TER General Board

OK, how's this for references
Gravels 10 Reviews 4692 reads

I run a small business out of my home In Southern Cal. My business is so small It's not even listed. I do have a web site but its been under construction for ages. In short, my business is just about all word of mouth.

What I do have is a good reputation in the city where I live. I do services for other local businesses including a couple of well known institutions. I would be more than willing to give a well reviewed provider the names of lots of places that do business with me and all she would have to do is call and ask about the quality of my work; i.e., a business reference.

By the way, I've seen one very well reviewed lady since I signed on to TER and was all set to lay this out for her but she never inquired. So what does that do for her credibility as a provider reference?

If you saw a well known lady, use her as a ref with her permission, and build up a "portfolio."
 I've been self employed for years and so far all the ladies I've called have been quite willing to see me provided I give names and current contact info for their collegues.

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