TER General Board

Treat different kinds of clients differently?
Hansonman 7 Reviews 2329 reads
1 / 18

SPs, regardless of everyone's different personalities, do you generally find that you treat young clients differently from older clients? Fat clients from skinny clients? Ugly clients from good-looking clients?

Have you ever met a client who was so ugly or gross that there was no way you would do anything with him? What do you do in that case?

channelguy 32 Reviews 1331 reads
3 / 18

That's why I've mentioned in my posts that "I'd hate to be reviewed by the lady's I've seen!   That would be some sad, sad reading.

If I had the time and the feeling that the site would live for a little longer than  the first post calling the hobbyist and inept little dick fast cummer, I'd build it!

TER:  If there was ever an opportunity to get the REAL view from boths sides of this fun business, just do this:  Have the hobbyist write the review as usual.  Then offer the provider an opportunity to write her opinion.  Of course it's still all anonymous and only the guilty parties would know who each person really is.  

On second thought this will never work due to the provider must lie through her beautiful teeth to keep the paying customers paying!  All us guys think we're the best thing in bed since Wilt Chamberlain and the girls will think we're just like Wilt on the basketball court....we dribbled before shooting!

But it would be fun.

As an alternative we could have the providers go to a page where we could all read their monthly horror stories.  I'm sure they have them.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 870 reads
4 / 18

When young men come in, 25-30, i have to control the session, Im a bit more controlling and my buffalo charm doesnt come out.. Its almost mechanical..

If hes over 40.. Ill about hangin loose and fancy free  !!

Ugly Men ? There are no ugly men..
Gross. Yes. I Sent one away in Cleveland last week cause he refused to shower.. ( thank god he was my last call of the night )

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 739 reads
5 / 18

He can expect honest answers
But I will rephrase..

there are no ugly men that have a fistful of green.. There.. That is more Ciara Style :)

dragonfly2006 49 Reviews 685 reads
6 / 18

That's the most honest answer a provider can give.  

I've sometimes received unenthusiastic service and I've wondered about it myself.  I don't think providers intend to let their own preferences affect their performance, but sometimes it can't be helped.  They're not robots.

From the client end, we can't always tell if she's just having a bad day, or if it's us.

One indication I get is if a provider tells me she has a "policy" of not doing certain things when all her reviews clearly say she does.

Ann Braxton See my TER Reviews 801 reads
7 / 18

Ok! Honestly. I go into my sessions with the same attitude. I want to get paid sure but I also want to get l**d! I am there for the mutual satisfaction. Whether you believe that or not it is up to you. I am a woman driven by her inner nymph. I don't see anyone under 35 because I mother my kids and don't want to mother anyone else. Honey, I don't care if you are fat, skinny, goodlooking or not I just want to have fun, get l**d and get paid.

Mr-Clean-Jeans 1323 reads
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"I Sent one away in Cleveland last week cause he refused to shower.. "

Ick! Was he afraid he would melt?
Maybe he thought he would be too 'fresh' heading home at night? Maybe there's money to be made in the hobby designing a soap that leaves a scent of not having washed all day so guys don't have to worry about probing questions for being too clean later on. It called be called "Gym socks". Better yet, just have one of your regulars leave a workout shirt with you and keep it in an airtight ziploc bag for times when you need to send a guy home smelling, well, smelly. Just take it out and rub him down at the end. LOL. No well-equiped incall should be without one!  ;-)

Tabu See my TER Reviews 1114 reads
9 / 18

However, their looks rarely have anything to do with it.

I'm naturally flirtatious, verbal and some might say mischievious. I love a little back-and-forth with a client who's similarly disposed. So I have no doubt that I give a more fun, enthusiastic and memorable session to someone who gives a little back... as opposed to the fellow who simply flops on the bed and expects to be "serviced." (And I've had several of those recently, so the impression is fresh in my mind.)

I think many hobbyists give their looks (or lack of) far too much credit in determining how a provider treats them... believe me, a fun guy who's fat, bald and whatever can come back to see me anytime... and I'll welcome him with open legs. The passive, silent, "just do me" type-- not so much.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1052 reads
10 / 18

You know how they make new car spray, so that you can keep your old clunker smelling factory new all the time?

Well, how about a spray that copies the musty, xerox-y, ozone-laden, mildewed paper, etc. smell that a typical office has?

Just spray it on after your session and tell the SO that you had a late night at the office.

You could also sell a whole of variety of scents:
jetplane, department store, warehouse, auto shop, etc.  The imagination is the limit.

I smell a fortune here.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 957 reads
11 / 18

I treat all my clients the same.  I am nice to them, polite to them, and I treat them with respect.  I am me..I act real with all my clients.

 Only if the guy is sending me a bad vibe, then it might change me a little bit..becuase maybe hes not so friendly, or hes extremely quiet..and I am thinking okay, this guy hates me. ;) But I am still going to be nice to him. I kNOW how to treat my mn goo.;)

 Age, looks, weight, race etc do not have any affect on my attitude.

 Now if a guy was really, really gross it would affect the appt.  For example if he was suffering from crotch rot(extremely rank odor down ther), then I will be staying away....but I can just offer him a shower..and it will be okay..but guys have turned down showers..guess they like flies buzzing around? ;)

sheri714 See my TER Reviews 633 reads
12 / 18
filmat11 6 Reviews 521 reads
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for nicely expressing what many men don't understand about women.  We are visual, so we assume that women are.  Even though I may not be the most outgoing guy, I always try to be "up" (enthusiastic, positive, friendly, appreciative) when seeing a provider, in addition to being "up".  I  try to show a provider, especially if I am meeting her for the first time, that I want our time together to be upbeat and fun, sexy, but not serious.  I am sure that this has resulted in better service.

I also like a little mischief and back-and-forth, as I can see you do.  Loved your blog also.  I am a bit afraid of those harnesses though...


ITgirl See my TER Reviews 2092 reads
14 / 18

It has nothing to do w body/face/age.(I won't see "young" men) For me, it hinges on lifestyle and ... finance (don't flame)

If a man is very wealthy, he is likely to have different and more well-developed interests than the average earner. So we are likely to have a different conversation and do different things together. Also, because he can easily afford it, I never even consider the time. I just flow with the romance until we are both worn out. Often, I end up staying all night or even a few days.

Whereas with a sweetheart on a budget I always have to be vigilant (without seeming to be) about our time so he doesn't stay longer than planned and feel obligated to pay me extra. That is a situation that can prove embarrassing for us both. And because he may not have the money to afford his ultimate hobbies, we may discuss "dream" interests instead of more actualized interests. Or we stick more to sports, politics, etc.

And I do dress differently, as well. I guess I assume that men with more money appreciate women who look and dress a certain way, so I try to fulfill that expectation. Working-class men are usually uncomfortable if I am too dressed up, and seem most at ease when I wear jeans and a sexy top. Personally, I wish I could live out my days in cut-off jean capri's, white tank tops and flip-flops.

-- Modified on 9/28/2007 8:45:39 PM

electech 8 Reviews 804 reads
16 / 18

Even though I may not be the most outgoing guy, I always try to be "up" (enthusiastic, positive, friendly, appreciative) when seeing a provider, in addition to being "up".  I  try to show a provider, especially if I am meeting her for the first time, that I want our time together to be upbeat and fun, sexy, but not serious.

This sounds like some good advice, too.

sexxxysam See my TER Reviews 698 reads
17 / 18

Look at their pic's and reviews more closely, dumb shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

imasensualgirl See my TER Reviews 329 reads
18 / 18

Sorry for the hijack of your'e thread here, but TABU, I love your'e website, you are to cute, and you look to be one heck of a provider.  
O.k., back to the original post.  I only treat my clients different if they are schmelly, or are a bit rude, but I don't run into either of those very often.  And the last really schmelly one, I would'nt session with him, I can't for the life of me understand how that man could not have smelled himself, coming and going?  There is no way I'm the only one that noticed? It makes us uncomfortable, and ruins our time with that client, a waste of time for all.
I love my fatty's, believe it or not, they are cuddly, and arn't afraid to laugh it seems like.  I love to have fun with a client and to laugh.  What could be better than an x-rated afternoon with a nice man, who makes me laugh also.  Not much.  And yes, Mr. Benjamin is my atf. lol, kristi

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