TER General Board

This is a secret world &
Zak0326 33 Reviews 1111 reads
1 / 18

If your friend asked you about your journey thru this fake world what advise would you give them if they asked you to open up about it? My friend just got divorced and since I showed him the Twitter Pages of some of the girls I have seen he wants in. Like me he is in his mid thirties

I just told him I look for girls with under 40 reviews with a 8.7 or higher. I also gave him three names of providers who I think would be good to start out with.

Any pointers to share would be greatly appreciated.

FatVern 381 reads
2 / 18

You will have to figure that out for yourself. All the guys I know don't listen to advice from others. How else will they develop there so called (spidy senses) I dislike that term BTW because I'm not a spider.

doncord 42 Reviews 420 reads
4 / 18

Before getting in this hobby, he should try to develop healthy relationships out side the hobby.  that is much preferable to this hobby, this should only be used as a second alternative.  I'm a much older guy with a wife that no longer is able to be sexual because of health issues, but still provides a loving companionship

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 339 reads
6 / 18
xyz23 45 Reviews 288 reads
7 / 18
mojojo 1 Reviews 367 reads
8 / 18

The hobby is a deeply personal experience, unique to each one of our own set of desires. On one hand, he like most of us, has to pinball his way through the myriad of different experiences, some good, some bad. Nevertheless, here are some generic thoughts strictly from my perspective.

First, before he even sees a lady, have him spend some time on the boards here. Reading through posts, reviews, and ads is a good way to get a feel for the experience. Back in the day, there wasn't any such information, and the hobby was definitely hit and miss. Actually more misses than hits. So the both of you are lucky you have a wealth of knowledge available.  

Second, have him see a variety of different ladies. Some young, some middle aged (30-39), and definitely, some mature providers (40+). It'll be easier for him to find his niche. He'll also be surprised that a connection can happen with any lady, of any age.  

Third is maybe give him some sage advice on how to avoid some of the pitfalls. Like being able to recognize fake pics, fake ads, and fake reviews. How to be patient, and not think with his cock, because rushing is a good way to find trouble. That it's okay to walk away if things don't feel right. Also teach him not to give out any personal information, no matter how good the connection. You know as well as I do, sometimes these ladies, for a variety of different reasons, get a little jealous. Personal info in the hands of the wrong lady is a recipe for disaster.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 351 reads
10 / 18

Yes, get tested at least every 1/4... More often if he sees girls with over 40 reviews.  
Find condoms he likes and always have them.  
Stay away from Back Page

Posted By: Zak0326
If your friend asked you about your journey thru this fake world what advise would you give them if they asked you to open up about it? My friend just got divorced and since I showed him the Twitter Pages of some of the girls I have seen he wants in. Like me he is in his mid thirties  
 I just told him I look for girls with under 40 reviews with a 8.7 or higher. I also gave him three names of providers who I think would be good to start out with.  
 Any pointers to share would be greatly appreciated.

FatVern 358 reads
11 / 18

Perhaps the OP doesn't like a particular provider whom has 40+. Maybe he doesn't like women over 40, and didn't come right out and say it, didn't he claim to be in his mid thirties?  

I still don't know of any men who ask for advice... or ask for advice, and actually take it.

Zak0326 33 Reviews 362 reads
12 / 18

I like seeing girls new to the scene. I find people with under 40 reviews in my experiences have given better sessions than people with over. I would much rather see someone with eight or nine reviews than with someone with 150.  Everyone's different that's just my preference take it for what it's worth. Yes I've seen people with over 40 reviews I'm not looking for a provider who has over 300 reviews.

GaGambler 344 reads
13 / 18

The guy is freshly divorced, fucking hookers is a lot better outlet for him than jumping right back into another relationship.

Just because fucking hookers is your "last resort" doesn't the rest of us feel that way, I LIKE fucking hookers and I have had and still continue to have "real" relationships, it's not an either/or choice for many of us, although I don't cheat while in committed relationships, but that's my personal choice and unlike some people here, I don't expect other people to live by my moral code.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 339 reads
14 / 18

discover this world safely, it could come back to haunt you.

Several years from now he decides to re-marry. At the wedding he has one too many and slips up and tells all who are within earshot that you helped him find pussy when you needed help. Your and his gig is now up.  What does this do to your friendship, your employment, etc.?

FatVern 347 reads
15 / 18

I like to see girls who have no reviews, I've seen some that advertise on this site. That's usually a better indicator that they are serious in their attempts to deliver a positive experience. However I've found gals from other venues, who I don't believe had reviews and had good experiences

ronkini1234 2 Reviews 367 reads
16 / 18

P4p was love at first try for me even though I had a strict conservative upbringing. What made my first tastes so enjoyable was I:

- hobbied within a reasonable budget
- kept in mind that its all just a fantasy and a business relationship at the very most
- treated the provider nicely and with respect
- did my homework, browsed dozens of legit looking reviews before booking those first few appointments

To get started is quite simple, you just need the guts and money. To like p4p i think it depends on your personality the most. Company I worked for once got a hooker for a muslim coworker since he got a really big deal done for us. Due to his religious views he became very angry and left the company after that, even threatened to sue. I and the rest of the coworkers would had been very happy in his place.

escalade1964 65 Reviews 327 reads
17 / 18

RUN FORREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

harborview 10 Reviews 363 reads
18 / 18

it's best if you keep your distance.  Show him the TER newbie board & self help section...  then back off.  You sure don't want him to know all your secrets.  A former friend, etc could blow up your world with an off place remark.  No one shouold have that power over your life.

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