TER General Board

There’s this thing called…
davincib1 89 Reviews 1958 reads
1 / 21

Here I am all this time thinking I just like banging hot women

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 29 reads
2 / 21

Hey he's my go to for life advice lmao

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 29 reads
3 / 21

“Projection is a psychological phenomenon where feelings directed towards the self are displaced towards other people.
Psychoanalysts regard projection as a defense mechanism of alterity concerning "inside" content mistaken to be coming from the ‘outside’”
—shamelessly copied from the internet but still true.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 28 reads
5 / 21

If 99+% of the world is gay, who is the outlier here?

anthony1976 22 Reviews 30 reads
6 / 21

Not being a psychologist, I will just say your post is probably correct, although the analysis is a bit long-winded.
My take is simpler and shorter: That guy is dumb AF, and any idiot is allowed to post any BS on social media.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 33 reads
7 / 21

You are as crazy twisted as he is

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 37 reads
8 / 21
69nFuck 10 Reviews 28 reads
9 / 21

Says the half naked attention whore male poster on twitter!

my-0.02-cents 30 reads
10 / 21

I love seeing how so many people fall for posts on social media that are trying to trigger people for interaction for a nice payday.

100ProofOfLV See Agency Profile 33 reads
11 / 21

Has 1.2 million followers.

helixir 41 Reviews 29 reads
12 / 21

I'm a gay woman in men's clothing.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 31 reads
13 / 21

He's essentially advocating for making babies. In other words if you are fucking and not producing babies, you might as well be fucking a guy in the ass.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 29 reads
14 / 21

That actually believe this.
Isn't he held up in some country for sex trafficking?

helixir 41 Reviews 26 reads
15 / 21

Guys such as him are so deeply buried in insecurity, shame and self-hatred that it's hard to take anything they say as other than the product of a deeply damaged person.
As they say "Hurt people hurt people".

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 29 reads
16 / 21

Preys on insecurity and plight of young men in order to make money himself (and he's made tons of money on the tears of such men). He instigates open misogyny and caters to traditional values.

 I'd call him a misogynist but really he's a populist "fake guru" who knows how to grift people...so I don't even know whether he believes his whole "women are inferior" schtick himself. He lives off shock value and ability to talk slick.

As any successful populist, his most impressive ability is to exploit the very people he claims he wants to protect and better. It's quite uncanny.

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 29 reads
17 / 21

:D :D :D my crazy is sarcasm wrapped around dry humor and I try to use it to make a point.  He's crazier than me though because he really believes his own bull shit.

Shooter30 22 Reviews 33 reads
19 / 21

But I do believe he and the catholic church are in agreement about the purpose of intercourse, so there's that... Does that make him religious, LOL

FlaNoName 12 reads
20 / 21

Do you see the irony here in YOUR incessant pointing out of the difference between YOU'RE & YOUR?  Did you mean to say THEY'RE which is a form of THEY ARE, or did you want to make it possessive by writing THEIR?  From your experience, perhaps you don't know that the kettle is black.   So, before you double down on stupid.....

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Well, from my experience, . . . .
There outliers AND liars.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 13 reads
21 / 21

you stalking me?  How many of your last ten posts were to ME?  Once you have established yourself as a stalker, other members here will not engage with you because they know you are inclined to stalk. Stalkers are pariahs here.  You have ruined your own reputation, not you had a good one before.  You are an alias with no reviews. That equals zero cred.  

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