one that hit me rather hard.

ashleelala5119 reads

femaleartist........i've seen the sense of humor in you, and now the serious side, its nice not offensive. Know this, when the scum gets to prision...he'll get his. Pedophiles are tortured...what goes around comes around.

WhatTheHeck2594 reads

apparently surprised that a prostitute would do this.  A lot of narrow-minded, uninformed people out there.

Yes, the story is surprising to the general public, and it's written as though it should be surprising.  Yet, I know that most providers here would do the same.

And I wish I could find a way, or the community could find a way, to reward her.  She has really put herself on the line doing this. The reprecussions for her from doing this are going to be tough otherwise..


Zin I am with you on that if someone could find out who she is and her contact info I am pretty sure we would not be the only ones that would wish to help

I am totally against others who would use children that way but at the same time I would like to know why the Provider was snooping on his computer in the first place?

I doubt he said hey let's watch some child porn before having our fun so again what was she doing snooping around?

Ok now on the other hand he is one less person we have to worry about, send him to the pen (prison for those that don'e know the meaning of it) and let him be used for the pleasure his ass was born for.

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