TER General Board

This week's word-of-mouth best movie is "The Aviator", and turkey is...
Film Fan 5859 reads

"Christmas with the Kranks"

The top five, with their $K per screen numbers:

The Aviator               6.3
Sideways                  5.8
House of Flying Daggers   4.2
A Very Long Engagement    4.1
The Life Aquatic with     4.0
 Steve Zissou

Turkey:  Christmas with the Kranks
  $0.9K per screen on 1825 screens

A film has to be out for at least three weeks to make the list to ensure that it has good word-of-mouth, and not just a splashy opening.

The Turkey is the film with less than $1K/screen which is showing on the most screens.

-- Modified on 1/8/2005 10:52:52 AM

-- Modified on 1/8/2005 10:53:37 AM

WatsonAndCrick2117 reads

If we used box office numbers to judge which movies are good and which are not so good, the "The Wizard of OZ" would be a turkey.

the list of movies which have bad opening box offices, but are sleepers or become famously good movies later is very long indeed.

As is the opposite scenario.

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