TER General Board

Vice grip. Double entendre intentional. (eom)
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 2717 reads


What do you guy's think about TER starting a section for provider ratings (By handle ofcourse)of their BFE experiences.
We guys might get a better insite into how to make our experiences better.  


I've been somewhat in awe ever since I discovered TER, which is a great forum for us guys, and potentially good advertising for the ladies, but it must be hell on their egos to read some of the criticisms they get - even the best. I know, I know, goes with the territory. I'm just saying that if the shoe were on the other foot, I don't think I would like it so well. I can just see my reviews; "hrnyguy is huffing like a freight train after just two minutes of giving me a not-so-vigorous workout." or "we DATY, 69, CG, RCG, Mish & doggie, all in 5 min! He asked for another hour so he could rest up to go home!"

to be simultaniously "released".
I guess you could ask a provider to send you a PM.   We're gonna get a lot of guys telling us that they don't give a donation to a gal to serve her needs so what's the point?  And a provider wants your repeat visit so if they say you're a shitty lover it pops the balloon.  The National Discussion Board has proved to be a terrific resource for how the ladies feel, replete with helpful hits at how to be a successful & courtious hobbiest. (At least the web-savvy providers.)
  I don't imagine most providers want to write reviews.(time, losing business by being frank, etc.)
  I think it was our Wild West Provider who, on one thread, yearned for a Provider Board for privite communication with other ladies.  Can you imagine that?  "Oh, bite him in the small of his back and he'll be happy and finish early!" or  "oh yeah, that guy!  Don't take him or you'll be sore for days."
or "He's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet but wear rubber gloves"   I'm all for it, of course, if it puts them at ease, keeps them safe, and makes their life a more pleasant place to live.  Of course, WE wouldn't see those "reviews".
  I don't think your idea will happen.  Visiting a provider you enjoyed more than once and in the process building a communication with them seems to be the best way to get a "review" from someone you care about.

vannessa4638 reads

I think that although there is no public well known forum for this type of discussion. Many ladies still talk about it behind closed doors. Just like hobbyists use the board as a reference, many providers use each other as a reference.

I think it would be impractical for providers. First, why drive away business with a review that is anything other than great [unless the guy was a real creep/freek], thus making reviews meaningless. Second I think guys would get terrible ego wounds if their reviews were not as good as the provider gave to someone else, another busness looser. On the other hand, providers could make a few extra bucks selling macho man reviews.

Of course I have every confidence that I will get a 10-10, but seriously, I don't think we really want to know the truth.  Remember, part of the art of the courtesan is to make us men feel like MEN and truly appreciated.  I wonder if I really want to spoil the fantasy that some providers have so artfully provided me with.

This whole game was created because of the man's need to feed his ego.  Good providers don't just give us sex.  They feed our ego. I'm not sure how rating us would help. I know I'd be a pretty bad sport about anything less than an 8!! You think road rage is a problem now? wait until TER implements your idea!!

on another board and it was a miserable failure. The guys don't want to hear the truth, tends to kill the fantasy. And the women don't want to tell the truth, as it would kill their business.
In an ideal world, I think it could be very useful information, but I don't think most male egos can take the strain of even constructive criticism and when you think about it, that's not what this business is about. It's been said before and it remains so...this business is about fantasy. Reality just isn't that attractive in this context.
The simple fact is that hobbyists that care how they are perceived and are kind and sensitive towards the providers they see don't need this information, they already understand how to treat a woman. The one's that need the info, either wouldn't recognize the things they need to change, or just don't care. My humble opinion of course. xxx Octavia.

vannessa3705 reads

Just like childbirth,periods and estrogen. Hobbyists would not be able to handle so much criticism.

Hear Hear-

Big fragile egos in a lot of guys-

The only thing men are good FOR
They're not good AT!

I KNOW I have no skills- and a very avarage tool- do i really nead to hear it?

How'd that jingle go, Sully...

Ace is the place for the helpful,hurtful hardware man.


to put this in proper perspective...

When was the last time that salesgal who sold you that Hummer(TOUGH TO SELL THOSE GG'S THESE DAYS) ... rated you.

...but then again ,she wasn't humming on that afternoon drive session or maybe she was.Hummmmmmmm.Hummmmmmmm. Hummmmmmmmm.
Although I do sense that this idea will be whistling Dixie.


While your intentions here are admirable, a rating system for clients is not the way to go about it.  Such a system would quickly turn into a negative for gents.

Ladies have made it pretty clear that if you show up clean and dressed reasonably well, act like a gentlement, respect boundaries, and have the proper donation you should have a good time.

You forgetting who the customer is.  

then they can rate/review me!  Real bad idea here. Don't think any provider in her right mind is going to do anything that might negatively influence her business. Don't see this working at all!

It would help to make them safer, and it would help them to warn each other of unreliable clients. With so many clients out there over such a large geographical area, It would be impractical to rate them. I do think that if there was such a board clients that a lady felt were truly remarkable would probably get mentioned. But the vast majority of us will fall into the, "Yeah him, he's nice" range of a review.

Ci Ci4014 reads

I don't think gentlemen are ready to hear how they have performed. That could affect our business negatively, which would be sad because I love you all.


If you wanted to do this in a manner that was both useful and not hurtful to us guys, you simply need to be creative about it.

For example, I think this would be appropriate:

One Category would be:  

Warning, DO NOT SEE!

This category would be used ONLY be for dangerous or truly disgusting guys, whom you need to warn your peers about.

For everyone else, you could grade us on a scale from 9 to 10.
I, like most others, could handle ANY score on the continuum from 9 to 10, without sustaining any damage to my ego.  - LOL!

Ci Ci3185 reads

a rating on a scale of 9-10 would be difficult. Heck, I don't even get that sometimes, and I know I'm worth it. Darn it! I think it's time for an oil change and tuneup.


Tony Souprano5768 reads

What kind of rating would slam, bam, thank you Mam get?


Turkana4176 reads

hobbyists who wished to be rated would be subject to ratings.  Consider the advantages to hobbyists and providers alike:

1.  Hobbyist doesn't have to participate if he doesn't want to.
2.  Those who participate have more than usual incentive to treat providers well.
3   Hobbyists who get decent ratings are likely to get greater or easier access to providers who are heavy screeners or otherwise fully booked -- i.e., highly desirable.
4.   Isn't the idea of things going both ways neat?  (Okay, we can defer the $ aspect of it for a few decades, but that one's coming someday, too....)

I thought the point of reviews was to take some of the guesswork out of spending your money, while perhaps reading a very hot encounter.  Money's scarce, but we could always mint more words.  Useless verbal inflation will just make things nasty.


I can see why this wouldn't work...

but, I must say I would LOVE to have an honest appraisal of my skills.

The way I look at it, if I liked the provider, and liked the session, but got a laundry list of "things to work on", or better yet, some specific tips on how to perform better, I don't necessarily think I would avoid a return visit. My ego can handle that I'm not the best lover ever. I wouldn't hold honesty against a provider. I'd more likely come back and go for a higher grade. But that's me. I also know that a LOT of guys wouldn't want the truth if there were any weaknesses in their "delivery".

How about this: providers could write reviews with no names. The other person who was there would likely know it's about them, and could lick their wounds (or puff out their chest) in private, and *everyone* would get the benefit of the information.

I'd read that forum regularly, I'll tell ya that. If only for the erotic descriptions from a female perspective.

Stempy4079 reads

it would give a whole new definition of being  "ratings challenged." The TER rating system might have to start with negative numbers!

I believe that another board tried this...

On TER you have to remember who is the customer.

I hope and believe that any of the 60+ providers that I have reviewed will remember me fondly...but do I really want them to rate me...no....

My goal in life is the same as Telly Savales...who once said that he hoped that all of the women he had been with would attend his funeral and then go to the wake to reminisce about how good of a "man" he was.

Of course after death you only remember the good, not the bad.

As a side goal I have always tried to be the BFE for every provider that I have seen...

Finally, probably the ultimate epitaph would be "he ate pussy like a lesbian..."

If that were the only thing in a review of me, I would die a happy man....

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