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Vaginal odor? Post coitis.
concerned 05 3728 reads

My SO within the last 2 months has developed an unpleasant odor when I pull out after having sex....there is no discharge, no pain with sex or urination and no fever but we both must clean up after unprotected sex because of it's unpleasantness.  She is very clean and takes between 2 and 4 showers a day, thats no lie. Any serious opinions out there? Anyone else have any experience with this situation??

My first question is, is the odor present before you have sex (even if it is not as strong)?  Bacterial infections and yeast infections can cause significant odor.  There may or may not be pain associated with sex.  There may also be odor associated with a urinary tract infection.  If the odor is not present before sex, maybe you are the source of the odor..... which can also be bacterial in nature or even a urinary tract infection.  As with all medical questions, please see your doctor.  If she suspects a problem, and is uncomfortable discussing it with her doctor, there are treatment clinics that specialize in women's health.  Try finding one in your area.

She needs to see a GYN immediately, no question about it. Her sexual health is way too important to be fielding answers on a message board!!!

You should both be checked out asap. There are too many possibilities.

I don’t know if you being cute; however, douches wreak havoc on the female system & they should not be used on a regular basis, particular in this case.  If she has an infection, the douche will push the infection further up into her body.  Women should avoid using douches all together, if they can help it.

Definitely go to the gynocologist.

Also, could it be possible that there is an old tampon way up there?  A friend of mine works at a gyn clinic and this is extremely common.  She told me that the smell, which is not that noticable except for during and after sex is extremely noxious.  They just go in there and pull it out and then prescribe antibiotics just in case.  

Go to the doctor.


Q I inserted a tampon far enough into my vagina to lose the string--and forgot that it was there. It's been in there for at least a week. What now?

A This is more common than you can imagine. "At least once a month, I have a woman come in who has had a tampon in for a month," Masterson says. "I put her on a high dosage of antibiotics for about two weeks and she's fine." Obviously you don't want to make this a habit. Besides producing a wicked odor, a forgotten tampon is like a vacation home for bacteria. Leaving one in longer than eight hours disrupts the vagina's self-cleaning process, increasing the risk of curable but odorous infections such as bacterial vaginosis. Toxic shock syndrome, a rare but serious infection indicated by fever, chills, vomiting and diarrhea, can also occur. This is not the time to be squeamish. Remove a forgotten tampon immediately. Can't find it? Head to your doctor.

St. Croix2190 reads

LaLaLaLaLaLaLa!!! Thanks Kate. Now I have a visual that I can't get out of mind. It's these type of graphic descriptions that will keep me on the hobby sideline for at least a month. And when I go back, the first thing I am going to say to myself is, "what else does she have up there?"

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