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Three questions and an observation!
Oldest Fat Fart 2889 reads

When I looked at this picture I immediately came up with three questions and one observation. The three questions are.

1. Real or fake boobs?

2. What color is the lady's hair?

3. If her left boob is pointing north ... what direction is her right boob pointing?

The observation - It looks like her navel is closer to her boobs than her ... well you know.

OFF :-)

-- Modified on 3/6/2008 1:51:44 PM

answer...Those boobs gotta be real.  Either that, or the surgeon should be shot.

observation...that's a hairy bush

The other guys were confused by the trick question.  The left boob would be HER left, not the observer's left.  Being confused in the face of large naked boobs is not unusual.

If HER left boob is pointing North, her right boob is pointing east. If you look north and turn right 90 degrees you are facing east.

so to speak, threw me off.

Now, the next question is:

What direction is your dick pointing in?

DickWart67 reads

Uh... How dumb do you want to look?  

"If you look north and turn 90 degrees you are facing east."  LOL!!

I suppose it doesn't matter which DIRECTION you "turn 90 degrees?"  LOL!!

Dude, if her left boob is facing North as the question is stated, then her right boob is facing WEST!  You should've finished jerking off (like I ddddiddddddd, damn keys are stickkkkkking) before trying to solve problems like this.  Much easier to concentrate!

charlottesweetheart203 reads

Eeek...frankly, it's just an all around bad photo, imo.

Oldest Fat Fart599 reads

If you put the lady in the middle of the compass and point her left boob north. Her right boob is going to be pointing somewhere in the east to southeast direction.

OFF :-)

-- Modified on 3/6/2008 2:01:33 PM

Most likely you are oorrect, but not with 100% certainty.

DickWart157 reads

This is true enough.

However, the way you phrased it first is different.  The implication was what direction would it be pointing IN THE PICTURE THAT YOU POSTED (kudos btw, she's outstanding!)! Again, in the photo, if her left boob is pointing north then her right one is pointing WEST!  To get this, simply put an "N" on HER left nipple.  The "E" would be out of the photo on the right side.  The "W" would be on HER right nipple.  And the "S" will put down around her right hip!

You didn't say anything about picking her up and putting her in the middle of a compass.  I mean, if we're gonna pick her up and "put her" someplace, then it sure as hell is gonna be someplace like my bed, and not the middle of a compass! LOL!!

-- Modified on 3/7/2008 9:35:53 AM

Boobs are fake because even though they are Oh-My-God big, they defy gravity and the bottom of them aren't touching her ribcage at all.  Her boob are not point south, east, north, or west.  They are pointing in my direction.  And who gives a fuck what color her hair is!  just have her call me!  Soon.

Notice you can't see her shoulders at all? That is because her arms are pulled all the way back, her back is arched, with her head thrown back. Even as generously endowed as the lady is, you can still launch those babies if you lean back hard enough.

Notice also, the complete absence of scars on the underside of her tata's. Generally, even the best plastic surgeon leaves a tiny telltale line just below the areola. There is no line at all on the lady's Swiss Alps. There are clearly visible montgomery glands at the very bottom edge of her areola, which are usually gone on the underside of breasts that have been augmented. Montgomery glands are those little bumbs on a woman's nipple. When nursing, they secrete an oily substance that prevents the nipple from chapping.

Finally, notice that the breasts are not absolutelly symmetrical. One breast droops just a tiny bit lower than the other, and one is very slightly larger than the other. Natural breasts are never symmetrical, but generally a good plastic surgeon will correct any asymmetry when augmenting the gazungas.

So nope, I would bet my next month's income that God just really really liked her.

The scars were probably Photoshopped out.  It's apparent that there was retouching done because her skin is too perfect.  But the retoucher was smart enough to leave in some esthetically benign skin irregularities that don't detract from the fantasy.  Those are not Montogmery glands.  Those are goosebumps and are also visible on the skin outside the areola. And a good surgeon knows to make the breasts slightly asymmetrical to make them look believable.

And the reason her navel looks so much closer to her boobs than her bush because the picture was taken with a wide angle lens from a dramatic angle that distorts the perspective.

She's a redhead I believe. And |I think they are real.

DickWart388 reads

1) the boobs are definitely REAL!  The question that was probably implied was: are they implanted?  My studious eyes say "NO!"

2) the lady's hair is brown

3) her right boob is pointing WEST!

I suppose I can understand the confusion from all the men, it is hard (pun intended) to concentrate.  But I'm surprised and disappointed with everyone's apparent lack of direction.  The answer to #3 is one that a 3rd grader should get!

-- Modified on 3/7/2008 8:59:37 AM

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