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Things that stop me from being a repeat customer...
500andCounting 1745 reads

First let me say that despite what follows, the session with this traveling independent was okay, I was not overly disappointed but enough things were there that I've seen too much of to ignore....

1. Heavy smokers. Not just a cig now and then but probably a heavy smoker. The kind of tobacco breath that mints and mouthwash won't cover, this odor comes from the lungs. Not appealing. One provider that I repeat with often was comfortable enough with me to light up after a session. Up until that point I was unaware she smoked.

2. Advertise yourself as natural when its obvious on personal inspection you're implanted.

3. Have web site pictures showing yourself as a mid 20's coquettish sex kitten when in reality you're north of thirty and show it.

4. Her pussy chemistry and my mouth didn't agree. Her reviewers said she tasted good but each to his own. I'm not sure what she could have done about that. An ATF of mine, now retired (sigh), did CIM and she said she could tell if the guy ate too much fast food and told him to cut it out if he wanted CIM in the future! (ouch)

5. Finally, maybe I've been spoiled, but when I started a few years ago, I always got a warm cloth cleanup and condom disposal that always was nice. Not so much anymore and certainly not in this case. For someone like her with an above average price point for my area, touches like this are nice to have.

OK, I apologize in advance but I feel compelled to post the other side of this story...

TS Jamie :-)

Reasons she doesn't want to see you again.

1.  Heavy smokers.  Not just a cig out on the porch - or in your car - but filling the hotel room until your outcall provider leaves an hour later with a headache and $40 dry cleaning bill. Or worse - smoking in her incall, without asking.

2. Tell her that you are 10 inches long when the reality is you meant 10 centimeters...

3. Send her a picture of your penis.  And you show up and it's obvious it was taken 25 years ago at college.

4. His penis chemistry and her mouth don't agree - his cum tastes like salted snot from eating too much fast food.  (ick)

5.  Finally, I and many other providers still love to spoil our men with a warm cloth cleanup and condom disposal with a smile.  And maybe even a massage after for a relaxing end to an enjoyable time.

Oh yeah, and thanks for staying overtime and the tip afterwards...  

:-)  :-)  :-)

jdriggs589 reads

Can what a man eats really be known by a good enough connoisseur of cum or did you make that up?

Well, I'm not going to tell you that you had Pepper steak with angel hair pasta with a side salad last night.....but yes, I can tell you that you eat too much salt, or that you drink alot of beer, or that you eat alot of fruit based on what your spooge tastes like.

And lay off the garlic the night before.  It seeps out of your skin, not to mention other areas of seepage.....


I used to own a well worn / dog-eared copy of:
THE MAYFLOWER MADAM by Sydney Biddle Barrows. It was the PROVIDER'S BIBLE "back in the day" :0) Sydney Biddle Barrows took the industry out of the gutter and put it into the Penthouse. All these gorgeous, cultured, well groomed ladies are following the "rules" set by Sydney for her Escort Service.

If Sydney was still a Madame in the industry today I think she'd cringe. I think the younger providers only care about the money. More mature providers actually want to take care of their clients.

Sometimes it is a lot more subtle than the above listed reasons.  I have seen a couple of providers that have excellent reviews and are very well thought of.

Although the sessions went well enough there was just something indefinable that was missing for me.  I need a connection that goes beyond the physical and sometimes that simply does not happen for no apparent reason.

Chemistry has alot to do with how the encounter feels. I find though, if I go the extra mile, there is always chemistry. Greeting with a sexy outfit on and a big kiss. Undressing you and kissing passionatly. Giving you something nice to watch while you undress! I always have warm towels to clean up with. It really is a great feeling for my man!


Yes, being a non-smoker, the smell of tobacco that can't be disguised is a NO for me.

Yes, the chemistry issue is another factor.  Sometimes you just don't click with a lady.  All of us (including the ladies) do not bring our "A" game every time.  Since I hobby once or twice a month, I don't usually have this problem.  But, I can tell if a lady isn't into it because of what may have happened earlier in the day.

Being a GFE seeker, if the lady is in the rush-rush mode, I will not see her again.  I want the overall experience, not just the slam bam thank you and out the door.  This is sometimes refered to as the cum and go.  

If I go down on her and smell latex, it pretty well over at that point.

6. She verbalizes every problem that she's ever in her life during the first visit.  We're there to get away from problems for an hour or two, not hear about more problems.  There are a few providers with whom I've become good friends, and the problem discussions are ok there, just not on the first visit or two.

and furthermore, if you enter a situation acting very picky and judgemental, it will hamper your good time.

If you did your homework, you could isolate out these undesired elements- smokers with older pics and fake breasts. Hell, that's what the reviews should reveal. I'd think if she was that much older, these reviews would state it.

As for pussy chemistry, give me a break. If you are that picky about it, tell her to douche with some nice froo froo smelling stuff.

Whatever. I read this email and thought o.k. he's bitching, but it's obvious you didn't do your homework, so whose fault is that- the unaware provider who is business as usual or the client who had unrealistic expectations?


thorough research before spending our hard-earned cash on a provider.  For example, if we like natural breasts but not dr. done, we shouldn't see a lady with enhanced breasts that are rock hard.

As for number 1- I smoke but not up 30 min to 45 in a session. Mmouthwash strong.
#2 Pics are fake...not in all. Ladies lie.. They think they know what you want.
#3 Come get me....you will neve feel that way again. I will change your life!
$4 I always take care of my guy with cleaning up; lay there and enjoy!

GOod luch and if you get to philly...look me up!

Kisses Shane and good licks..i mean luck.

pb500171 reads

Poor attitude and rushing to get it over with and not making me feel comfortable and relaxed.

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