TER General Board

TJ-Saturday night
sextoy 395 Reviews 4881 reads

I am thinking of going to TJ tonight. Anyone interest in going

MartinLuther4514 reads

have fun!
I always do... have a taco or 6 for me!

Throbbing Member4361 reads

I kid you not. Maybe it was the summer and humidity or something.
Damn little insects woke me up at 4 am with the itching and bites.
I used mosquito spray and a special bath shampoo, but those buggers multiply like Irish Catholics in winter!
Watch out for those busty pouty-lipped light brown skinned vixens who promise you the world and give you insects!
Otherwise they are totally wonderful!

Mosquito spray?  Sounds like the wrong stuff & also closing the barn door a little late!  Got a case of those nasty little critters many, many years ago.  Two things...use that special body wash to shampoo your hair also (assuming your post wasn't in jest), & also use in in the laundry to wash EVERYTHING several times that might have come in contact with them, either directly or thrown in the hamper...then bag it & keep it separate for a month before--just to be sure there isn't any unhatched eggs (they are more prolific than Irish Catholics, winter or otherwise, or bunny rabbits for that matter)

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