TER General Board

Try using.........
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 4431 reads
1 / 25

A few times I've had appointments (not by my regulars - you guys are great), the guys have begged not to use a condom. They know I only do F/S with one (excluding other fun things, of course).  One guy wouldn't take "no" for an answer and completely wrecked the mood because I finally had to say abruptly, "Look I won't do that and would you want me to anyway? Think about how many men I've been with?" Anyway, we continued but I know it took some of the mood out of the situation. I continued graciously but it's really annoying to have to tell someone four times. Wink! Then, you get the answer (to make you feel guilty, of course), "But other girls do it!"  Oh, pleaaaaaaaase! If other ladies do it, then they're really taking a chance and so are you gentlemen, especially if you have a signficant other at home. I can understand asking once because of the intense mood, but after that it feels like rape when you have to say over and over again, "No, we have to use a condom."

Okay, please be gentle on me.  Wink!


Emperor Palpatine 4983 reads
2 / 25

Gents like that give the rest of us a bad name.

BBrain 55 Reviews 3088 reads
3 / 25

I would've kicked them out!

-- Modified on 11/28/2005 2:52:04 PM

Bizzaro Superdude 2075 reads
4 / 25

Two things about your post disturb me.  The first is that someone wishes to see an escort without a condom....  That is not a good thing.  Even in civie life - I use a condom.  Except when I was married and even then, in retrospect, I should have used one.... she cheated on me... and who knows what bug her dude brought in.  And no I did not hobby while married... so there!

The second thing that really bothers me is that he kept insisting.  That is more troublesome.  To recount, I went into a store the other day, and was asked at the checkout counter if I wished to receive a 10% discount on the purchase of a $3 battery pack by opening up a credit card account- really - how stoophud... I said no, politely.  A couple of seconds later - they asked again - I said no again - politely, but with enough volumn to be sure that they would hear me...   OK, they then asked a 3rd time.!  I screamed at them - "NO!!!! I do not wish to open a charge card account for a $3 purchase, if you ask again, I will leave your store without purchasing anything!"  To which they replied, "Well, you don't have to yell."  to which I replied, "Apparently I do, as you keep asking, and the answer doesn't change."

Our society now dictates that if we do not get our way, we can just keep at it, hey insist on what others want or will allow.  Rude, it is.

While, many times with an escort, what I want is not on the menu, while many times it and much more is.  

What do I wish to be on the menu?  the lady to cum.  No kidding - that is the ultimate turn on to me.  If there is anything that will kill the possiblity that that will happen- it is the insistance on having it my way.  What is this dude thinking?

Ciara, the only thing that I would insist that you do is smile!  but then again - if we ever meet - I would hope that you stop at the smile, cause when I disrobe, many laugh - I guess a green head is funny....  ok, so many just giggle... but still!  

keystonekid 114 Reviews 2823 reads
5 / 25

You probably had to speak two times too many.   What part of NO didn't he understand?  Us good guys don't like taking the rap for the a$$holes of the world who try to take advantage of you lovely ladies.

Buddy Rydell 2483 reads
6 / 25

female condoms. If you lube them up real good it feels almost the same as bareback. Maybe that'll limit the guys who persist for bbfs. Regular condoms don't feel near as good to the guy as a female condom does. It does seem strange that a guy would keep asking for a possible death wish, but this hobby brings out the stupid in all of us to a degree.

ItsAlimentary 2577 reads
7 / 25

Even if the worst STD in the world could be cured with two aspirin tablets you have the right to say no to unprotected coitus. Without getting into politically correct grandstanding I say these boors should simply patronize providers who offer BBFS and not pressure you for your adherence to safe sex. A cursory search of my posts will reveal that I'm a devotee of Greek and Asian culture. I would however never attempt to pressure or shame a provider who is not comfortable with these practices into affording them to me.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2026 reads
8 / 25

any hobbyist ever get propositioned into upbuying (or perhaps not even with that) by a provider into having bareback?
I experienced this about 10 years ago at a AMP while vacationing and I was shocked.  (Previously I only recall providers doing this way back in the good old pre-AIDS days of the late 70's.)  I politely declined, and she seemed perplexed, making me think that she had a lot of "takers".

ellobo69 2613 reads
9 / 25

I haven't heard stats on std's and how you get them, but I imagine the risks are low but dangerous if you're the unlucky one getting it. Hell they should be happy with you as you are. OMG, what more could a man want?

zinaval 7 Reviews 1362 reads
10 / 25

You have the idiots who ask for uncovered sex and ladies who offer it, and then you have the people who have a panic attack if a condom slips once.  

If you ask me, CiCi, you were more patient with him than any tryster should ever have to be.  Asking for uncovered is stupid and wreckless.  Asking for it repeatedly compounds that: callously disregarding your wishes.  Yes, it does seem similar to date-rape then.  

I think a lady was offering me BB once.  I mean, we got to the point where nothing else but the main course was possible, and she wasn't reaching for the condom till I prompted her to.  I mean I was inches away from BB.  I'm not certain I could make myself do that again though.  Oh, it would have been so cosmicly intense then!


SmellySmegma 3212 reads
11 / 25

known and well reviewed ladies that offer it. Some guys get "spoiled" and expect all ladies to do it. If they'd stop to think how many cocks go in some providers, maybe they'd stop demanding BB.

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 2527 reads
12 / 25

said that I wouldn't believe how many here in Phoenix do it because they know the guys very well. That's ridiculous!  If he's telling me "it's okay because I've only been with @#$$%% providers who do it", then how many is that and what am I going to catch from them or him? I replied back to him, "My God, use your head, man (pardon the pun)."  


Mr.E.D. 2680 reads
13 / 25

you're right Ciara....just wondering how you'd handle a situation where the guy is afflicted with e.d. and can't put on a condom.

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 2426 reads
14 / 25

There's always a way if there's a will! Wink!


Emperor Palpatine 2593 reads
15 / 25

"I'm limp so I can't put on a condom so please let me fuck you without a condom?"

If he's got "ED" to the point that he can't put on a condom, how do you suppose he's going to fuck her anyway?

zinaval 7 Reviews 2468 reads
16 / 25

...why then go to one who really doesn't and try to persuade her?  First of all, it's beyond rude. It's coercive.  Second, the women who give you the best sex are the ones whose wills are totally behind every act they perform with you.  Even if a guy succeeds at badgering her into doing something reluctantly, the experience he is going to get of the act is going to be dismal.  (Unfortunately, there are guys turned on by rape, and they are a different breed.)

It's far better to win her total will in the acts she likes to perform, and arguing with her is the last thing you want to do.

On your other point, for some guys, you absolutely don't want them to think about how many cocks have been in her.  I know this because I have a particular kink that I get turned on by polygamous women.  Say that woman was offering me BB, if I then thought of how many guys she has satisfied, I might just have barged through with it.  

I've got to think that some other guys have that kink, too.    

-- Modified on 11/29/2005 10:28:32 PM

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 2554 reads
18 / 25

shaving it's feathers, I can bet your kink is shared somewhere, perhaps even by many.

Please remind me not to post when I've had insomnia for three days and have taken prescribed medication to help me sleep that is apparently not working. Thanks. LOL.

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 3161 reads
20 / 25

although I agree with both of your paragraphs, the second I had to chuckle at, because after telling the guy four times I had to tell him the "truth" -- that "I have been with many men, so you might want to think about what you're asking". Some people need a hammer over the head when all else fails, darlin', but it's a shame it needed to be said. Wink!


avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 2151 reads
21 / 25
zinaval 7 Reviews 2048 reads
22 / 25

I know you did, and I'm so glad it was effective.  If it worked, you knew better than I would have.  Too bad he ruined the session by that point... ;)

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 1606 reads
24 / 25
little phil 37 Reviews 2280 reads
25 / 25
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