TER General Board

Thanks for the honest answer Alyson
bigguy30 2924 reads
1 / 50

We just had a earlier thread on haggling and the money question always comes up from time to time on this site. So some people mention how high the rates are in major cities and we always see comments from providers or hobbyists telling those people, it's their right to charge what they want for their business.  

I agree with that too and my own personal view is, spend what your pockets can handle!

Okay so let's flip that question around and have some fun now.

How many providers, if you were the client/hobbyist yourself would pay the same rates or gifts to someone else that you charge other hobbyists?

Also what would you look for in a provider yourself, for it to be worth your own rates?

Let's see how many providers are really good at role reversal. LOL  

So this question is meant to be fun and not for people who get defensive.

cocktail-party 1178 reads
2 / 50

Most women get dick thrown at them all the time, so I imagine that they would rather spend their money on a massage therapist rather than a boy toy. The female hobbyists probably have the most insight to your questions.

Senator.Blutarsky 868 reads
3 / 50
hbyist+truth=;( 1121 reads
4 / 50

I need to clarify...am I seeing a male hooker or a female hookers?

Well I can answer if I was going to see a female hooker because I can get the guy for free.

She would have to offer the same services I do and she would have to befit and I mean figure competitor fit. I want to see a six pack. Long hair, not concerned about the color. I would gladly pay her what I ask.

bigguy30 1056 reads
5 / 50

This question is your decision and remember it's all in fun, when answering this question!

Leon3798 52 Reviews 849 reads
6 / 50
VOO-doo 821 reads
7 / 50

I'm a girl, and I can't imagine myself paying even $100 for sex. I'd never go out and by a monster truck, either.

To turn your question around, if you were a girl, would you charge $60/hour and cram in as many clients per day as possible, or would you charge $1k and be selective? Or would you price yourself somewhere in between?  

I think that sex for money is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. The inherent risks, the possibility for pain and trauma, the vulnerability. How much money makes it worth it, to have sex with someone you might not like, and who might not respect you? What value should we put on even ONE very bad appointment? There is no amount that will really 'compensate' someone adequately for that, IMO.  

I'm sure if I were a dude, I'd consider myself one of the nice ones. And hopefully, that's how the girl would think of me. I wouldn't think that the girl needed to charge one million dollars to compensate for the unpleasant experience of seeing me. But I'd be fine with whatever she charged, so long as it enabled her to run her business in such a way that she was was HAPPY, valued her clients, and ran her business with pride. That's how I feel about my hairdresser. She's more expensive than most, but she really does a superior job (I cheated on her a few times with cheaper girls....NEVER again). She seems to enjoy what she does. I don't get the feeling that she resents me the entire time I'm sitting in the chair. If she's happy, feels well-compensated, and does a great job - well, then I am happy.  

I'd never pay any amount for a service from someone who seems not to take pride in her work; who does not value her clients, whose presentation is not dignified or wholesome.  

My rates are a little bit (some would say a lot) above average...for shorter dates. Longer dates are priced very attractively. Those are pretty much squarely average for my market. So to answer your questions - that is EXACTLY what I'd pay, if I were looking for a service provider. It's exactly in line with the philosophy I described above. I'd probably actually pay a bit more, if I had the $ to do so.  

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 8:38:16 AM

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 8:42:06 AM

MrTwister 3 Reviews 1252 reads
9 / 50

Quite the sarcasm. You not-so-secretly hate men/your job, huh? Hey, at least we're dumb enough to pay for that act, right? Thankfully for your sake anyway

Senator.Blutarsky 765 reads
10 / 50

Of course, I'm willing to overlook that when they look like this...

Skinny_Minnie:-) 1044 reads
11 / 50

So no, Im not going to pay anyone else what I charge unless it's for something that I can't live without.  Ex:  rent/mortgage, medical treatment, an investment, etc

Remember, men who patronize escorts often make wayyyy more than the escort, so this isn't even really a fair question!

MrTwister 3 Reviews 1151 reads
12 / 50

It's an excuse to vent your true feelings about how you feel about guys who pay for sex and your opinion of the experience generally, from your side of it. Not so thinly veiled. Do I disagree with your assessment of how it goes down, from your viewpoint? Ha! Not at all. That see to sums it up alright.  

 Yes, you have disdain....in comparison to others, I have no clue.  

I doubt this is really your honest answer to who and what would represent your ideal date. That was the premise of his question. Really? That's yours? A super well acted script with underlying venom and disdain? As opposed to a genuine session with someone who genuinely likes you? Or are you saying that's a fantasy no money can buy? I don't think that's what he meant....but I didn't ask it...so....maybe he did.

btw...not sure how your female fantasy date starts talking about her wife during your date....but hey, it's your fantasy...since that was your honest answer. (Oh yeah, and you have a dick....the modified portion of my post...almost forgot that slipped into your honest answer of your ideal p4p sitch)

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 9:18:49 AM

DateJessicaK See my TER Reviews 907 reads
13 / 50

If I were a male client looking for a provider, I would certainly pay my rate for the girl.  But, I would book for an overnight or a multi-day appt. (It's a much better value).  She would have to be beautiful and we would have to click or get along.  She would have to have class, style, and be a lady in public.  I wouldn't want people talking, except to say what a lucky guy I was.  But, not a stick-in-the-mud, she would have to be fun and we would travel or explore together laughing it up having the time of our lives...Then BCD, once we were alone, she would have to be incredible in bed.  She would rock my world and we would have wild, untamed sex.  That would be what I would look for in a provider in my price range.
Jessica Knightly

Posted By: bigguy30
We just had a earlier thread on haggling and the money question always comes up from time to time on this site. So some people mention how high the rates are in major cities and we always see comments from providers or hobbyists telling those people, it's their right to charge what they want for their business.  
 I agree with that too and my own personal view is, spend what your pockets can handle!  
 Okay so let's flip that question around and have some fun now.  
 How many providers, if you were the client/hobbyist yourself would pay the same rates or gifts to someone else that you charge other hobbyists?  
 Also what would you look for in a provider yourself, for it to be worth your own rates?  
 Let's see how many providers are really good at role reversal. LOL  
 So this question is meant to be fun and not for people who get defensive.

bigguy30 998 reads
15 / 50

would you pay your rates to another escort man or female?
Also what would make you pay that person your rate or give them gifts?

hbyist+truth=;( 699 reads
16 / 50

So because she speaks her truth you think she hates her job and men? If I were to use that flawed thinking I would have to say 90% of the tricks on here hate women and mongering the way they bitch, so what is it..when a trick moans and pisses he has a right to his truth but if a hooker does it she is a man hater? You are one dumb fuck!

hbyist+truth=;( 1286 reads
17 / 50

Because you seem to have taken this personally. She was using sarcasm. The OP did say have fun with this...you missed the memo crabby little bitch.

fantineschild 1235 reads
19 / 50

As some have said, it's difficult since women aren't in the same position to pay for sex since 1) they've been taught to withhold it and 2) they are more likely to be frugal. However, if we had an even playing field I imagine I would pay the same rate I ask for, but then again, they're not very high rates, just reasonable enough to make an impact on my finances.

Despite not believing monogamy is a sustainable concept for a lifetime, I do tend to develop crushes and like exploring monogamy, so I would opt for someone whom I can afford to see regularly, enjoy more things besides sex, and develop a friendship. They would keep my attention by being quirky, down to earth, not high maintenance, genuinely sweet, cute, and interesting. In terms of types, I like busty, small, and more on the darker skin spectrum.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 859 reads
20 / 50

...but why do you hold guys who pay for sex in contempt at all?

From the dawn of time the female of most higher species attracts males to have sex in order to better her life.

In humans, men share their wealth to give a woman comfort and protection in exchange for nothing more than their affection.

I tend to look down my nose at the guys who make the rounds of single bars looking for free sex and usually settling for women who are either unattractive or make only a halfheated attempt to present themselves as beautiful. Those men often act like they are better off then they are, and they falsely pretend to offer the woman more than they intend to deliver in terms of love or money or good times.

Your client says, "I want to eat your pussy and fuck you. What do you want from me?" And you tell him what you want. How is that something lacking in honor? I think you should reevaluate your priorities in what you value in human interaction.

MrTwister 3 Reviews 1148 reads
22 / 50

Hey..she didn't deny she has disdain for men.  

I read her post as sarcasm, making fun of all of it. Was it tongue in cheek? Yeah...maybe..probably meant it to be I guess. But there's always a basis for that kind of sarcasm....ie someone's true feelings. And my take on it was she thinks dudes are suckers for buying, literally , the act and that it is a grind for the woman doing the acting. It seemed like it was laced with bitterness. Maybe she's just really a fun loving gal though who likes to poke fun at her job. I don't know

Dr Who revived 1032 reads
23 / 50

I trust that Marius is doing well too?

bigguy30 822 reads
24 / 50
bigguy30 830 reads
25 / 50

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 10:33:14 AM

bigguy30 834 reads
26 / 50
hbyist+truth=;( 906 reads
27 / 50

And if you ever hooked you would understand that it is NOT all fun and games and what she said can and does happen. Yeah we sometimes make light of it by being sarcastic. Other times we just get fed up due to a run of assholes. Not unlike any job where one interacts with the general public in a service industry.  

Hookers are all smiles but you have no idea what happens after the trick leaves sometimes...some ladies shiver with revulsion, some stand under a boiling hot shower and others grin and count the money. Some smile because they were treated well, like a human being. A hooker sees it all and it is not all pretty.  

Some days it is a grind and other days it is all fun and rainbows.  

For you to assume that this is like Pretty Woman every day for a hooker shows your cluelessness.

You are right that some of what she said smacks of the truth.

Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 1249 reads
28 / 50

If i were the consumer instead of the provider I would find the guy that I wanted to spend time with and pay whatever his rate was based on if I had the funds to do it.  
Everybody says that women have dicks thrown at them for free so why would they pay. But I would not be paying to have dicks thrown at me. I would be paying for the entire service of making me feel the way that I want to feel. I would want a professional who knew how to make the transaction feel beautiful and respectable. I don't want to pick up some predator in a bar. I would be buying the fantasy.  
So yes, I would pay my rate for the type of service I provide if I had enough discretionary income to justify it.

fantineschild 1135 reads
29 / 50

Ah, Marius is still out there to be found...

bigguy30 822 reads
30 / 50
MrTwister 3 Reviews 892 reads
31 / 50

Ok...help me out. Which ones?

"She'd have to be out of my league. Even if she wasn't a Victoria Secret model, she'd have to be a hell of a lot hotter than I am. Half my age too. Like, she would literally call the police if I approached her in a normal, social situation. "

This one's obvious....and I suppose generally true. Most of the woman are seriously good looking and the guys, probably , like you say, half as good looking if they're lucky. Are the guys generally older? Yup. But then you throw in the part where it's borderline pedophile..hmm. ok.

"Second, she would have to act like I was the greatest thing on earth for an hour. She would have to pretend that the sex isn't cringe worthy, and that it's actually enjoyable. (Because who are we kidding, this game of did she cum/did she not? She didn't. -SNORT-) She also has to fake at least five perfect orgasms when I ram my unlubed fingers in her asshole (because that's enjoyable). She also can't laugh when I ask her if she likes my dick."

The sex is cringe-worthy. So, correct me if I am wrong, but even if sarcastic, you are KIND of hinting that you think the sex is mostly shitty...it makes you cringe?? Wow. If that's true...well, I don't know what to say. But either your clients are shitty in the sack or you just don't like sex with men. Might not hate 'em....but aren't a fan.
"Third, she has to act interested when I drivel on about how I never get laid, how I'm stressed at work, how my wife is a bitch, ect. Like she gives a damn. But she has to pretend, and remember everything I told her during our next session."

See..it's the words you use....'drivel on". That's contemptuous. That makes me think when you are with your clients...you just want them shut up, do their thing and split. But I GUESS it could just be a funny add on to the overall theme of your joke. My bad. Probably aren't taking that from experience.  
"She needs to be an Emmy Award winning actress, and she needs to fool me well, because I'm going to go home tonight and rehash what I think happened for the world to see in a review.  "

There you go again...mocking the very thing, hell the very website you're on, that helps you sustain a living.."rehashing for the world to see". And let's not forget..you fooled him. Noted.  

What did really mean to convey? I'm all ears.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 888 reads
32 / 50

Ad men (and women) are fond of emphasizing the point that they sell the sizzle, not the steak.

Hobbying is no exception.  The overall service and the experience that one gets from the other is what is really important.  This includes above all the fantasy that gals are so able to weave for us guys.

I wonder if we guys have the ability to do likewise.  I have my doubts.

Perhaps this is the crux of the reason why guys pay for sex but gals don't have to

MrTwister 3 Reviews 1050 reads
33 / 50

I guess that's maybe why I didn't see it as funny. I imagine it to be every bit as a grind as you say it is. I guess I read it and knee-jerk reacted with the thought of....it seems like it's usually a bad experience....so why keep doing it? But that's where I am clueless. I have no basis for asking that question...with any real understanding or appreciation for the 'why'.  

Hey..thanks for your honesty

hbyist+truth=;( 1048 reads
34 / 50

The women I have been with, yeah, from the kiss to the touching...everything. I find men can be very heavy handed and too aggressive. If I want to be made love to I will pick a woman, if I want to be "handled" I will choose a guy.  

So I would see a woman provider for the erotic and sensual components, I can get grabby and aggressive any day of the week.

bigguy30 1146 reads
35 / 50
Senator.Blutarsky 1029 reads
36 / 50

both shared some profound insights that really resonated with me... Thank you.

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 881 reads
37 / 50

Sex sells and no one sells it beter than a woman. Sure a man can get paid to get laid, but look at what's buying. Every man that has told me my work was easy was shut down as soon as I broke it down for them. Saying things like "oh, I could never fuck a fat chick"... My response "I do massage, I don't screw" giving them the WTH face! The look on their face is still utter confusion.  When I danced it was the same thing, all my extremely sexy jobs (I've had many ;) )  have been bashed by men because of the income it brings yet not one man could bring himself to the idea of engaging someone they found unattractive. I'm attracted to people who treat me well, it doesn't matter what you look like. I've been this way since I was 19 and that was many years ago. It's a mindset not afforded to many men and many men realize the potential for clientele is heavily male based. So if you swing both ways you're golden, if not you must be one smooth talker and know how to finesse a woman.  

Posted By: mrfisher
Ad men (and women) are fond of emphasizing the point that they sell the sizzle, not the steak.  
 Hobbying is no exception.  The overall service and the experience that one gets from the other is what is really important.  This includes above all the fantasy that gals are so able to weave for us guys.  
 I wonder if we guys have the ability to do likewise.  I have my doubts.  
 Perhaps this is the crux of the reason why guys pay for sex but gals don't have to.  

MrTwister 3 Reviews 1100 reads
38 / 50
lopaw 29 Reviews 1124 reads
39 / 50

I don't think that we would be the right group to answer this particular question. But it definitely is a fun question for the providers out there!

Posted By: cocktail-party
........ The female hobbyists probably have the most insight to your questions.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 1068 reads
40 / 50

...the tip of course granted the service was extra awesome.  

I think of hobbying with other ladies just never "pulled the trigger".

hbyist+truth=;( 877 reads
41 / 50
hbyist+truth=;( 717 reads
42 / 50

But there is no-one that fits my physical bill that is truly into women where I am.

cocktail-party 1045 reads
43 / 50

As a female, could you make any generalizations as to how your search and play criteria may differ from the generic male hobbyist? Example (typical guy): "damn she looks hawt! I wanna stick that and cum all over her face!." You feel the same way?

cocktail-party 764 reads
44 / 50

...you can arrange a double and just neglect the client under the auspices of "putting on a show" for him.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 827 reads
45 / 50

Or lol find a reason to travel to her area.  
And like with anything else if I can't afford it right away I'll save up for it...if I want it bad enough. A lot of fly me to you's can cost a nice bit o' coin :).  
I'm very happy though that if I do decide to go for hobbying that I have no shortage of local or visiting women in my area that'd i'd do good bad things (also I don't have just one type and many seem genuinely bi).

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 4:23:22 PM

bigguy30 1106 reads
47 / 50

It just shows many of us, have a lot more in common.
When it comes to this hobby, no matter if your are the hobbyist or provider

lopaw 29 Reviews 1177 reads
49 / 50

Kinda. I definitely can relate to the ""damn she looks hawt!" part, but I think in the female equivalent in what things I'd like to do to her & have her do to me. I envision running my tongue over every inch of her body and how good she would DATY me.  
You know - standard horny lez stuff :D

hbyist+truth=;( 1008 reads
50 / 50

It is a combination of disgusting and trick = drick

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